The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 52 Please Don't Ignore Me

Above the boundless sea, a big ship was driving above the sea. Monkey King put his head on Hinata’s round and beautiful legs, and looked down at the busy Santa Fu and the director and others. Snow painted princess in the play.A faint smile appeared at the corner of the mouth: "This girl, she was reluctant at first. I didn't expect that as soon as she entered the role of acting, she would immediately be brought into the role... Amazing!"

"En...Miss Xuehui is indeed amazing..." Hinata knelt on a soft cushion, resting her legs on Monkey King's head, gently pinching his shoulders, and said softly.

An assistant looked at the grandfather of Monkey King who was enjoying himself, frowned slightly, came to the director, and whispered: "Director, can those two people really protect our safety? You see They look like a ninja...I think they came to take the opportunity to play..."

"Don't talk nonsense... The five generations of Naruto Masters have already promised... this person, but their Konoha's strongest ninja... With his protection, absolutely foolproof..." The director immediately glared at the assistant and warned: "No nonsense in the future. Speak..."

The sky gradually dimmed... the starry sky at night seemed extraordinarily bright.Monkey King walked out of the cabin and looked at the lonely figure on the splint, but smiled faintly: "For this trip, you seem to be very resistant..."

"Don't talk to annoying fellow..." Xue Hui turned her head and glared at Monkey King, then snorted, turned her head, and ignored him.

Monkey King smiled faintly, and without any exception Xuehui's attitude towards him, slowly stepped forward, came to a place not far from her, sat down, looked at the night sky, and said faintly: "Don't be afraid! I will protect you. …"

"..." Xue Hui's body trembled lightly, but snorted again: "Who...who is scared...who wants you to protect..."

"Haha...Aren't you afraid? That's a good thing..." Monkey King smiled faintly and said: "This trip, I think, will be very exciting, right..." Monkey King blinked at Xue Hu, his tone changed again. , Said: "It's late at night, go back to your own room and go to sleep... Otherwise, you will be troubled if you encounter a ghost or something..." He said, got up and walked into his cabin.

"Huh...who are you scaring..." A trace of disdain appeared on Xue Hui's face.But at this moment, a sudden cold wind blew, and it seemed a bit angry... Xuehui couldn't help but fought a cold war. Looking at the gloomy sea, her heart couldn't help but feel a hair, and her heart suddenly became annoyed: "Damn... Frighten me...huh...what a ghost...I'm not afraid..." With that, Xue Hui tightened her tights, but went back to her cabin...

And Monkey King returned to his cabin, looking at Hinata who was already sleeping on the chuang, he couldn't help but smile, and with a'wish', there was only one big pants. Underwear left, and he got into the bed...

"Wu... Brother Wukong..." Hinata was shocked, opened his eyes and saw that it was Monkey King, his face instantly turned blood red...

"Go to sleep!~" Monkey King smiled, hugged Hinata, closed his eyes...

The next day, early in the morning, Monkey King was awakened by an exclamation.He opened his eyes and looked at Hinata who was shrinking in his arms, and couldn't help but smile: "My brother has been holding you all night, so why are you so shy! Get up quickly and see what happened outside..."

"En..." Hinata blushed, screaming like a mosquito, hurriedly put on his clothes and tidyed up Monkey King.The two went out at the same time.

Seeing the people standing on the splint, I couldn't help asking, "What happened? Early in the morning, it was called Chun!

"No... it's not... our way is blocked..." an assistant immediately explained.

"Director, what should we do now?" Some people looked at the director.

Regardless of others, Sun Wukong took Hina Tian to the front of the boat, looked at the white snow-capped mountains in front of him, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Now... interesting..."

"Brother Wukong...what's wrong?" Hinata immediately asked in confusion.

"Be careful, our enemy will appear soon..."

"The enemy? I know..." Hinata nodded solemnly.

The big ship slowly docked, and after everyone landed one by one, the so-called drama, immediately started shooting...

It's just that the play hasn't been halfway yet, that is, a loud'bang' sound shocked everyone.

"what happened?"

"Everyone...Welcome to the country of snow..." A man appeared in the smoky snow, his indifferent appearance with his arms around Xiong appeared extremely confident.

"Welcome! Little Snow Princess, did you bring the hexagonal crystal?" A woman appeared on a white sharp stone at the same time.

"Hmm~~ I only sent two Konoha ninjas, one of them was just a little girl with dry milk smell, you underestimating us..." At the same time, a big The fat man emerged from the snowy field not far from Xue Hu, and looked at Monkey King and Hina Tian and looked very disdainful.

"He...they are..." The face of the Santa Fu suddenly changed.

"Hey...If you don't want to die, just go back to the boat!" Monkey King looked at the group of assistants and said lightly.Then he looked at Hinata: "You protect the safety of those little ones, they, leave it to me!"

"Yes! Brother Wukong!"

"Are you planning to face the three of us alone? Hehe... Are you too arrogant... the wind blows... freezing rain... Xiaoxue will leave it to you... this person... I'll deal with it..." As soon as his words fell, Dongxiong Freezing Rain, the closest to Xuehui, flashed his figure, and already launched an attack on Xuehui...

"Little Snow Princess!!" The Santa Fu's complexion changed suddenly, and he exclaimed immediately.

But, "Puff!" Accompanied by a scream and blood splashing, Monkey King's figure appeared in front of Dongxiong Freezing Rain at some point, and his right hand had easily penetrated his investigation. The carat armor, the bloodless right hand, came out from the back of his heart... The blood slipped from the wound, and the snow was already stained red...

But Dongxiong Dongyu's eyes widened, his breath was already gone...

"I have said... Your opponent is me... Please don't ignore me... okay?" Monkey King grinned at Crane Wing Blowing Snow and Langfang Avalanche.It’s just this smile that makes the hands and feet cold...

"who are you?!!"..

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