The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 27 The Destruction Konoha Project Begins

From the stands, Monkey King looked at Naruto who came up listlessly, but shook his head helplessly.In the first match, it seemed that it was a mistake. Not only did Naruto not get the outstanding performance like in the original book, but Shikamaru did not show his inhuman mind.In this competition, the two did not get the slightest result, but instead caused countless people to boo and curse.

"It seems that it was a wrong choice to let the two of them match up!" Monkey King grinned his chin, but he smiled.Well, in fact, to choose the opponent by drawing lots, this guy secretly moved his hands and feet.

"Don't be depressed, show your true strength, get everyone's approval, it is not far away!" Monkey King patted Naruto's shoulder with a faint smile.

"Really?" Naruto's eyes lit up when he heard Monkey King's comfort.

"Of course..." Sun Wukong nodded slightly, looked at Shikamaru on the side, and said: "It's a pity that you didn't perform as good as you should..."

"It's nothing to be a pity... Naruto is too powerful, and my shadow imitation skills can't restrain him..." Shikamaru waved his hand indifferently, but was more concerned about Naruto's sudden burst of red chakra.

"This time the Zhongnin exam will not be able to become Zhongnin if you win it. It depends on various comprehensive performances. And you, who originally had this qualification, did not perform at all, so it ended. I feel sorry for you. , It's just this..."

"Huh? Goku, do you think he has the qualifications to become Zhongren?" Yurihong at the side suddenly looked at Shikamaru with curiosity.In the preliminaries, Shikamaru performed well, but at the same time, it can only make people speechless.

"Yes! This guy has an IQ, but a super genius with more than 200!" Monkey King smiled faintly.

"What?! 200?!!!" Xi Rihong's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah! But it's nothing...A battle doesn't tell you anything, it's gold always shines..." Monkey King waved his hand lightly, looked towards the court, and said: "Let's watch the game first!"

"People really can't look good! You look soft and weak, but you are really strong!" Temari looked serious, looking at Hinata, very solemn: "But...I won't lose to you!" , With a strong wave of the fan in his hand, a violent gale suddenly hung up...

"One star...two star...three star..."

While drinking tenderly, the big fan in Temari's hand waved from time to time. For a time, the entire venue was enveloped by a violent storm. Even the examiner on the side could not open his eyes for a while...

The wind was raging, not to mention the surrounding trees and walls, even the ground was cut with deep cuts...

"This movement is really not trivial...For Shionin..." Moonlight Hayate looked at Temari standing calmly in the storm in surprise.

"The Three Stars are over, it's time to end..." Temari chicly put the fan on his back, turned, and disappeared...

"Disappeared?!" Ya looked at the suddenly disappeared Temari, frowning suddenly.There was a hint of worry on his face.

"Don't worry, you can't hide it!" Monkey King smiled faintly.

"Haha...Hinata Hinata, you are really worried! The next blow will be the one that determines the outcome..." In the wind, Temari's extremely confident words suddenly came.

"You can't hide..."

Hinata's face was serious, her fists were suddenly clenched, and the blue Chakra, on top of her fists, gradually formed the form of two birds, and the terrifying aura was permeated. Just by induction, we knew that this blow was no small thing...

"Oh! Has the Shuangfeiyi been practiced? seems that the outcome has been divided..." Seeing the moves issued by Hinata, Monkey King smiled faintly.

And just at this moment, the unexpected happened!

Above the sky, white feathers suddenly floated up. In the audience, countless people felt that their eyelids were heavy, and they fell into a deep sleep...

"This is..." Monkey King looked a little surprised.

"It's an illusion! Not good!" Xi Rihong's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and her hands were sealed, and she immediately shouted: "Solution!" The white feather floating around her body disappeared in an instant, but the students beside her were already gone. Fell to the ground and fell asleep...

"Be careful, everyone, it seems that the other party's attack has already begun..." Kakashi and Metkai and several Shangrenjun approached Monkey King and said very solemnly.Holding a shuriken in his hand, looking around, his face was full of alertness.

"The Ninja exam hasn't ended yet... Has Oshemaru already started? It's really an accident!" Sun Wukong was a little surprised. He thought that Oshemaru would start after the game ended. He didn't expect it to be executed so soon. Plan to destroy Konoha.I couldn't help turning my head, and looked at the location of the three-generation old man... but I just saw it, a'bang' explosion, and immediately, the white smoke filled the line of sight...

"Not good! Three generations of adults!" Kakashi was shocked, and just wanted to go to support, but suddenly there were countless sand and Otonin in the surroundings, surrounding them...

"It seems that if you want to support in the must knock them all down..." Kakashi said with an extremely solemn expression.

"Kakashi! Want to see, who kills more?" Kai is full of fighting spirit at the moment.

"I'm not interested in this kind of boring competition..." Kakashi replied faintly. His figure moved, and the shuriken in his hand had already pierced the heart of an Otonin...

"Kakashi! You guy is so cunning..." Kay suddenly yelled and joined the battle group...

"Has the plan already begun? It seems that our competition is over..." Temari suddenly appeared in the storm, looking at Hinata, his eyes were full of hostility.

"Have you become an enemy?" Hinata Dai frowned and looked at Temari: "It seems that there is no need to be merciful under her hands..." As she said, the bird head in her hand has already condensed into shape: "Soft fists and wings!"


With a soft drink, Hinata punched out, and among his fists, a blue lovebird instantly pierced the air, spreading its wings and hitting the sky... terrible, directly tore through the storm, and in an instant, it was in front of Temari...

Even if Xuan made a'bang', under Teju's face of horror, she bombarded her xiong, the four dances of the wind, tearing all her dress apart, but it was weird and left nothing. Scars...


With a cry of pain, Temari fell directly from the air, her dress shattered, and a little bit of spring, light release, revealing, let people watch, indulge in endless reverie...

There is obviously a huge difference in the strength between the two...

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