The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 33 The Legendary Magic Skill

"How about it, Meiya, do you still want to fight me?!" Monkey King looked at Meiya Asama and said with a faint smile.

"You... Forget it... Maybe this is fate..." Asama Miya shook his head helplessly. Now that it has become a fact, there is nothing to do. Now she is Sun Wukong's wagtail, and as a wagtail. , Only by following the wishes of their own Wei Ya, this is the meaning of their wagtail existence.

The beauty of the present can only accept the reality, because the feeling of being throbbing with the soul is the gift of the gods, and the arrangement of the gods. The person in front of her is the Weiya who will be with her forever. …

"Hum~~~ It’s so powerful... even the beauty of NO.01 has been feathered? Ha ha... and only such a person is qualified to be the bud of my crow feather... Is it Sun Wukong?... I am right. You are getting more and more satisfied..." In the ruins not far away, Yayu looked at Monkey King, looking very excited and excited. The terrible bloodthirsty warfare made her tremble. "Ha ha... The imperial capital tonight has the smell of blood... Are you right?" Then, Yayu turned his gaze to the side and looked at the extremely sexually beautiful Yujie Wagtail, the bloodthirsty in his eyes was about to move...

This is because Yayu was affected by the violent bloodthirsty killing in her body by Sun Wukong's powerful strength and aggressive behavior. Now she just wants to fight for a fight...

But what she regarded as the target was NO.03's wagtail: Fenghua.

Crowyu and Fenghua were secretly watching Monkey King’s every move. When Monkey King destroyed this area, he naturally found the two girls. Therefore, his attack did not envelop the two girls, and did not cause any harm to them. …

"Is the crow feather of NO.04? Really a troublesome guy..." Fenghua looked at the crow feathers, her brows frowned, and she said, picking up the wine bottle, and groping into her mouth again. I took a few sips.The strong drunken scent was exuding, somewhat pungent, and his delicate face was covered with an intoxicating blush. The lazy appearance made people look at it, and it was a bit criminal.

It's just that Crow Yu's terrifying bloodthirsty killing intent has made Fenghua feel a little bit cold on her back, making Fenghua sober a lot from her slightly drunk state.

"You guy...I never said I want to fight you..." Fenghua looked at Yayu and waved her hand.At this time, her walking posture was a little wobbly.

"Hehe...this can't be done by you...because that guy...I can't wait to fight a fight now..." Crow Yu looked crazy, slowly pulling out the sharp sword in his hand, an extremely terrifying bloody breath was Pounced on...

"This kind of murderous aura...but it's very dangerous..." In an instant, Fenghua's drunkenness disappeared. Faced with such an opponent, if he were still so casual, he would be killed instantly!

Fenghua drew back and kept a certain distance from Crowyu...

"Flower hidden..."

The whirlwind blows the Buddha, covering Fenghua's figure completely, and the petals are scattered, mixed with a faint fragrance of wine...

"Want to escape? That can't do..." Crow Yu licked the corner of his mouth, eyes flashing with intense excitement, and the long sword in his hand slashed down vertically, and the terrifying sword qi broke through the air with a'poof'. It was a sword that the whirlwind cut in half, blowing between the Buddha, and slowly dissipating, revealing Fenghua's graceful and mature image.

"A good fight with me!"

"This madman..." Fenghua looked solemn, looking at the crazy face of Jay Feather, she was also slightly angry: "Since you insist on fighting, then I will play with you well..."

As the slender hand was waving, in an instant, the wind screamed, and the floating petals of hua were like sharp blades, swept toward the crow feather...

"It's just a trick of this degree..." Yayu's expression was indifferent, and the sharp sword in his hand stabbed at will,'Boom!With the sound of', there was an earth-shattering roar, and the terrifying gust of wind that swept across in an instant was shattered, the ground burst instantly, and the gravel pierced through...

Crow Feather's figure flashed, and he appeared beside Fenghua in a flash. The indifferent words made Fenghua's pupils shrink: "It's really flawed..." The sharp sword in his hand turned into a crescent moon. Slashing along Fenghua's waist...


Suddenly, a piercing groan rang out, and a palm was slowly leaning out when the cold light sword light was about to slash at Fenghua's waist, and he squeezed the sharp point of the sword...


Although the sword's edge was blocked, the terrible sword aura still wreaked havoc. Between the tears, Fenghua’s clothes were cut into pieces in an instant with the sound of gan, and they were perfectly graceful. The pair of Fengmans in front of the xiong bounce room. Spent Monkey King's eyes...

Explosive skills, mighty!Explosive skills and domineering...

"Yuyu...such a beautiful girl paper, you can do it too! Really..." Sun Wukong looked at Yayu with a little dissatisfaction. If my brother is a step late, you won't be able to kill me. Yet.

"But, let's say it again... Fenghua's figure... really has nothing to say!"

"Sun Wukong... meet again... Ha ha... You are really strong... You can block my sword with your bare hands..." Ya Yu looked at the sudden appearance of Monkey King, his expression became more and more excited, the throbbing from the soul, even hers The whole body was shaking.

"You guy...Where are you looking?!!!" Suddenly, an angry yell came from not far away, and Yuehai ran over here angrily, and behind her, Mei Zai and other women followed her Rear…

"Hey~~" Monkey King smiled embarrassedly, and looked away from Fenghua's Fengman pair, and at the same time released his hand holding the tip of Yayu's sword.

"Just...even if you want to see...look...look at's okay..." When she came to Monkey King's side, Yuehai's face turned red and whispered.

Listening to Yue Hai’s low voice, Monkey King’s eyes lit up, and his heart was a little wandering. These girls, one by one, will seduce people, brother is really a bit unable to control...

"Ah! Crow Feather, so you are here!" After seeing Crow Feather, Jie showed surprise on his face, not afraid of the bloody sister paper, and flew into her arms with a face. Happy.

"Ha ha... Jie... I haven't seen you for a few days, have you found your own reed bud?" Ya Yu held Jie in his arms, put away the cold breath of the past, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Yes...but not yet..." Jie couldn't help but looked at Monkey King, her heart beating so that her complexion burned...

"So... so are you?..." Ya Yu frowned slightly and said lightly.Immediately, he turned his gaze to Meizai and said, "It's really amazing... Even a guy like you can be feathered... Hehe... Such a reed bud... It's really unprecedented..."

PS: Drinking wedding wine today and yesterday, today is even more helpful for a day, and I am exhausted. I will update it today and make up tomorrow...

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