The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 11 Monkey King vs Miya Asama

Meiza Asama's aura gradually calmed down, holding the sword in both hands, standing still, like a calm lake, but with the wooden sword in his hand, the sword aura gradually brewed and became more fierce...

"Mr. Wukong, I must be serious! You have to be careful!!" Asama Miya yelled, her figure flashed, and in a flash, she approached the Sun Wukong with the wooden sword in her hand without warning. Stab...

It’s just that this lightning fast sword, in the eyes of others, may be difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but in the eyes of Monkey King, it is as slow as a tortoise crawling, black light flashes in his hand, and a dark ancient sword is in his hand. The ancient sword is only Just picking it at random is to make Asama's attack deviate from the path, slashing with a sword on the stone next to him, and instantly, splitting into two...

Miya Asama was stunned at the moment. She did not expect that her deliberate sword would be so easily taken over by Monkey King. She became more and more excited at the moment. She was worried that if she tried her best, she might hurt Monkey King. Now it seems that her worries are superfluous, so she can use the means without scruples...

Miya Asama gave a soft sigh, and the wooden sword in his hand faintly radiated light, like a killing sword, swinging the strongest blow, the invisible sword aura slashed out, exuding a terrifying edge, and it was heading towards Monkey King...

The sword qi is invisible and invisible, only an invisible wave can be seen slashing out through the air... Once, she used this technique, a sword, to easily cut the aircraft and tanks in a few paragraphs, with incredible power...

Monkey King was holding a sword in his hand, smiling at the invisible sword energy that came from slashing, and the ancient sword in his hand swung forward slightly, and the sword energy from the slashing burst instantly...

Meiza Asama frowned slightly, and Monkey King's indifferent posture from the beginning to the end gave her a lot of pressure. At the same time, she was extremely dissatisfied. As the No.1 wagtail, she also has her own pride and bends. In front of him, the wooden sword in his hand slashed out a continuous attack, turned into a dazzling sword rain, and slashed towards Monkey King...

However, Monkey King still stood still, calm and waveless, like the vast ocean, which made people trance, as if he saw every ups and downs, fluctuations, and waves of the sea.No matter how turbulent your attacks are, I still stand still.

The ancient sword in his hand is commanded like an arm, and with a light swing, he can always resist the first time Miya Asama's rushing starry sword rain that skips the void...

Meiza Asama's eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper, and Monkey's random stance is clearly full of flaws. As long as she wants, she can pierce 70 or 80 blood holes in Monkey's body at any time, but when she puts it into action At that time, it was horrified to discover that no matter how she attacked, the seemingly flawed posture was unexpectedly defended by Monkey King with a sword in his hand. Even if she shot quickly, he was still understated by Monkey King with a light wave. Just resist...

For the first time, someone gave her a feeling of powerlessness. Sun Wukong’s incredible swordsmanship made Asama Miya sincerely admire...

It's just easy to admit defeat. It's not Miya Asama's character. Now that she has truly understood the horror of Monkey King, she finally let go of her hands and feet and burst out with the power that the wagtail should have...

The sharp sword intent erupted from Miya Asama's body, causing the surrounding courtyards to suddenly be blown by the strong wind and the swaying trees...

"You are really strong... It seems that I can only fight with you by liberating my strength!" Meiya Asama looked at Monkey King in the storm, her skirt fluttering, like a heroic female god of war, Amazing breath!

The storm gradually subsided, and finally calmed down, and Miya Asama at this moment was no different from before.

"You actually showed your true power..." Looking at Miya Asama in the field, Bon looked shocked: "Obviously he is a human... It turned out that Miya used real power... How is this possible..."

"The landlord's sister turned out to be a wagtail... It's really strong! What kind of strength is this wagtail?" Looking at Miya Asama in the field for a long time, her eyes widened.

"Miya Asama of NO.1, the captain of the first generation punishment unit...the first time I found out of 108 feathers, it was an adult wagtail..." Qiu Jin said lightly from the side.

"It turned out to be the rumored wagtail..." Guangxiang and other women were surprised.

"But the master is able to compete with the rumored No.1... it's really amazing!" Looking at the scene, facing the terrible Sun Wukong of Meiya Asama, the Sun Wukong still looks calm, very excited. .

"Oh? The intensity of this energy has reached at least a few hundred points... Hehe, it's worthy of the No. 1 wagtail! It is indeed a bit of strength..." Monkey King looked at Meiza Asama in surprise, smiling.

"Mr. Goku, I am liberating my strength, but it is very dangerous! You have to be careful!" Asama Meiya looked at Monkey King with a serious tone, and his breath was like the tranquility before a mountain torrent.

"Please do it at will, you don't have to keep your hands, you, you can't hurt me!" Monkey King nodded, his tone calm.

"Then I'm not welcome!" Asama Miya immediately snorted, and the light all over her body shone, and her vigor swelled, forming a violent wind, accompanied by her figure flashing, and she was rushing towards Monkey King...

The wooden sword in his hand shone with light, erupted with terrifying sword energy, and quickly slashed down in the void. The sword energy was condensed, shining brightly, and entrained with mighty aura, a sword slashed towards Monkey King...

"En?" Monkey King was slightly surprised. The power of this sword was truly incredible, but he still just lightly flicked the long sword in front of him indifferently to resist that force. A mighty sword...


When the wooden sword and the ancient sword intersected, there was a terrible roar...

Regardless of the sword in Monkey King's hand, it is like a peerless magic weapon. In fact, it is only created by him with the power of wood at will. The sword in his hand is actually a wooden sword!An ordinary wooden sword, the same material as the wooden sword in Mei Zai's hand.

When the two wooden swords intersect, they are so powerful, which shows their extraordinary power...

"Kaka~~~" In an instant, the ground on which Monkey King was standing, cracked and opened in layers, forming a huge crater... Energetic rushed out of the two of them, shaking. Qiujin and others on the side almost stood unstable!

Fortunately, the enchantment was set up by Monkey King here, and the terrible power did not spread out, just in this courtyard, it disappeared...

With a cry, Miya Asama's waist twisted, her posture was incomparably graceful and graceful, she twisted in the void, and the wooden sword in her hand slashed down at Monkey King again, bringing a terrible whirlwind, whining loudly.


Monkey King cut down with a sword, the flow tube flashed away, the wooden sword broke, and in a flash, the ancient sword stopped one centimeter from Asama's beautiful neck...

Qiujin and the other women were in a daze, and the fighting was too fierce. Before they could recover, it was over...

[Because the fart is bruised, I have applied a'patch', it is not suitable to sit for a long time, so I can only code one chapter today, I will use my mobile phone to multi-code words on the chuang at night, I hope to have more chapters then Right!..

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