After strolling around the street for an afternoon, all the things that should be bought were all bought. Monkey King took Qiujin and Jiuno's hands and returned to Izumozhuang...

Soon, the entire sky was obscured by dark clouds and darkened, occasionally lightning flashed by, and for a moment, thunder was rolling, and heavy rain poured...

Qiujin and Jiuneng are happily cleaning the room in the room. Here, it will be their temporary home in the future...

But Monkey King came to the corridor, looking at the dark clouded sky, frowning slightly, in his perception, there are many unemerged wagtails suffering from this torrential rain...

"You clean up the room yourself! I'll go out for a walk..." Monkey King turned around and greeted the two girls in the room.

"Master... It's raining outside now... Is there anything you want to do when you go out? Just leave it to me..." Qiu Jin came to Monkey King's side and said softly.

"No, I just need to go out by myself. Before I come back, you two have to tidy up the room for me!" Monkey King smiled faintly, hugged Qiu Jin's gentle figure, and lowered his head on her forehead. Click it.In Hou Ze's eyes, a happy and intoxicated expression suddenly appeared.

"I want to..." Jiu Neng watched, immediately muttered this little zui, and plunged into Monkey King's arms... Monkey King smiled faintly and kissed her on the cheek too...

"Izumoso's rules... don't make friends in public..."

Behind him, Asama Miya's kind and gentle voice suddenly sounded...

Akatsu and Jiuneng turned their heads and looked around, but under Asama Miya’s gentle smile, they saw a terrifying phantom face, which made people look at it, and couldn’t help but feel cold...

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." The timid Jiu Neng was immediately frightened and bowed and apologized.Rao is Qiu Jin, who has three attributes, and his complexion seems a little unnatural.

"But! This is people's private business...what do you care about so much..." Monkey King pouted and looked at Miya Asama. At the same time, he whispered, "Is it because you miss a man? Can't you see other people's affection?"

"What are you talking about... can you speak louder? I can't hear..." Asama Miya looked at Monkey King with a gentle smile, and the phantom face behind him appeared again, exuding a deep chill, which made people fearful.

Monkey King suddenly stepped forward, and under Miya Asama's horrified gaze, he hugged her into her arms, stretched out her right hand, flicked her index finger, and made a'pop', the prajna ghost face was under Monkey's finger for an instant. Will, crack and open, disappear and disappear...

"I have something to do, just go one step...bye..." Monkey King lowered his head under Miya Asama's startled gaze, tapped on her forehead, then turned around and sank into the rain...

Miya Asama's delicate hand stroked the forehead that still had a hint of warmth, watching the figure disappearing into the rain, the expression on her face became more gentle: " looks like this wagtail There are interesting people joining in the project..."

The rain curtain poured down, and Monkey King walked on the street. The water mist was hazy in front of him, and the heavy rain that fell on Monkey King, however, circumvented voluntarily without staining the corners of his clothes.

But in order not to be too eye-catching, Monkey King took out an umbrella to cover the rain curtain of the sky.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, there is no meaning to stop...

On the street, there are fewer and fewer people, and finally only a car can be seen occasionally passing by the side of the road...

Two almost identical imperial sisters hugged each other under one roof, served the same, and they were both in the sexy SM-like costumes.The only difference between the two women is that one xiong is bulging and can be called a giant ru, and the other is mediocre, but it is much better than that of the airport...

It's just the appearance of the two women at the moment, but they are so pitiful, like two homeless sisters, who seem to be waiting for their master to pick them home...

Sun Wukong was holding an umbrella and slowly walked towards the two women under the rain curtain... and in his hands, I don’t know when, there were already two bowls of hot beef noodles...

"Xiao Guang...someone came here..." The little Yu Jie of Xiong Department touched the giant Ru Yu Jie next to her, and whispered.

"Don't talk... See what he wants to do. If we want to do anything rude to us, we will electrocute him... Huh? He is... Wei Ya?" Ju Ruyu replied in a low voice.

"Wagtail... Looking at you, it seems homeless... Haven't found your reed bud?" When he came to the two girls, Monkey King laughed softly.With the pitiful appearance of the two women, Monkey King had a strong desire for protection at the first glance.

"You are Weiya... where is your wagtail?" The two girls looked at Monkey King, secretly looking around, with a look of alertness.But when he saw the beef noodles in Monkey King's hands, a strong desire appeared in his eyes.The stomachs of the two women were also out-of-date, and they screamed, and the shameful faces of the two women were flushed...

"Don't worry, I won't force you to feather...I just think you two are very poor, so I just come and have a look..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and handed the two bowls of beef noodles to the two women, softly said : "Eat! It's still hot!"

"Huh? Give it to us? Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you!..."

The two imperial sisters suddenly looked happy, got up to take the beef noodles, and bowed and thanked Monkey King...

Looking at the two daughters who were eating noodles in front of them, Monkey King reluctantly shook his head: "Why did I meet such poor wagtails?..."

But for a moment, the two women ate two large bowls of beef noodles cleanly.Immediately he got up and bowed again to Monkey King with great gratitude and said: "Thank you so much...I am light..."

"I'm ringing..."

"Thank you very much for your hospitality..."

PS: The current time point is: The wagtail project has just started, and there are still many wagtails that have not been feathered. For example, the crow feathers are also now... The two sisters of Guangxiang have not been feathered by Seto Ka. Maybe there are some differences in time from the original work, so please take a look at it!After all, there is too little information about the emergence of other wagtails.For most wagtails, I can only do this!Just like Kikaru, I personally think that it would be a waste to hand over to Seto Ka's scumbag.

"Light... ringing... my name is Monkey King... if you don't have a place to go..."

Before Sun Wukong finished his words, he saw a luxury car parked beside them, and the door slowly opened, revealing a second generation of Xiaozheng too rich: "It’s really good luck today. Even on the side of the road, I met two wagtails that have not been feathered..."

"Miko Kami Hayato... I heard that he used the characteristics of reed teeth to force other wagtails to feather everywhere. He is a very annoying guy..." Seeing Xiao Zhengta in the car, both the light and the brows were slightly frowned, and his expression became alert. When they got up, before they knew it, they were already hiding behind Monkey King, subconsciously, they thought that Monkey King would protect them...

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