"Is this the son of Sister Kushina, Naruto Uzumaki?..." Looking at Naruto in the field, Xianglin smiled slightly: "His Chakra is really warm! As expected of Sister Kushina's son. Yeah! It's really excellent!"

"As Ren Zhuli, he hasn't lost his heart. It's really amazing..." Bai nodded quietly, turning his eyes slightly, and looked at Gaara: "In contrast, this man Zhuli can It's so much different..."

"En! He is full of blood and murderous intent. It seems that he might run away at any time..." Mikoto looked at Gaara and said lightly.

"That cool guy, his'qi' is very similar to that of Mikoto's sister, should it be the Sasuke you have been mentioning?" Xianglin looked at the scene, with his hands in his pockets, and Sasuke with a dead face. The way.

"En... His personality has changed a bit... When he was a child, he was very lively... It seems that the incident had a great impact on him!" Mikoto sighed slightly while looking at Sasuke.To say that their Uchiha clan is really a tragedy, and her fate is even more a tragedy, being killed by her own son...

Seeing the complexity of Mikoto’s face, Kushina held her slender hand and said softly, “Don’t think about it so much. We are not very happy now? They have their own lives. The things before, early It's over... It's about to start, let's watch the game!"

"En! Now that everyone is here, let me wait quietly... Because the protagonist of this competition is you..."

On the side of Naruto, looking at the three people slowly walking towards him, Sandai suddenly became extremely enthusiastic: "Ah! Welcome! Master Fengying! The journey is far away, thank you!"

"Where, it happens that the venue is located in Konoha..." Fengying wearing a hat and covering his face just revealed a pair of seemingly fierce eyes: "Although you are still young, if you are bothered to travel long distances, this journey will affect Hokage. For adults, it’s still very hard! Is it better to determine the fifth-generation candidate earlier?"

The ninja behind the three generations looked at Fuying with hostility. Although Fuying's words seemed a bit polite, the content was full of provocation.

It’s just that the three generations of old men’s minds are still very broad. He laughed a few times now, invisibly destroying the solemn atmosphere: "Don’t treat me as an old man! I am still going to work for five years..." Speaking, I got up slowly and walked forward: "Then, it's almost time to start..."

"Distinguished guests, I would like to thank you all for gathering here today to participate in Konoha's Nakanin selection test. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks. Now we are starting the official test of the eight players who passed the preliminaries. Please enjoy..."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the field...

Monkey King turned his head and looked at the place where the three generations were, but at the corner of his mouth, a faint smile appeared: "This old man, dare to turn his back to Oshemaru...Yes, besides me, there are only Kushina and others. Can you see the true face of that Fengying! I have to say, this Oshemaru's transformation technique is still a trick! Even three generations have lied to it... Forget it, just forget it, let's watch the game..."

"Well, before the game, let me just explain it briefly!" I do not know Xuanhuo held a toothpick in his mouth and said lightly: "Although the venue is different this time, it is the same as the preliminaries. There are no rules. Until one party dies or concedes defeat, but I think the victory or defeat has been divided, the game will be terminated and no resistance, understand?"

Naruto and his party all looked serious, and chose to answer by default...

"Then in the first round, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara and the two above stay, and the others go to the lounge..."

"Ahhh~~ I’m so troublesome... I am the worst at dealing with naruto's brainless opponents..." Shikamaru reluctantly grabbed the back of his head, seemingly exhausted.

"Shikamaru, you bastard! Who has no brains! Bastard! Don't think that you have a smart head and melon seeds are great, I will beat you up later..." Naruto yelled at Shikamaru immediately.

"Hehe...It's really innocent! It's very similar to Sister Kushina..." Mikoto couldn't help but smile from the stand.

"What! People's temper has improved a lot, okay!" Jiuxinai suddenly blushed, but the tone was slightly insufficient.

"Then the first round, start!"

"Hey~~ Shikamaru, you have to be careful, this month! I have learned a lot of skills!" Naruto suddenly shouted with a smug look.

"Ah ah~~ let's get started!" Shikamaru waved his hand helplessly, but his eyes were extremely serious, because he had never looked down upon Naruto from the beginning.Because those who underestimated him have already failed miserably.

"Haha~~ Then I'm not welcome!" Naruto yelled immediately, clenching his fist directly, and smashed it in front of Shikamaru...

"Hello~~ I said, did you collect information about your opponent?" Shikamaru looked very speechless when he looked at Naruto who rushed forward. He didn't even need to use his brain to deal with such an opponent!Could it be that I took him too high?

"Haha!! Shikamaru, you won't be scared to be stupid! You don't even get out of the way! I'm not soft!"

Looking at Shikamaru who was motionless, Naruto looked very happy, clenched his fists, and banged towards Shikamaru's front door without hesitation...

But when his figure was less than one meter away from Shikamaru, Naruto's figure suddenly stopped moving...

"Huh? What happened? Why can't I move anymore?" Naruto was shocked, looking at the shadow on the ground extending to his feet, his eyes widened: "This is...shadow mimicry? Damn it! You put one in..."

"Oh my God! This fool!!" In the audience, Kushina held his forehead and couldn't bear to watch.

"Hehe~~ This Naruto is really funny..." Xianglin immediately covered Chun with his hand lightly, and laughed.Even Bai on the side was smiling and shook his head.

"This idiot! Do you have a brain?" Being teased by his sister, Jiu Xin Nai was immediately itchy with anger. He really wanted to rush up and beat Naruto.And the ridicule around made her angry even more. She immediately got up and glared at everyone around her: "Laugh! What a laugh! I'm laughing at my old lady, fanning you..."

Looking at Jiu Xinnai's tigress-like fierce power, the people around who laughed at him suddenly closed their mouths consciously...

"Oh... a fool meets a genius... shouldn't I have too much hope for Naruto?" Ya looked at Naruto who was restrained in an instant, but shook his head helplessly. He would lose to such an opponent. It's really sad!..

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