The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 113 Daqin is destroyed

"The winner and the loser, now that it has fallen into your hands, what can I say!" At this moment, Yingzheng still has extraordinary bearing, the aloof emperor, and it is clear at a glance.

"Oh? Have you overcome the fear in your heart?" Looking at Ying Zheng, Monkey King couldn't help but smile faintly: "Seriously, for you, an emperor, I actually appreciate it! The feat of dominating the world can be said to be passed down through the ages. …Whether your behavior is right or wrong, everyone has different opinions. It’s a pity that I don’t have to say more. Unfortunately, you are too cruel and domineering! You are also ambitious and can't tolerate anyone who threatens you at all... "

"I didn't intend to pay attention to a weak mortal like you... It's a pity that you are looking for death yourself, thinking that I threaten your status, and instead ordering you to get rid of me, it is ridiculous! Then, you are ready to die. ?"

"I admit, the widow really underestimated you! Unexpectedly, in this world, there is really a terrible existence that treats thousands of troops in nothing! But don't forget! The widow is the real son of life, but is in charge of the whole The king of the world! He is the emperor who wants to conquer everything! How can you lose to a mere martial artist?"

Ying Zheng immediately screamed, and his figure instantly took a step back. The stone slab under his feet suddenly cracked, and Ying Zheng fell directly from the exposed hole, and the stone slab closed in an instant...

And above the Monkey King’s head, there was a sudden "ch!", and on the roof, the secret grid suddenly opened, a purple rain fell, chicked, and the sky filled the sky with purple air. In an instant, it was covering the Monkey King in the purple air. Among them, the pungent smell wafted away, causing Monkey King to frown slightly. This purple gas was highly poisonous!

"Kang Dang!" With a cry, an iron cage made of fine iron fell from the sky, trapping the Monkey King three in it instantly...

"Hmm!" Shi Lan suddenly snorted, and instantly collapsed.

"!!!" Monkey King was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly hugged Shi Lan, watching her complexion filled with purple air, her breathing became extremely weak in a moment, and it turned out that Shi Lan was just a moment away. Very poisonous, dying frequently!This poison is so terrible!

"Shine Heart Purple...One of the most toxic poisons in this world..." The goddess said softly, looking at Shi Lan's appearance, her face still calm.In her opinion, there is nothing to worry about at all, even if it is Shi Lan's body, she can instantly bring him back to life.

"Monkey King, how do you feel about this gift specially prepared for you by the widow?" Above the stone wall, the mechanism suddenly turned, revealing a crystal clear crystal wall, blocking all the poisonous fog in the hall.And Ying Zheng, through the crystal, looked at the Monkey King in the iron cage, with a calm face and a calm face, as if everything was under control.

And behind Ying Zheng stood several important officials and famous generals of Qin Dynasty.One of the white-bearded elders said in a loud voice: "Those purple qi, but the most terrifying poison in the world, instant purple, even if your martial arts are high, as long as you smell a little bit, or come into contact with one Just a little bit, you will lose all your skills in an instant, and the poison gas will attack your heart. Even if your skills are deep, you can only hold on for one or two hours at most... and the iron cage that traps you is made of a meteorite from the sky. Invincible, no matter how high your martial arts is, it is difficult to fly with your wings..."

"I wanted to spare your life, but I didn't expect that you were so anxious to die..." Monkey King poured a ball of fluorescence in his hands on Shi Lan's body, slowly got up, and handed Shi Lan to the goddess with a face. The indifferent Chao Yingzheng and others looked over...

"He... is not poisoned?!!!" Seeing Monkey Wukong with his usual complexion, Ying Zheng and the others changed their expressions, and they were terrified!Looking at Sun Wukong’s extremely indifferent eyes, their hearts suddenly beat violently, and there was a touch of extreme anxiety, making them cold all over, as if they were dead, and they were already approaching...


There was a clear sword chant, and the cold light flickered, the so-called invincible cage was split into two in an instant, the sleeves flicked lightly, and the purple air instantly disappeared...

Monkey King walked towards the crystal wall step by step, but it made Ying Zheng and the others retreat step by step with fear... In their hearts, they finally realized that the person in front of them was completely irritated by them...

At this moment, they have just clearly understood that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks will do nothing...

"Protect Your Majesty!!"

With a hurried pace, a large number of Qin soldiers swarmed into the hall. All of them looked resolute and determined. For the comfort of the emperor, they were ready for death. They were not afraid of death, and they had nothing. fear!

He squeezed the spear tightly in his hand, and stabs Sun Wukong resolutely...For their Emperor, even if it is dead, they have to fight for even a little bit of time to escape...

Unfortunately, facing Monkey King, they didn't even have a little time!

With a light wave of the magic sword in his hand, the terrifying sword aura flashed in an instant. The Qin soldiers were forbidden to move in an instant, and there was no blood flowing out, but their signs of life were gone, and they fell to the ground in a moment...

In the past, Sun Wukong did not start killing at the request of the goddess, but only stunned the Qin Jun with his aura... But now, Ying Zheng actually used poison to hurt Shi Lan, touching the limit that Sun Wukong cared most. , He was already angry and murderous, even if it was a goddess, don’t even want to stop...

And the goddess knew this too, sighed slightly, shook her head, and did not step forward to stop...

Sun Wukong's figure flashed, and in an instant, he was flying above the entire palace, looking at the majestic and glorious palace below, his face was indifferent: "From this moment, the Great Qin Empire is over..."

A small qigong bomb slowly condensed and formed in his hand...

The goddess took Shi Lan, who had been sober, and appeared beside Monkey King.She couldn't bear it: "You...really want to do this?" As for Shi Lan, following along, she was already shocked and didn't know how to speak...

"You can stop me!" Monkey King turned his head to look at the goddess, and said lightly.

Looking at Sun Wukong's indifferent eyes, the goddess's heart beat inexplicably, it seemed that something important was about to leave her.This made the face of the goddess pale in an instant!That feeling made her feel scared...

"If you want to do it... as you do..." Thousands of common people and Monkey King, the goddess chose the latter...

Looking at the goddess, a smile of satisfaction hung on the corner of Monkey King's mouth, his left hand lightly grasped the goddess's warm and soft hand, but the light bullet on his right hand slipped from his palm...


A earth-shattering sound created a myth and legend...

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