The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 86 The Hero of the Hidden Fog Village

"Damn it! I won't let you destroy our Shinobu Village!!"

Just when everyone was desperate, a sweet drink suddenly came into everyone's ears.

Everyone looked up, but they saw a mature figure leaping towards the demon wolf without fear...

"Master Shuiying!!"

"Quick! Protect Lord Shuiying!"


For a time, the desperate Mist Ninjas aroused their potential fighting spirit. The goddess in their hearts, their Shuiying adults, regardless of life and death, are not afraid, how can they shrink?

For a time, countless figures attacked the huge magic wolf like locusts...

All kinds of shurikens, detonating talisman, and various types of ninjutsu all rained down one after another, only hitting the body of the devil wolf, but it was difficult to cut even a trace of its fur...

The magic wolves are too powerful, so powerful that they can't break the defense...

"The technique of melting monsters!" Terumi Ming quickly sealed his hands, spit out lava, and sprayed towards the huge magic wolf, but he still couldn't hurt it in the slightest...

However, Terumi Ming was still unwilling to give up, and the seal in his hand formed again: "The technique of boiling mist!" This is the blood boundary boundary formed by the changes in the nature of water and fire. Exhales the high-heat mist that can freely adjust the acidity, which is continuous Suzuo can almost dissolve.

Just attacking the devil wolf's body, but it doesn't work at all!Its inner body has a trace of divine protection, how can such a low-level method be able to get hurt...

It was exhausted, and it was still unable to hurt the slightest... Powerless despair finally appeared on Terumi Ming’s face. This monster is simply terrifying...just like that guy...

"That's right... That guy..." Terumi Mei's eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled in his desperate eyes: "If it was him..." Unfortunately, time is running out, because the blood-colored beam in the mouth of the magic wolf has Condensed and formed, in the roar, it turned into a smear of blood, traversing the void, lasing out in the direction of Terumi Ming and others, and behind them is the misty hidden village they want to protect...

It's just that under the blood-colored light beam, Terumi Ming felt the desperate breath of death... She couldn't dodge or stop this blow. Is everything going to end?

"Is my ending... that's the end?..." Terumi closed his eyes slowly, waiting for death to come...

"Hey! It's a bit premature to give up like this!" Suddenly, a faint and familiar voice awakened her from despair, her waist tightened, and Terumi Ming suddenly fell into a warm embrace. Suddenly, she rose into the sky... Slowly opened her beautiful eyes, but it made her pupils shrink instantly...

The terrible blood-red beam came through the air, and the wave of destruction on it, even in the space, trembled, flashed, so that in front of...

"Ah!!" Terumi Ming exclaimed immediately, her heart beating violently at this moment, because she is so close to death now...

It's just the next scene, but she will never forget it...

Monkey King calmly stretched out his right hand, and under the horrified eyes of countless people, he blocked the terrifying beam of destruction...


The void roared, the clouds shattered, and the corners of Monkey King's clothes were grinning, but his figure remained motionless, and the beam of light blocked by one hand was on his palm, but no matter how hard it was!

"Just gaining such a small amount of power from me... does it make you so arrogant?" Monkey King looked at the demon wolf in front of him with indifference, and shook his palm lightly, with a'bang', bloody The light beam burst and split instantly, turning into a sky full of light and dissipating...


Demon Wolf looked at Monkey King, and a deep fear suddenly appeared in his eyes. He turned around, and he leaped across the sky, trying to escape...

"Killing so many people... just leave if you want... Isn't it too cheap for you..." Monkey King said lightly, between his fingers, the beam lased, lightly flicking the space, like a sharp sword, slashing down, easily swiping across The body of the demon wolf, in the miserable howling, the body of the demon wolf suddenly turned into a little bit of starlight and dissipated, and finally fell into a dissipated end...

Terumi Ming stared at the front blankly, the demon wolf, who was helpless and desperate, dissipated in front of her... that invincible figure, at this moment, deep in his heart...

The misty ninjas below, after being shocked, suddenly burst out loud cheers...

And Monkey King, in this way became the hero of their hidden village...

It’s just that this hero made Sun Wukong a little embarrassed. After all, that magic wolf was also a monster created by his negligence...

Only after this incident, Terumi Mei boldly showed his love to Monkey King. For a time, it shook the entire Water Country... Their Lord Shui Ying fell in love. River...

For Terumi Ming’s boldness, even Monkey King was surprised. The elder sister who was able to sit on the throne of the water shadow was indeed not comparable to those shy little girls!Loves and hates are distinct.

Although this incident was only caused by Monkey King's negligence, it was only the result that made him very satisfied.

Half a month's time, just like this in peace...

At the entrance of Wuyin Village, Terumi Ming looked at the Monkey King in front of him, and looked very unwilling. In charming big eyes, there was a trace of provocation. Tease: "You guy is really dishonest... there is someone like me. The beautiful mature mistress is with you, and you still think about the old woman Tsunade... really greedy..."

"..." Sun Wukong was speechless, and gently squeezed Terumi Ming's face, and couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Don't worry, if you miss me, as long as your heart moves, I will be there anytime! And, I do have a lot of things. To do... can't stay here forever! I'm saying, I told you to go with me, but you didn't want to..."

Terumi Ming immediately gave Monkey King a blank look, and said, "It's really annoying... I knew I wouldn't be this water shadow. Now I can't get rid of it if I want to..."

After that, a dry mist forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat!Can not do it!If this continues, their Master Shuiying is about to abandon their Misty Village and run away with others!

"Okay! I hate the mother-in-law before leaving!" Monkey King waved his hand, looked at the mist next to Terumi Ming, and said, "Mist, take good care of Miming for me. When I come back, yes Reward!"

Upon hearing the reward, Wuxue's face suddenly blushed, and he gave Sun Wukong a white look.

"Then, goodbye!" Monkey King said, suddenly leaning forward, and with a'wave', he gnawed on Terumi Mei's face, his figure flashed, and disappeared here with Sayu's three daughters...

"This bad guy... just loves sneak attacks..." A faint blush appeared on Terumi Ming's face, but everyone could see the joy on his face: "Let's go! Go back..."..

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