As the night faded, white fish appeared on the horizon, and a terrible crisis had already arrived.

Mohist government office city, conference hall.

"It's not good, Master Ban, the Qin army has already assembled and is ready to attack..." A Mohist disciple rushed in to report.

"It's not good, dear leaders, a large number of organ beasts suddenly appeared on the Qin Army's side, and we couldn't resist it..." At this moment, another Mo family disciple came to report urgently.

"Is it finally started? It seems that even the overbearing organs of the public loser family have been sent to the battlefield..." Master Ban turned to look at the people beside him, and said solemnly: "Everyone, then let's start the counterattack! "

"I've been waiting impatiently! Those running dogs of Yingzheng, let me smash them with a big hammer!" The big hammer resisted a huge hammer and said loudly now: "Forge Brothers from the Ministry, let’s go! We will meet these Qin elites now..."

Because Sun Wukong’s notice in advance gave Master Ban and the others precautions, the current institution city has not been infiltrated into the forbidden area of ​​the Mo family and captured the core of the institution city.

The people at Wei Zhuang, Cang Wolf King and Yin Bat are dead, Bai Feng and Mo Crow are obviously standing on Monkey King’s side, not doing anything seriously, all the masters of the Yin Yang Family were abducted by Monkey King, now Qin Jun wants The only thing that can be done to break through the Mohist institution city is to rely on the overbearing institution skills of the public loser family!

"It seems it has already started..." Monkey King opened the door, glanced outside the organ city, and said lightly.

"Wukong, let's not help. Are you okay?" Xue Nu stood beside Monkey King, her snow-white skin under the rising sun, and she was like that goddess, beautiful and noble!

"It is not so easy to attack the organ city without breaking the core of the organ city!" Monkey King smiled lightly, waved his hand, and said lightly.Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the empty roof not far away, and said faintly: "Do you think so? Mo Ya, Bai Feng!"

Two figures, one black and one white, flashed out in an instant.

The two held their fists respectfully, and Mo Ya said, "As expected, Master Wukong! We are already very careful. Unexpectedly, once we show up, you will find out! You haven't seen you in more than ten years, your style is still there!"

"If you don't run to help Wei Zhuang capture the Mo Family Institution City, what are you doing here?" Monkey King looked at the two with a calm expression.

Mo Ya, who should have died, is still standing in front of him. This world has been changed by him!So, what will happen to the outcome of this organ city?Will it be broken by Wei Zhuang and others, or... Monkey King is looking forward to it.Although he can know it right away as long as he counts, isn't that boring?The so-called life is not about the process you go through?

"That guy in Wei Zhuang is really messed up, so we have left him..." Mo Ya waved his hand and said.

"Are you afraid that Wei Zhuang used Yunyu Qianye? Are you afraid that I will blame you?" Monkey King looked at them lightly.

"It turns out that you all know... Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you... It's ridiculous that Wei Zhuang thought that he made a perfect fit..." Bai Feng held Xiong in both hands and said lightly: "It seems that our choice is right!"

"!" Mo Ya looked at the Moon God behind Monkey King, and the shock in his eyes flashed: "I said why I haven't seen the news of Moon God! It turns out that she has been subdued by Lord Wukong! Young Master Ming, plus a moon god, Lord Wukong, your method is really admirable! Even such a woman can be subdued... But you still have to be careful! Because Ying Zheng made up his mind this time. I want to eradicate this Mo Family Institution City, the masters he dispatched are not only the Yin Yang Family..."

In the dense forest, roaring and shaking the sky, iron hoofs pierced the ears, huge organ snakes wandered in the dense forest, crushing ancient trees... They were crushed all the way, and a famous Mo family disciple lost his snake clothing...

The white tigers leaped out, roaring again and again, and fought with the big snakes...

The wind screamed, gold and iron screamed, and the mechanical beasts that only turned sharp knives moved forward, crushing the surrounding trees and rocks, and breaking the obstacles of the road...

After that, following the tens of thousands of troops, they opened their bows and arrows, and waited for it!This group of soldiers is obviously very different from the rabble group of soldiers led by Wei Zhuang in the original book. They are well-disciplined, neatly paced, high-spirited, and have no fear in their eyes. This is what is called the real lion of all wars!Because in front of them, there is their military spirit and their invincible general, Meng Tian is here!Because they are the most elite Mongolian soldiers in the empire!

With the Mohist manpower, compared with Qin Jun, it is simply too far away!The only advantage they have is geographical location...

"It's not good...Master Ban...It seems that someone has broken into the core of the Mo Family Institution City..." In a simple room, a Mo family disciple hurriedly ran to the side of Master Ban with an anxious expression.

"What are you talking about? Haven't we been prepared for a long time? No one is allowed to approach anywhere? Even if it is a disciple of the Mo family approaching, they will all be dealt with by the enemy! This kind of defense still cannot stop the mysterious and unpredictable under Wei Zhuang. Moyu Qilin?" Master Ban was shocked, pinching the disciple's shoulders, and shouting.

"No... it's not Mo Qilin, it's... it's the net organization under Ying Zheng..." The disciple said in shock: "They rushed all the way into the core area of ​​the organ city. It's really... horrible... it's nowhere to be seen. , Go without a trace, our people didn’t see their appearance at all, so they all fell down... I still fell into a mechanism and survived, so I had a chance to come and report..."

"Damn! A thousand counts! You didn't even count Yingzheng's raid organization... Do you know who is leading the raid organization this time?" Master Ban said anxiously.

"Zhao...Zhao Gao..." the famous disciple said with a look of fear.

Master Ban's expression suddenly changed: "Damn it! It turned out to be super high... I heard that this person is cruel and unpredictable, and the raid organization is in his hands. Since he has appeared, then that is to say, the raid organization. , Have all been dispatched? The situation is very bad now! This Yingzheng is really determined to eradicate our Mo family?" Master Ban hurriedly said to the Mo family disciple beside him solemnly: " You hurry up and tell Master Wukong this time, this time, you must ask him to take action, otherwise, our Mo family organ city, but it will be over..."

"Yes!" The Mo family disciple solemnly clasped his fists, and hurriedly turned around and ran to the door...

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