The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 90—The Cursed Warrior

"Here...nothing with better leave now!" Lu looked at Monkey King, his face suddenly turned cold, and he spoke indifferently, with a high-pitched appearance, with a tone of command.

"Master Lu... please don't say that... Master Goku, but I can't allow Konoha to invite your ninja... Master Goku is very strong... With his help... everything can be solved..." Qiandao suddenly looked Excited.

"I don't appreciate... it's superfluous..." Lu turned his head, disdainfully.With an overwhelming look: "Today we have a different position. I am already a big name, and you are just a little surname..."

"Hey! Don't make a mistake..." Monkey King suddenly stayed upstairs on the shoulders of heron, with his face close to her ears, and said lightly: "I am only interested in this I took this task... but not I took this task at your request... If I disagree, no one in this world is qualified to let me do things for them... So, don't talk to me in this command tone, or else... You are a big name, and brother will slap your little fart with the big palm of the fan.

"" Heron's face was reddish, and she was ashamed, but looking at Sun Wukong's indifferent expression, she was inexplicably afraid. She believed that this guy is a person who can do what he says. Don't dare to talk back again, shit. Fart will definitely suffer.With a grunt, he turned around and said in a commanding tone: "Qiandao, send me back..."

"Yes..." Qiandao immediately replied respectfully, and said sorry to the Monkey King beside him: "Master Goku, please forgive Master Lu... Actually he was not like this before... The details are waiting for us to go back and follow Tell me..."

"No... I'm not interested in that kind of thing..." Monkey King waved his hand faintly and snapped his fingers. The masked ninjas around were all spontaneously ignited, and in a moment, it was turned into ashes... this kind of scene , Qiandao was shuddered while watching, Master Wukong, there is really danger everywhere...

It was getting late, and in the dimly lit room, Meng Zong sat cross-legged and frowned, and looked very solemn: "Unexpectedly... he would be so strong... It seems that the rumors are indeed true!"

"My lord... this person is far more powerful than we imagined... if he really gets involved in this event... but it's quite bad!"

"Damn... I just wanted to perfuse things casually... I didn't expect to invite such a big trouble... Pass the order, in the meantime... Don't do anything... Since he is here to investigate and curse the samurai... just let him Check it out... After the results are found... he will naturally leave..."


Tonight’s night is a bit dim, and it also looks exceptionally silent, it looks a little strange...

A figure wearing armor, holding a long gun, and a long sword hung on his waist slowly appeared in front of the window of Monkey King's room and floated in...

Looking at that face up to the sky, one hand reached into the trousers crotch, an imageless figure in deep sleep, a trace of coldness appeared in the faint eyes, the long gun in his hand stabs mercilessly, just in the process of being stabbed, that Take the key long. The gun is obviously slightly shifted to the right...

With a soft sound of "Hey!", the long spear pierced deeply into the bedboard, and the figure on it had disappeared...

"!!!" The person enveloped in the armor was obviously taken aback, just about to move, suddenly a strong arm stretched out from behind her, strangling her throat...

"Hmm? The cursed warrior's body has the smell of sister paper?" Monkey King looked surprised, and the evil big hand couldn't help but stretched into the armor: "Let me check first..."

"Stop...Stop..." An anxious voice suddenly came from the armor, her tone was very embarrassing, it was a female voice: "You did it on purpose...right?"

"What is it? You who?" Monkey King asked knowingly, taking off the mask that cursed the samurai, looking at that beautiful face, pretending to be surprised: "So it was you! I thought there really was something here. Cursing the samurai... So you are pretending to be a ghost! But... Brother just squeezed your little mi. Mi. There is no need to use a gun to poke brother, right?"

"You..." The bustard was suddenly angry, she really regretted that she was merciful to such a shameless guy just now...

"You should feel grateful that you were merciful with that shot just now. You just stabbed it under my armpit, otherwise you...are dead..." Monkey King looked indifferently and let go of the bustard: "Say! Why come suddenly Brother Ye Xi...Don't give me an explanation. Be careful to put you in an 18th appearance and adjust it well. Teach you..."

"I have to survive for revenge... as long as I succeed... it doesn't matter if I go to hell... you know my secret... so you have to die..." The bustard clenched his pocket watch and looked at Monkey King with determination in his eyes. .

"Vengeance? Haha..." Monkey King smiled faintly, grabbed lightly, and the pocket watch in Bustard's hand appeared in his hand.

"Also... Give it back to me!" The bustard was suddenly shocked, and actually rushed directly at Monkey King...

The fragrance and soft touch have never been possessed. Monkey King only felt cold and hard. This feeling is uncomfortable.So, he lightly clicked on the armor, and there was a soft'click', the hard armor instantly cracked and opened, and even the bustard's coat was exploded in one fell swoop...

The pink, tender and mature body suddenly appeared in front of Monkey King, who dragged his chin, looking at the beauty in front of him with an artistic eye...

"Ah! Dead pervert..." After the silence, there was a harsh scream in the room...

"Shut up, and then ask to explode your inner, clothes, and pants..." Monkey King said with an unhappy expression on his ears.

The scream stopped abruptly, and the bustard folded his hands together, shrank in a corner, looking at Monkey King pitifully...

Well, Monkey King swears that he really exploded just because he felt that the armor was uncomfortable on his body. He really didn't want to insult her...

Just about to explain, the room suddenly became extremely cold. A cursed warrior dressed as the bustard slowly emerged and blocked the bustard's body. The flashing green eyes stared at Monkey King, feeling cold. The light flashes, that's murderous...

At this time, the bustard couldn't care about being shy. Looking at the cursed warrior who suddenly appeared in front of him, his pupils tightened, his eyes widened, and he was full of shock: "Brother...Brother?!!!"

"Oh? The real ghost has appeared..." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Monkey King's mouth: "But it seems... I have some misunderstandings..."

PS: If you have something to do today, you can only make two changes, and start to make up changes tomorrow, and the minimum is four...

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