The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 43—Conditions Hard to Reject

On a mountain road, Da She Wan and Yao Shi looked around at the small town surrounded by trees not far away, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

"Tsunade-sama, one of the legendary three ninjas, is staying in the short book street..."

"Hmm~~ It seems that my injury... has a chance to return to normal..."

"Although it's a good medicine... But that guy, after all, is Konoha's princess... Will she help Lord Oshemaru?"

"Hey~~ Yes! Human nature is greedy and greedy... No one has weaknesses in her heart, but I know her weaknesses very well..."

"Is that so... Then I feel relieved a lot..."

In the gambling city, Tsunade calmly sat in front of a slot machine... and mute holding a piggy behind him, looking at the screen that turned from time to time, he looked nervous: "7...7...7..."

On the screen, two 7s have already appeared. If a 7 appears, it is a big prize!

Accompanied by silence that was tense and expectant, the rapidly rotating object slowly stopped, and finally, a 7-character appeared...

"I'm hit!!" Mute's face was suddenly surprised, and the flushed face was as excited as Gao Chao: "It's really rare! Tsunade-sama!..."

"Yeah!~~" However, Tsunade was shocked, and his heart immediately became extremely solemn: "I will hit three 7s..." Usually, when she wins, bad things will happen.

Over time, Tsunade’s side was already filled with several large baskets of coins, and the silence on the side was so excited that he could not find the north, but Tsunade’s complexion became more and more difficult to look...

"Wow! Three 7s again...this guy's luck is too bad, right?"

There are people all around, all with a look of wonder...

"I should be so lucky... I have a bad feeling..." Walking on the street, Tsunade's expression was extremely solemn, and he was also very worried.

"Hey, Tsunade-sama... It's rare to win so much money, why do you rush to leave! I want to go shopping in the city..." The first time I won so much money, I was very silent. Happy, full of big bags in his arms, some meaning is still not enough.

"En?" Tsunade in front of him suddenly stopped, frowning and looking into an alley not far away: "This sudden cold...what's going on..."

"Tsunade-sama...what's the matter?" Silent saw that Tsunade's face was wrong, and immediately ran behind her nervously and looked warily into the alley.

The sound of footsteps came closer and closer, and finally, the two figures appeared at the corner...

"Oshemaru?!!!" Looking at the figure in front of him, Tsunade's expression suddenly became extremely difficult to look at.

"Hmph~~haha~ I finally found you..." Oshemaru staggered, looking at Tsunade, his face looked a little crazy.

Several people looked at each other for a long time, and finally Tsunade broke the solemn atmosphere: "It's been a long time since I saw you, Oshemaru!"

"It's so hard for me to find you!" With the support of his pocket, Da She Wan looked terrifying on his skinny face.

"You guy... unexpectedly made this look... It seems that it wouldn't be a good thing for you to look for me..." Tsunade frowned, looking at Oshemaru, but she was shocked: "Life goes by. The speed is so fast...This is not only hurting the body, but even the soul...this guy...what is going on? Could it be that the study of the forbidden technique went wrong?"

"Hehe~~ I think you can see it! I am looking for you, but I only have a small request... Can you...can heal my injury?" Oshemaru looked at Tsunade in a gloomy tone, but again Carrying deep expectations.

"You should look for someone else! I can no longer practice medicine..." Tsunade said calmly.

"Hey~~ Don't rush to refuse...I have the conditions!" A strange smile suddenly appeared on Da She Maru's face.

"Conditions? What kind of conditions can you offer?" Tsunade suddenly frowned and looked at Oshamaru, his tone somewhat mocking.

"Don't you want to take a look at Kato Dan? Don't you miss your brother? Hey~~ I can fulfill your wish for you..." Ono Shemaru's face suddenly showed an extremely evil smile.

"!!!" Tsunade's pupils shrank instantly, and a movement appeared on his face: "Broken... the rope tree..."

"Hey~~ Don’t doubt... the resurrection of the dead... this kind of thing, if you use the dirty soil to reincarnate, you can do it... hum... Give you one day to think about it... you have to think about it! Tomorrow morning... …Waiting for your reply…"

"Tsunade-sama... he's Oshemaru! How can you trust his words... Don't take it seriously..." The silence on the side looked at Tsunade, who looked moved, and immediately persuaded him anxiously.

After being silent for a while, Tsunade suddenly raised his head and looked at Oshemaru: "How did you get your injury?"

"Hey~~ nothing... It's just that when Konoha was destroyed, I met an extremely terrifying guy..." On O Shemaru's face, there was a gloomy look.

"What? Destroy Konoha? You guy... Could it be...what the hell did you do to Konoha?!" Tsunade was shocked suddenly, his complexion became extremely difficult to look.The gaze looking at Oshemaru was also full of hostility.

"Hmm~~ Don't put on such a terrible look... Konoha is fine... It's just the old man from the third generation... but no longer..." Ono Shemaru's face was suddenly replaced by madness and pride.

"What... three generations of him... did you guys do it?" Tsunade clenched his fists, his eyes widened, his face full of anger.

"Haha~~Of should also understand! Everything that has a physical body will eventually decay...After all, your two favorite people were killed by you..."

"My two favorites?" He glanced at Dashewan, and felt clear: "That's it, it's really a good idea..."

"Hehe... Don't put on such a terrible face, after all, they still have a chance to be resurrected... don't they? As long as you heal my injury... Then, tomorrow morning, I will be outside the town waiting for your answer Of..." Oshemaru Xiexie smiled, looking at Tsunade who was about to get angry, but he disappeared here with Yakushi's pocket decisively.

After the Monkey King incident, he became more vigilant, because in his current state, if he fights Tsunade, he will suffer a great deal.

"Tsuna-sama..." Silent looked at Tsunade, who looked ugly, worried.

"Let's go! Mute!" Tsunade looked ugly, turned and walked out of the alley...

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