The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 17 Qiujin vs Crow Feather

The silver light flickered, the crow feather's eyes were cold, and the breath was terrifying. In an instant, it turned into a beast for killing. The murderous horror atmosphere, just as long as the opponent perceives it, it will give rise to a retreat. .

It's a pity that Yayu faced Qiu Jin, and in front of this Sanwu Yujie, there was no fear at all.Feeling the terrifying violent breath of Crow Feather, Qiu Jin still looks calm, without any fluctuations, her hands are dancing, and the chill is pressing. The frost condenses in the air and turns into rain-like ice thorns, shooting towards Crow Feather...


Crow feathers slashed out with a sword, and ice thorns shattered, and the body flickered, and they shuttled between the ice thorns at an extremely fast speed. The sound of ice thorns shattered constantly, blowing up the broken ice, which was dazzling under the refraction of the sun. And it is full of endless life crisis.

"It's really interesting..." The sharp blade in Crow Yu's hand turned into a cold light, dancing non-stop, slashing on countless ice thorns, and the ice splashed.She was surprised that a product like Qiujin could almost kill easily in the past, but after eclosion, she was even as good as herself, and it was difficult to get close: "After eclosion, can her strength really increase so much?"

The battle between the two has always been on offense and defense. When you enter, I will retreat. Qiujin always keeps a certain distance from Crow Yu. No one can do anything...

"It's a pity... it's too far..." Seems to be enough, Yayu suddenly shook his head in disdain, and the speed suddenly increased, and the sharp sword in his hand chopped down, a white light was vertical and horizontal, bringing a gust of wind to the ground. All the rocks on the top were rolled up, flying in the dust and sand, crushing all the ice thorns from the front!With a clanging sound, the ice and gravel flew in all directions under the huge shock wave, and turned back, actually reflecting towards Qiujin...

"Oh! This crow feather is really amazing! Can he show such strength without being feathered?" Monkey King was slightly surprised as he watched the battle in the field.

A boundless sword qi slashed towards Qiujin, killing and cutting the qi to the sky, entraining countless broken stones through the air, the power is amazing!

Qiujin's whole body was surging with cold air, and in front of him, a cold and biting ice wall was formed to block it. The broken stone ice that penetrated through the air collided on the ice wall, and then exploded and turned into dust.

After that, the boundless sword spirit slashed straight out, with great power...

"Kacha~~" There was a crisp sound, the vast sword energy fell, and the earth was burst into pieces and was cut open, and a deep gully appeared, which was extremely frightening.

It just slashed on the ice wall, just blasted the broken ice, leaving behind a sword mark that was neither deep nor shallow, and it was impossible to penetrate any inch. The sword light burst and split in an instant, turning into a vast spot of light, dissipating in air…

"Sure enough... so strong!!" Crow Yu was excited, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty madness, as if a wild beast saw his prey and was excited.The body flickers, in a flash, so close...

"It's a of the ice attribute...Once you are approached, only death is waiting for you..." Crow Yu smiled triumphantly, and the sharp sword in his hand rushed toward Qiujin's heart mercilessly, cruel and decisive. , Without the slightest pity and hesitation.

At this moment, Qiu Jin was still calm, his eyes were not waved, the cold air in his hands surged, condensed into ice, and he greeted the sharp sword that pierced. There was a crisp "ding~~", and metal exchange broke out between the two. There was a slamming sound, and the broken ice splashed. Qiujin actually blocked Crowyu's sword with his bare hands. On top of his slender hand, the ice was wrapped around, and he was not hurt by the sword...

"Why..." Ya Yu was a little unbelievable, his sword was so easily blocked by the opponent, even if he was feathered, his strength could not be improved so much?However, after the surprise, Yayu became more and more excited: "Sure enough... interesting! You are as the president said... an anomaly! Such strength is more interesting!"

"Fresh and powerful blood, I like it more and more!!" Ya Yu yelled, his eyes were cold and excited, almost completely filled with the terrible killing, he jumped up, his posture was There was a sharp turn in the air, and the sharp sword in his hand turned into a cold light, and he slashed towards Qiujin at an astonishing speed...

Raven Feather is not only amazing in speed, but also extremely high in swordsmanship, so he is absolutely strong, slashing towards Qiujin with the most fierce and domineering killing moves...

At this moment, Qiu Jin's complexion finally changed, and his figure flashed, it was actually ten meters away...

And the sharp sword that the crow feather slashed out was as if it could split the sky, its power was astonishing, just for a moment, the tall building behind Qiujin stood before was cut into two, and collapsed in the rumbling sound. And down...

The terrible sword spirit is that even airplanes and tanks can be chopped, not to mention a small house...

Suddenly, there were endless exclamations and screams, the collapsed house, I don’t know how many people were killed...

For a time, countless people rushed to this side, it seems human nature to like to join in the fun... And a fighter jet from MBI's base, the first time it galloped over here, blocking all entrances and exits in this area. , And in the first time, began to evacuate the crowd...

"Oh! This is not a small movement!" Monkey King looked up at the sky, looked at the dozens of fighters, and smiled carelessly.Immediately he looked at Yayu and smiled faintly: "By the way, aren't you the captain of MBI's punishment unit? Isn't it really okay to kill others for no reason? Moreover, the house was cut down with a sword. This is not against you. Is there any secret of MBI?"

"Huh! What does that kind of boring thing do to me! And there is too much garbage like humans, why don't you die more?" Ya Yu's face was disdainful, and his expression of indifference seemed to be dead in her hands. Not people, but dispensable garbage.

"Haha~~This character...I like..." Monkey King smiled faintly, waved his hand, Qiu Jin stepped back clearly and retreated behind him.

However, Monkey King walked towards Yayu step by step, and smiled lightly: "Well, do you want to be my wagtail and fight for me?"

"If you want to be my master...then you have to see if you have the qualifications..." Yayu's face was cold, his murderous aura spread out, his figure flashed, and the sword in his hand turned into a cold light. Monkey King slashed away...

"It's not a wise choice to use the sword at me..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and lightly squeezed the sharp sword that was swiped in his hand. No matter how hard he was, the sword in his hand still remained motionless, and his heart was instantly underwhelmed. , Could not help being shocked: "So strong!! Is he... really a human?"

"It seems that you are still in conflict, so I won't forcibly evolve on you...but..." Monkey King said, lowered his head slightly, and under Yayu's pupils tightened, lightly nodded her forehead: "This belongs to My seal, you in the future, can only belong to me...I look forward to the day when you want to become my wagtail..."..

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