"Such a thing happened...Where are you... holy?..."

Hiroto Yuchu stooped to pick up the phone on the ground, and on his face, he restored his former calm again: "It's really an unexpected guy... Your appearance completely disrupted the pre-planning... Sure enough... Ordinary Isn’t your force threatening you?... I didn’t want to use that kind of thing... But depending on your posture... For my life, there’s no other way... Hey... Why did it make me now? It seems like a big villain?..."

Yuzhongguangren slowly raised his head to look at the sky. The clouds and mist in the sky seemed to have been ordered to disperse spontaneously. Above the sky, a huge empty island appeared, with a pair of wagtails on it. Wing, it seems that the entire island is supported by it...

"Haha~~Only the queen of wagtail can control Huangtian...Like the divine tool, it possesses the power of life and death of human beings... But this time the queen who can control Huangtian, but on his side... really a one The troublesome problem... But it doesn't matter, even if it can only deliver a blow, it is enough... Ha ha... It can't be blamed on me... Who told you to destroy me... I don't want to die..."

"Look...It's Zhuotian!!" Song suddenly pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

"Does the Yuzhongguang people want to use the power of Huangtian to deal with us?" Fenghua's expression also changed slightly.

"Golden sky?..." Asama Yoshiya looked up at Gunten above the sky, her eyes were a bit complicated. As the wagtail queen of this generation, she controlled the ownership of Gonten, and at the same time, the memory in her mind was like the tide. Like that...

At a certain time, she always hoped that with the help of Huangtian's power, she would realize the ambition in her heart and let that person return to her side again...

It's just that Monkey King suddenly appeared arrogantly and changed his first thoughts... He burned and melted his thoughts of him with his gentleness and arrogance, and occupied every place in his heart unreasonably and arrogantly...

Then everything will be meaningless...In that case, let this boring wagtail project go to the end...

"I have temporarily lost control of it... I think it must have been done by Michuhiro... Goku... Destroy it... This kind of thing shouldn't exist in the world..." Asama Miya breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhuo. God, finally made up his mind.

"Since this is your wish... I am naturally willing to serve you..." Monkey King smiled lightly, staring at Huangtian, very calmly.

At the same time, Yuchuhiro also issued an instruction to kill Nagten...

"Attack! Zhuotian! Get rid of all the guys who want to disadvantage me!!!"

The dazzling white light suddenly shone out from the sky, as dazzling as the sun, entraining a beam of destructive waves, in the energy gathering, instantly, it is lasing, piercing the void, and illuminating the half of the wall here. sky…

The goal is to point to the direction where Monkey King and others are...

The terrible power has caused Crow Feather and Mei Zai to change their colors...

"Wow! Attacked, Goku! Stop it..." Song yelled immediately, because they knew the identity of Monkey King, so facing such a terrifying attack, none of them felt afraid.

"Hehe...Since you have launched such an attack on me...then...but you will be sentenced to death..." Monkey King looked indifferently, looking at the terrifying light beam that occupied half of the sky, and said calmly: "In my name...dissipate! "

The dazzling beam of light instantly lased in front of Monkey King. However, as his words fell, the beam of light was only a few inches away from him. In an instant, it stopped, and it was like blue smoke, slowly. dissipate…

In the distance, the surviving wagtails looked at this incredible scene in front of them, and they were all stunned...

"Handsome... handsome!" Jie looked at Monkey King's gaze, already full of little stars who endlessly worshipped.

"Is this... the power of God... It's so intoxicating..." Yayu looked excited and looked a little crazy...

"Why... how come... the power of Zhuotian... was actually blocked like this?" Yuzhong Hiroto was a little dazed, with an incredible color in his eyes.

Sun Wukong flashed his figure, and for a moment, he appeared on the tall building with Meizai and other women. He looked at the person in front of Yuzhong Hiroshi, and said faintly: "Do you know the consequences of shooting me?"

"What...what?" Yuzhongguang people looked at Monkey King in a little horror, standing in front of him, feeling that they could no longer have the slightest thought of resistance.For the first time, he felt the real breath of death...

"Let's disappear with Huangtian... This is God's judgment on you..."

Looking at his fading body, Yuzhong Hiroto's eyes widened in shock, a little unbelievable, but in his eyes at this time, there was surprisingly no fear...

"You... turned out to be a god? Haha... It turns out that I finally lost in the hands of God... Then it was not wrong to lose... Instead, I should feel very honored, haha..."

"Hiroto!!" At this time, there was a sudden exclamation. Takami Sahashi ran from the corridor not far away, but just saw a little bit of disappearance, and only half of the body was left. His pupils shrank instantly. …

"Haha~~ I'm so sorry... Gao Mei... It's obviously such a fun game... I didn't expect it to end so soon... It's really unlucky... Before I knew it, I actually offended a real god... Gao Mei ...Take care of yourself...and...our children..."

"Please... forgive Guangren... Although he is a bit nervous... all kinds of unreliable... But I swear, he is definitely not a bad person... Please... just spare him this time..." Sahashi Takami suddenly kneeled Falling in front of Monkey King, repeatedly kowtow begging for mercy.

"Oh... Gaomei... You don’t need to be like this... I did have the power to mobilize Guantian before... So you don’t have to beg for me..." The body disappeared little by little, and the tone of Yuzhong Hiroshi still seemed like this. Easy.This person is indeed a bit neurotic, and doesn't know how the brain is generated.

"You bastard, shut up! I'm begging for you!" Zuoqiao Gaomei suddenly roared, but there were tears hanging in the corner of his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Takami Sahashi, Yuchu Hiroren Xinxin closed his mouth.

"Wukong... I think it's better to forget... Although this Yuzhongguangren is very annoying, but he is really not bad, I think I will spare his life..." Fenghua hesitated for a moment, still begging.

"Yeen! The president's person is very good! Goku, please spare the president!" Knot also pleaded hopefully to Monkey King.

"Do you all think so?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but looked at Yuehai and other women beside him.

"Although this stuff is a bit unpleasant, but the crime is not dead! Just forgive him this time!" Yuehai and the other girls looked at Monkey King carefully, and nodded.After all, they are all kind sisters.

"It seems that you guys are very popular... Everyone is willing to intercede for you, if so, please forgive you to die!"

Monkey King waved his hand lightly, and Yuzhongguangren’s disappearing body instantly restored...

"However, capital crimes are forgiven, and living crimes cannot escape. For the rudeness just now, there is a price to pay..."

As he said, Monkey King patted the past, Yuzhong Guangren instantly, like a ground gourd, rolled all the way towards the distance...

"Guang...Guangren...!!!" Takami Sahashi was shocked at the moment, rushed to him, and helped him up. He was covered in blood, and he was still breathing. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately thanked Monkey King again. , As long as you are not dead, then luckily...

Seeing Takami Sahashi’s gratitude, Michuhiro was very speechless, I was beaten up like this, thank you...

Looking at the injuries he suffered from fractures, not a year or a half, I don’t think he will get better...

And the Zhutian above the sky is still gradually disappearing, and finally, completely erased from this world...

Immediately after Monkey King waved his hand, countless wagtails appeared here, and the 108 wagtails were all counted.But most wagtails have stopped functioning...

And the rest of the wagtails all had doubts on their faces...but some wagtails looked at Monkey King's gaze with great respect...because they saw everything before...

Standing in front of them was a true god, so they all seemed very excited...

"What do you plan to do with these wagtails?" Asama Miya came to Monkey King's side and asked with some doubts.

"The existence of wagtails should not exist in the world. You will only disrupt the order of this world. As the god of this world, I have an obligation to take you back... You are all wagtails that have not been feathered, so I want to bring You take it out of this world together...you, are you willing?"

"Yes... we are willing to obey God's will..." The beautiful wagtail sisters blushed and expressed their approval. At this moment, they all had a strong reaction to Monkey King.This can't blame them for the idiots, as the world's masters, these wagtails can no longer resist.

Looking at the 30 or so demon-looking giant wagtails in front of him, Sun Wukong was happy with flowers, especially the grass in the sister paper group. This cute little loli is a rare species.The loli raised by my brother's family have all grown up, and now the only one left is Yue'er. It's time to be a former employee.

"But! Don't you just want to take these beautiful wagtails into your own harem? If you pretend, you just pretend to me hard..." Yue Hai held Xiong in both hands with an unhappy expression.

"I'm going! Yuehai, you dare to lift up brother, see how I smoke you at night..." Xiao Jiujiu in his heart was seen at a glance, and Sun Wukong's old face suddenly blushed.As a result, I was shameless, and with a big wave of his hand, he aggressively stopped those wagtails that were still pure and virgin and accepted them into their own world. As for the other wagtails, they were Sun Wukong erased his memory and became an ordinary person, staying in this world...

So far, everything about the wagtail has been erased from this world...

"Goddess of Wagtail" is over. Whether everyone is satisfied or dissatisfied with this ending, the new chapter will continue, and the next story will continue with the plot of "Naruto"...

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