The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter Thirty This is a game

Seeing dozens of wagtails attacking Monkey King at the same time, Qiu Jin and other women would naturally not stand idly by. Yuehai snorted coldly, waved his slender hand, and a vast ocean shook a big wave, rushing forward, surging.Only at this moment, it was agitated on the bodies of several wagtails, and then flew out. The mountains and rocks also rushed to the sky.

This kind of scene is extremely astonishing, as if the stormy waves hit the shore, the crowd was rushed into the sky, screaming, fell to the ground, and suddenly wailed...

Song even held an extremely exaggerated cannon barrel in his hand, blasting indiscriminately at the crowd. Seeing her smiling straight, excited and pretty face flushed, it seemed that she enjoyed the fast blasting. gan...

And Qiu Jin’s attack was even simpler. With a wave of his slender hand, the cold air surged, and wherever he passed, it instantly condensed into ice. Whether it was a reed bud or a wagtail, it was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture. Under the sunlight, it shines brightly.

And the white streamer in the woman's hand is even more like a sharp blade, shuttled between the crowd, hurting...

However, among the women, the craziest one is Miyu. I saw that she was holding a whip in her hand, like a queen, making a fierce'crackling', whether you are a wagtail or a reed bud, see It’s not wrong to recruit. First, it’s time, wailing and cursing, every whip, whipping on a person, it’s just skin and flesh, it’s so painful...

"Haha! It's so cool! It's so cool! Coming! Coming!" Mi Yu looked crazy, and the whip in his hand never stopped...

As for the two girls, their hands crackled. Every time they waved, a group of thunder fell from the sky. Accompanied by the screams, there were several wagtails or reed buds that were scorched by electricity and fell straight down...

"Too...too amazing..."

The reed buds and wagtails all around were shocked, this kind of side-to-side scene made them feel a little bit cold.The strength shown by Qiujin and other women is really too powerful and terrifying. When they meet each other, they bring down a group of them. How can they fight with such a gap?Suddenly, all their ferocious faces disappeared, and they were replaced by endless fear and fear...

But jealousy returns to jealousy, terrible to terrible, everyone has his own pride and dignity, those reed buds do not allow their own failure, nor allow their own wagtail to leave themselves in this way, so everyone They all started to hate. Wen lived on his wagtail and released their true power. For a while, the prayers reciting the vows flashed again and again, and the dazzling white light could hardly open their eyes...

Each wagtail spread its feathers of light, and in an instant, the breath here was amazing, and different styles of weapons flashed out of their hands...

The dazzling white light makes this place cast a different kind of beauty...

"There is also that bastard wagtail over the past...kill her..."

"I recognize her... She is the No. 95 Jiuneng... Known as'Incompetence', she is the most rubbish wagtail in the wagtail..."

Finally, a wagtail discovered Jiuneng hiding behind the crowd. Yuehai and the other women who entered the crowd were too vigorous. Therefore, those wagtails who were bullying and fearing hardship aimed at Jiuneng. The so-called persimmon is looking for softness. This is the truth...

"You...what do you want to do? I...I don't fight..." Jiu Neng looked at the wagtails approaching him, shivering with fright, his expression scared...

"Master... come and save me! I'm going to be bullied..."

Jiuneng’s cowardly and helpless cry for help made the wagtails even more excited...

"Haha! What a useless wagtail! To blame, blame your Wei Ya for being too arrogant, go to hell! Rubbish..."


A beautiful figure suddenly flashed in front of Jiuneng, kicking a wagtail, looking at the three wagtails in front of him, very angry: "You are really too much, bullying a person who has no backhand..."

"It's the wagtail that hasn't been feathered..."

"Grab her, then quickly evacuate... the master will be very happy then..."

Seeing the girl who suddenly appeared in front of them, the eyes of the wagtails suddenly lit up, and one after another they shifted the target of the attack to the body of the knot.

In this chaotic scene, even the self-reported name was omitted, and he directly waved the weapon in his hand and launched the most fierce attack...

The huge golden claw sledgehammer smashed down towards the knot, and in an instant burst of power, even the air was a little shocked...

Jie's complexion was serious, and he was serious about it.

"Boom!!" With a bang, the golden melon sledgehammer smashed into the air, leaving a huge cracked hole on the ground. Hum, Jiu held Jiuneng, rolling all the way to the ground...

This gravel just caused Dejie to lose its center of gravity and fell to the ground. It did not suffer any harm. It was just under the siege of a few wagtails. Such a scenario could be described as fatal...

When she just stood up, the three wagtails behind her had already attacked her in three directions...


Jie escaped the first attack of a wagtail, but was unable to avoid the attack of a wagtail that followed. Xiong was kicked viciously in front of him, and the whole body flew out directly. Smashed down on a wall...

The blow was not light...

Obviously, there is still a big gap between the knot that has not been feathered, and the wagtail that has been feathered or even chanted prayers, not to mention the siege of three wagtails.

"Hey! You...are you okay?" Jiuneng lifted the knot from the ground, with a worried expression on his face.

"'s okay...they are so good...I don't seem to be able to beat..." Jie shook his head, but was not depressed by her failure.

"Don't worry... the master will come to save us..." Jioneng looked at the three wagtails approaching step by step. Although afraid, he still said with a firm expression.

"Your master is besieged by so many people, how can there be time to take care of you!" Jie Chao looked in the crowd and was stunned at the moment: "Okay... so awesome..."

In the crowd, dozens of wagtails were surrounding the Monkey King, as if they were lining up, waiting for Monkey King to hang and fight...

With a quick hand, someone was shot by Monkey King and flew into the sky...

In a moment, it was a'crackling' seeing the wagtail or reed buds all around flying up to the sky, and then, Yu screamed and smashed to the ground...

This side-to-side sling made the other wagtails and Weiya stunned, and their hearts were terrified. This invincible strength against the sky made them feel deeply powerless.Who else can stop such a terrifying person?

A crowd of people were stunned, and did not dare to step forward for a long time, is there any reason for this?!Obviously it is a human being, why is there such a strength against the sky?Even the beating of dozens of wagtails was all shot and flying. This Nima is still playing with hair...

As for Yuchuhiro, looking at the screen in front of him, he was dumbfounded and dumbfounded on the spot...

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