"The secret treasure he said...what is it?" Fenghua Xiaoxue came to Monkey King, holding a hexagonal crystal in her hand, her face full of curiosity.

"It's just a half-hearted device... It can temporarily turn a piece of snow into spring... But it can only be maintained for a short time and it will return to its original shape again..." Monkey King said indifferently.Immediately, he took the hexagonal crystal in Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand, and with a little force, it was crushed by him with a click.

"Ah! What are you doing?!" Fenghua Xiaoxue shouted anxiously.

"The thing that caused the disaster... doesn't need to exist... If you want to turn the country of snow into a country of spring, you don't need to rely on a half-hanging device that doesn't know when you can study it successfully..." Monkey King waved his hand and cracked the hexagonal crystal. It suddenly turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

"If you saw the so-called secret treasure and suddenly decided to be a queen, what I did was in vain. Now, you can obediently follow me and be a little daughter-in-law! Hehe..." Obviously, this stuff Broken hexagonal crystals have their own purpose.

Fenghua Xiaoxue suddenly remembered that Monkey King had made the snow around him instantly turn into a spring scene. His eyes lit up and said, "You...can do it...right?"

"Small things..." Monkey King smiled faintly, and pointed lightly to the ground. In an instant, the white snow was covered by greenery...

The whole Snow Country, but within a second, it was the spring blossoms... This miraculous scene made the people of the whole Snow Country stunned and turned into cheers. They knelt down and bowed to the sky. To them So, this is a miracle...

Those lucky enough to be present all looked at everything in front of them in shock, especially the look at Monkey King, full of awe...

"Oh my God! This...is this really something human can do? I...I'm not dreaming, am I?" The director looked at everything around him and was stunned.Immediately, there was a tangled face again: "This...this miraculous jump...for the ending of Princess Fengyun...is it a bit too exaggerated?..."

"The country of snow... has really become... the country of spring..." Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at everything around her blankly, very excited, and the dream she had been looking forward to in her heart had come true.

"In this way... Your Royal Highness will be able to succeed to the throne as a matter of course..." Among the crowd, the third wife seemed the most excited.In the original book, he who should have died, thanks to Monkey King's blessing, here, he survived.

"No... I don't want to be a queen..." At this moment, Fenghua Xiaoxue resolutely refused, turned her head, looked at Monkey King with admiration: "I want to be a ninja with Wukong! I also want to be like He is an amazing powerhouse..."

"What?! Your Royal Highness! No! Your Royal Highness!" The Santa Fu and the surrounding soldiers all knelt down: "Your Royal Highness...you can't do this! People in the Snow Country are all waiting. For you! Your Royal Highness, please think twice!!..."

"Since Xiaoxue doesn't want to be a queen... why should you force..." Monkey King waved his hand lightly and said, "Whoever is your monarch is the same? As long as he is a benevolent monarch..."

Under Sun Wukong’s intentional actions, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was supposed to be the queen of the Snow Country, gave up her position as a queen and chose to stay with Sun Wukong... and she would feel it only if she was by Sun Wukong’s side. An Xin will have the courage to face everything... Obviously, what Sun Wukong did has made Fenghua Xiaoxue strongly dependent on him.

Inheriting the kingdom of snow, should not be called the throne of the kingdom of spring, but a daimyo from the original snow kingdom, hit by a pie that suddenly fell from the sky, this daimyo was also dizzy with happiness...

And these tedious things are not what Sun Wukong is interested in. Therefore, on the day of the ceremony of the new king, Fenghua Xiaoxue and Hina Tian left the country of spring with everyone's reluctance and goodbye...

On the way home, Fenghua Xiaoxue looked very excited, looking at Monkey King, her eyes full of expectation: "Wukong, after I study with you, will I become as good as you?"

"Of course you can, but if you want to be as powerful as me, it will be more difficult..." Monkey King glanced at Fenghua Xiaoxue and couldn't help but smile.

"I will work hard..." Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes were full of determination, and she was full of yearning for the great strength of Monkey King, and she was also full of admiration.The enemy that she could not contend before was so vulnerable in front of Monkey King. Therefore, she also wanted to have such a powerful force that could change her destiny by raising her hands.

After traveling with the two girls for a day, Monkey King moved in an instant and took them back to Konoha.

In the Naruto office, Tsunade looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue for a long time. He finally turned his gaze to Monkey King, full of contempt: "I knew... the outcome of things would turn out to be like this..." He shook his head, his face suddenly changed Becomes extremely serious: "But...I have bad news to tell you..."

"What?" Monkey King thought, and basically guessed the whole story.

"Yesterday...Sasuke had defected to Konoha...The Kakashi Clan is now being hunted..." Tsunade said with a serious face.

"En? Did he defect by himself?" Monkey King secretly said'Sure enough', and looked at Tsunade.

"Yes...but we also found a few ninjas from Otonin Village...should have been bewitched by them..." Tsunade Dai frowned and said, "You said...what should we do with him?"

"What else... If you don't chase it back, let's deal with it as Ren Ren!" Monkey King said indifferently.Had it not been for Mikoto, he would have slapped Sasuke to death.

He had known the result of this a long time ago, so he saved Dashewan for his life and let that guy go to train!If there is a butterfly effect suddenly and you are dead, then you will really be out of sight.

"Do you really want to do this?" Tsunade's brows suddenly frowned, and said: "I see that Naruto...I'm afraid I won't give up easily..."

"What do you care about him? It's Sasuke's own choice. Who is the blame?" Sun Wukong gave Tsunade a blank look and said: "Don't say this, you are Hokage, you can figure it out! Now, do you want to Go for a drink together?"

"En!" Tsunade's eyes lit up suddenly, and he is still reminiscing about the wine Sun Wukong had given her before. He dropped the documents in his hand and stood up directly: "Let's go!"

"Tsunade-sama... Your batch of documents has not been approved yet..." The silence on the side hurriedly stopped.

"What's the hurry, it's not too late to get back!"

"Let's go! Let's join you too!" Monkey King smiled slightly, and the host's mute shoulders brought her out of the Hokage office...

PS: There is only one chapter today. I have to finish the work as soon as possible. I will try to finish the work on January 1. I will not pick up the work then, and concentrate on writing this book until it is finished.Well, when the story of Naruto is finished, this book will be over, because it is too invincible, there is nothing exciting to write down, so I am ready to open a new book...

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