Konoha, Hokage's office, Tsunade looked at Monkey King beside him with a serious face, frowned slightly, and looked a little dissatisfied: "You can explain it to me! With your skills, I don't think you can't bring Sasuke back... "

"Catch him back... and put him to death?" Monkey King looked at Tsunade and said lightly.You have to find a convincing reason to let Sasuke go?He didn't want Tsunade, the big girl, to be wary of him!It's hard to let the liking degree is almost ninety, and it is a little bit to get the chuang order. In a critical juncture, the liking degree can only be up, not down!

"This...As long as he is willing to turn his head, I can forget the past..." Tsunade frowned slightly.

"You are willing to think so, but others won't... Uchiha's writing wheel eyes, but it's not just Oshemaru who is watching..." Monkey King looked at Tsunade with a calm expression and a point.

"This..." Tsunade was relatively speechless, and Monkey King's words were right. Since taking over as Hokage, she has also discovered a lot of dark sides in Konoha that are not well known.Among them, the root is the biggest threat.Just for the peace of the village, she can only try to maintain a balance.

"How is it? Didn't you feel a lot of pressure after becoming this Hokage?" Looking at Tsunade, Monkey King gave a heartless smile.

"You said, it wasn't you who forced me back to be this damn Hokage... It's really annoying, especially that Danzo... I really want to beat him up..." Tsunade suddenly looked fierce. Stared at Monkey King.

"I think what you did is quite joyful!" Monkey King smiled slightly, and then suddenly changed his tone, and said: "But...if you can't get used to that Danzo...I will let others evaporate now, how about?"

"This..." Tsunade was a little moved, and then he shook his head again: "Where there is light, there is darkness. We can only rely on the'root' in the darkness for things that Konoha cannot do with his face. Now, the guy Danzo is very suitable for this job. As long as I keep the balance between the two, there will be no problem..."

"Then you need to be able to maintain a balance..." Monkey King looked at Tsunade and shook his head. Danzo's ambition seems to have not been fully understood by her yet.But for Monkey King, Tuan Zang is just a clown who can kill him at any time. Now is not the time to kill him, let him live a little longer.

"Let's not talk about this... what's the matter with her?" Tsunade suddenly fixed his gaze on Doyuki's body, but frowned deeply: "According to the data, she is from Otonin Village... In other words, she is a subordinate of Oshemaru..."

"I'm already my person..." Monkey King smiled faintly, just looking at Tsunade's frowning brows, and added: "Don't worry... I've confirmed... Absolutely reliable... unless you don't trust it. I…"

"Since you have said so...then I'm relieved..." Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Tsunade felt relieved. Because of his strange affection for Monkey King, Tsunade still trusted him very much.

"Well... I'm so thirsty after talking so much!..." Monkey King glanced at the tea cup in front of Tsunade and copied it over.

"Wait, that's mine..." Tsunade hurriedly stopped, but it was already too late.

"I care who you are..." Monkey King looked into the teacup, and there was nothing left in it.This made Tsunade a sigh of relief.

"Ah! I'll go and pour you a fresh drink..." Mute who stood by the side just wanted to do something, but was ruined by Monkey King: "You don't need to go, Tsunade, you go..."

"What? Me?" Tsunade was taken aback for a moment, and stared at Monkey King, "You have to figure it out! I am Hokage now!"

"Just because you are Hokage, I told you to go..." Sun Wukong said with a smug look: "Will you go? Don't pay the money!" As he said, he stretched out his right hand towards Tsunade.

"You..." Tsunade's expression was dumbfounded, and he glanced at Monkey King fiercely: "You are ruthless!" He said, got up and poured tea...

"Tuk Tuk~~"

At this time, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Knock what knock, come in..." Monkey King shouted immediately.I just looked at the three people who walked in, but looked a little surprised. I ignored the two of them and looked at the only sexy girl: "Oh! Sister Temari, I didn't expect to see you here. !"

"I said who is so rude... So it's you..." Temari glared at Monkey King, remembering the picture of his clothes exploding during the Zhongnin exam, and his pretty face suddenly became hot. It suddenly became hot. The blush comes.She has both good feelings and dislikes for Monkey King. In short, she is very complicated, but she admires and admires Monkey King's strength extremely.

"What you guy...you want to be called Brother Wukong, understand?"

"Goku, you big-headed ghost, want to take advantage of me? No way!" Temari suddenly shouted angrily.

"Occupy the ones that should be accounted for, and those that shouldn't be accounted for, who is rare..." Monkey King muttered deliberately, but it was just enough to make Temari hear clearly.

"You...you bastard! I killed you!" A word, suddenly reminded Temari of the humiliation that day.His heart was instantly angry, his face flushed, and he picked up the big fan on his waist, he was about to attack Monkey King.

"This is the Hokage office...it's not a place where you can mess around!" At this time, Tsunade shouted in a very dignified manner. That aura really has the majesty of a superior.

"Temari...retreat! This will only reduce the quality of our Shayin Village!" Gaara suddenly shouted coldly.It’s just the current tone, but it’s no longer as mercilessly cold as before, turning around respectfully and holding a fist in Tsuna Tsunami, apologizing: "Sorry, Naruto-sama, it’s our fault, I apologize to you here..."

"Oh! Unexpectedly, Gaara has become so polite! It's really rare!" Monkey King looked at Gaara and smiled immediately.

Tsunade waved his hand, accepting Gaara's apology, and handed the poured tea to Monkey King, and returned to his seat at Hokage: "We should be thankful...this time I can get you Sa Yin Thank you so much for your assistance..."

"You are serious... I am really ashamed. We did nothing to help with this assistance... When we arrived... the matter was over..."

"En! At that time, Wukong happened to come back from the mission, so I sent him over...The matter has been solved...Although it was not helpful, but you can come, it is enough to have this intention..."

However, at this moment, suddenly a member of the dark side appeared, kneeling in front of Tsunade on one knee, and reported with a solemn expression: "No, Tsunade-sama, those heavy prisoners in the dungeon. , All rioted and escaped..."

"Jailbreak? What's going on?" Tsunade's expression suddenly changed and he shouted.

"Riot? Prison break? Is it that thing? But...it seems to develop too fast, right?" Monkey King rubbed his chin, but thoughtfully...

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