The night is late, and the whole town is already peaceful.

Tsunade sat alone on the doorpost of Short Book Street, looking at the pendant hanging on his neck, he was stunned and lost in memory...

In the end, he hugged his knees, crying helplessly...

"It looks... very sad..." Monkey King suddenly appeared beside her, looking at Tsunade who seemed so helpless now, said lightly.

"You really are as annoying as Zilai!" Tsunade raised his head, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and then glared at Monkey King.

"Haha~~ When you are not happy, drinking is the best way to relieve your sorrows...Come on, let me have a few drinks with you!" Monkey King said, he did it next to Tsunade, and his hands flashed. But a jade bottle and two wine glasses emerged.

The bottle cap was opened gently, and the strong aroma of wine wafted away, but it made people's spirits shocked. Only smelling the aroma of the wine made Tsunade's delicate face climb on top of the intoxicating blush...

"This...what kind of wine is this?" Tsunade's beautiful eyes were all attracted by the wine in the hands of Monkey King. His eyes were full of thirsty, hope, and even aroused the greed buried deep in her heart. Incredible.

"Hehe~~ I brewed it myself... It's hard for a mortal to taste it!" Monkey King smiled slightly, filled Tsunade's cup, and passed it over.

Tsunade smelled the moisturizing wine, but his face was intoxicated, and the blush on his face was clearer, adding a little seductive charm to the plain.A small sip, and in a flash, his face was full of pink, and the entire pair of eyes became fascinated, like the aftermath of high chao, watching crime.

"It's so comfortable... I want to fly... This wine... It's really good!" Tsunade's eyes were dim, Jiao's body pressed against Monkey King's left side, grabbing the jade bottle in his hand, full of it. Pour yourself up, and then drink it all!

"Awesome... this feeling..." Tsunade squinted his eyes, already slightly drunk, and his mature body leaned directly behind Monkey King. The warm and soft feeling made Monkey King's heart feel dark and mature. The breath made him feel a little bit more eager.

"It's incredible...drinking your wine...I missed them a little really is the best choice for forgetting worries..." Tsunade lay like this in Sun Wukong's arms. Fell asleep in the past.

"I have diluted a lot... I still pour two glasses... This wine, for mortals... is still too overbearing..." Monkey King looked at Tsunade who was sleeping peacefully, but smiled faintly, just seeing Her pair of things full of hugs, a pair of big hands, unexpectedly stretched in...

"Well... this feels... really good! It's a fight with my Shizuka..." With his hands moving, Monkey King's face was a bit wretched, but Tsunade's face was flushed.

After the hand addiction was over, Monkey King drew his hands back, his figure flashed, and he appeared in the guest room. He gently put down Tsunade and covered her with a quilt. Monkey King's figure disappeared here and returned to his own world. Going in... After Tsunade engaged like this, Monkey King's anger also came up...

The rising sun slowly rises, but a new day is already here...

Tsunade woke up and looked at the room in front of her, but it made her frown. He hurriedly checked her body, and then he was relieved: "It seems that guy is still very well-behaved... it doesn't look like the surface. That's bad!" As everyone knows, his big white rabbit has been kneaded by Monkey King...

After tidying up his clothes, Tsunade looked out the window, remembering the agreement with Oshemaru, but her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and without disturbing anyone, she disappeared into the room with a flashing technique...

On the other side, Oshe Maru slowly walked in the woods with the support of his pockets, but in the cold words, it seemed to be killing intent: "During the process of negotiations...If someone comes to make trouble, it will be troublesome..."

"Then what should I do?" They all turned their heads and looked at O ​​She Maru.

"It doesn't matter if you kill her... Tsunade's entourage..." Oshemaru said with a cold face.

"Understood..." Dou's eyes condensed suddenly, and a shuriken flashed out of his right hand.

Looking at the figure by the riverside, a wicked smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Oshemaru's mouth: "Tsunade... It seems that you are very impatient... Hey~~"

As he said, he broke away from his pocket and walked towards Tsunade staggeringly, his eyes filled with excitement, and then he sat on a rock and said coldly: "So... let's start..."

Tsunade stepped forward slowly, his eyes looked a little dull, and he stretched out his hands slowly, the blue medical chakra appeared above Tsunade's hands, and he leaned towards the xiong mouth of Oshemaru a little bit...

Just as it was approaching, the pocket watched on the side shot a shuriken in an instant, pushing Tsunade away...

Oshemaru's pupils shrank instantly, and the bloody murderous aura spread out, making his face extremely distorted: "At this time...Did you dare to deceive me? Tsunade!...Why did you give it? This answer...Princess Tsunade! He wants to kill me..."

As he said, Oshemaru's tone suddenly changed again: "But I really believe in you from the bottom of my heart! Pocket! Your loyalty to me and your vision to see through Tsunade..."

"En...because I'm also from the medical class..." Duo said with a calm expression: "Her Chakra is full of murderous..."

"Tsunade...I really intend to resurrect the two of's really a pity...If the negotiation fails, then we can only use the last method..." As he said, Oshemaru slowly lifted up With only his right hand, and then bite it down, in a moment, blood splashed...

Tsunade's pupils shrank instantly, and his body trembled. He kept shaking, with a look of horror: "Blood...blood...blood..."

"Now, she has lost the ability to resist... Hold her quickly... and then leave here..."

"Yes! Osamaru-sama..." Slowly stepped forward, and walked over to Tsunade, with disdain in his eyes: "It's really embarrassing! Tsunade-sama... I once admired you... I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. What about the side of... hehe... As a medical ninja, it's ridiculous to suffer from panicemia..."

As he said, Tou actually cut his palm with a shuriken, and the blood flowed instantly. This made Tsunade more and more fearful, and the scene of tragic death in front of him, the scene of blood flow, in fear, Tsuna The hand has completely lost the ability to act...

"Haha... this kind of unbearable expression... you really detract from the legendary name of the three forbearance!" Tou said, the shuriken in his hand stabbed down...

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