"Weiya or something... I don't need it... Rather than being possessed by that kind of person... I might as well kill him ahead of time..." Yue Hai blushed slightly, her tone was a bit twisted, just saying that later, that fierce murderous aura It's really real.

"I wanted to see what happened here... Since you are okay, you have been feathered again, and you are not free today, I won't pay you for hitting..." Yuehai said, turning around and jumping several times, It was jumping towards a tall building next to him...

"You have always been looking for me to fight... well..." Looking at Yuehai's departure, Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Huh? Why did you come to me? Did you find me? Shouldn't it!" Monkey King looked at the moon sea leaping from below, somewhat surprised.

Tap the edge of the window lightly under your feet, and Yuehai's posture is like an arrow from the string, rushing up into the sky. This way of leaving is not only cool, but also gives people a very refreshing gan...

Monkey King saw a beautiful shadow in front of his eyes, leaning against him in Qiu Jin's arms. He raised his head slightly, and he saw that between the slightly fluttering skirts, there were white big legs and the temptation. Inside…

"I'm going to... to see a play, and there are benefits!" Monkey King once again enjoyed an instant experience...

"Get in the way, get out of the way!!" Yuehai, who landed in the air, yelled out sweetly, but his body went straight down towards Monkey King...

It's just that Monkey King won't listen to her at this moment. Such a rare instant experience, the fool will let go... It also prevents Qiu Jin, Tian Nu and Jiuneng from taking action...

"Papa!" With a sound, Yuehai stepped on the ground, her long white legs crossed Monkey King's waist, hands on his hips, looking at Monkey King condescendingly, and shouted: "You guy...you said it was in the way...you want to be trampled to death. …"


Before the Yuehai dialect was finished, the whole Jiaoqu was trembling, a tremor from the soul. The trembling caused her pupils to shrink instantly, and the violent heartbeat made her brain almost blank...

"Why...what's the matter? This fear...no...this kind of throbbing from the soul...this kind of heat from the soul...why...what's wrong with me...what is the reaction in my body?..." , Yuehai was a little panicked and extremely shy. This feeling was as if she was standing naked in front of Monkey King, as if everything about herself was exposed in front of him.

"!!! Difficult... Could it be that... this man is mine...?!" Yue Hai was shocked and looked at Monkey King with shock.

But for a moment, Yuehai's entire face turned black. In his anger, Monkey King clearly felt the strong killing intent from Yuehai's body: "Haha~haha~ I have been looking for you for a long time...finally found You..." Yuehai smiled, leaped back and opened a lot of distance from Monkey King.

"Hey! What do you want to do?" The dangerous breath emanating from Yuehai made Sun Wukong a little helpless.This girl is a bit extreme, a little different from other wagtails. Other wagtails found their own reed buds to form a contract, but she was to kill their own reed buds.Because a wagtail like the sea of ​​arrogance does not allow its pure body to be polluted by humans like garbage...

"The wicked person who I met here will send you to Huangquan before my body is defiled..." Yuehai's face was flushed red, and she pointed at Monkey King and said softly.The water drops all over the body, under the refraction of the sun, slowly radiating...

"Enlightenment! Human!" The angry Yuehai approached Monkey King.

"Huh? Don't hurt my master!" Although Jiuneng was afraid, he still bravely stood in front of Monkey King.However, the girl of Tian hung on Monkey King's back without any sense of tension.

"Is it an enemy?" Qiu Jin's expressionless face, slowly got up and stood in front of Monkey King. The whole body was chilly. She was angry. Anyone who dared to hurt Monkey King should die!

"Hmm? Wagtail? The wagtail pattern on the forehead... You are the abandoned wagtail..." Yuehai looked at Qiu Jin, a little surprised, and immediately an inexplicable anger rose in his heart: "Damn...it turns out. You already have two wagtails...such men are too filthy. filthy, obliterate...must be obliterated..."

With a sharp drink, the turbulent water waves swept towards Monkey King like a breaking wave...

"Water Wagtail?" Qiujin glanced at Yuehai faintly, waved his slender hand, the cold air surged, turned into white mist, and headed towards the sweeping waves...

"Kaka!!" The sound was endless, and the turbulent waves were instantly frozen into ice.

"How...how..." Yuehai's eyes widened in shock. She is a water wagtail, and Qiujin is an ice wagtail. The coldness of the ice has been restrained from the water. After Qiujin was feathered by Monkey King, The strength has soared, and Yuehai, whose attributes have been defeated, has no chance of winning at all...

"Hey... it seems to be hitting again..." Sahashi Yukari looked up at the roof, the ice that covered the sky shone brightly under the sun.

"Yuehai..." Yan's brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked at Minato Sahashi beside him, and said, "Master, Yuehai is my friend, I want to go and see..." She is Minami Sahashi The human wagtail must obtain the consent of its own Wei Ya.

"Master...Master?!" Sahashi stared at Homura, his eyes widened.

"En! This matter is very complicated, I will explain it to you when I have time..." Yan said.

"...Although I don't know what happened...but if you want to go there, go and see!" Sahashi nodded very understandingly.

"Let’s take a look! It seems very exciting..." Sahashi Yukari took Shiina’s hand and ran up the building...

"Damn... it's obviously an abandoned wagtail... how can it be so strong..." Yuehai looked at Qiujin, her brows frowned, her face solemn: "If she hinders, I want to kill this silly human But it’s a bit difficult..."

"Hey! Remind you...Be careful..." Suddenly, there was another discordant voice on the roof not far away.He holds the sword pillar in both hands, pulls out the blade slightly in one hand, his face is solemn, sharp and violent.

NO.05-Mutsu, debut again.

And behind him, is his reed bud: Miko Kami Hayato.

At this moment, Goko Kami Hayato looked at Moon Sea with extreme longing, but the look at Monkey King was full of hostility and anger: "Huh! Last time you let me lose a wagtail that I just got, now Take this wagtail as compensation! Hey~~ Do it! Mutsu! Take that wagtail back to me..."

"Oh! I really can't do anything with you... Everyone here is not easy... This kind of errand is not easy..." Mu Ao sighed slightly, but Wei Ya had spoken, and he could only go. The breath is getting stronger and stronger.

"This guy...not easy..." After hearing the breath, the complexion of Moon Sea became extremely solemn...

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