The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 37 The Lost Island

"It will be there soon!" Monkey King smiled slightly, stretched out one hand, and moved upward towards the sea. Suddenly, an extremely terrifying gravitational force drove the entire sea area. For a while, the waves rolled and the entire sea area was as violent as an earthquake. Trembles...

And the mountain peaks rose from the bottom of the sea under the extremely shocked gaze of Ke Ya Ji Nu...a huge island slowly rises from the bottom of the sea, emerging from the sea...

"This...this is the legendary lost island?...where is the dragon's cave?" Nami looked at the slowly rising island, her eyes widened in shock: "Unexpectedly... it would be on the bottom of the sea..."

"It's amazing... Is this the Lost Island?" Keya's eyes widened, her eyes flickering, full of excitement and excitement.

"Isn't it a dragon's den? Why don't you see a thousand-year-old dragon?" Nami looked suspicious.

"Look...Is that an egg over there?" Da Siqi suddenly pointed to an egg surrounded by coral not far away and exclaimed.

"Isn't it the egg of the Thousand-Year Dragon?" Tina asked in surprise.

"That's awesome! Is this the dragon's lair where Lord Long wants to come back?" Abliss looked at everything in front of her in shock, and immediately came to the side of the Millennium Dragon, and said excitedly: "Did you see it? You saw it? Is it? Long Ye! Brother Wukong actually found Long Dao! You are finally home! It's amazing..."

Thousand-year dragon opened his tired eyes, looking at the long-lost dragon's lair, his eyes trembling involuntarily, all that he had forgotten in the past was remembered one by one because he saw the familiar homeland in the past. In excitement, he suddenly stood up. , Spread his wings and roar up to the sky!The terrifying sound waves stabbed people's eardrums with pain!

But the women of Ya and Ji blocked the painful expression in their ears: "Stop screaming! Your ears are going to be deafened by you!"

With a wave of Monkey King, a soundproof barrier enveloped everyone...

"Huh? I can't hear the sound anymore! What is this?" Ablis curiously poked the transparent film in front of her, full of curiosity.

"It's just a soundproof barrier!" Monkey King said faintly, and immediately looked at the Millennium Dragon: "It is summoning companions...It won't be long before many Millennium Dragons will fly here..."

"Huh? Isn't this the Dragon's Den? Why would you say that other thousand-year-old dragons will fly here?" But Ya looked at Monkey King curiously.

"Well! The so-called thousand-year dragons do not mean that they can live for a thousand years, but because this lost island will only surface once in a thousand years, and on this day, thousand-year dragons will come to this island to breed …So this Lost Island is not the Dragon Island where dragons live for thousands of years, but their hometown and breeding ground...They just return to their hometown every thousand years..." Monkey King looked at the daughters and explained patiently .

"Have you seen the rocks that look like a thousand-year-old dragon? Those are actually dragon bones. Because they have sunk on the sea floor for a thousand years, their bodies have turned into rocks..."

"It turned out to be like this... I thought that Lord Long had lived for a thousand years..." Nami looked at the roaring thousand-year-old dragon in front of them, with a look of surprise.

When the thousand-year-old dragon was scared to the ground and was not roaring, Monkey King withdrew from the soundproof barrier.

Seeing the listless appearance of the Thousand-Year Dragon, Ablis was shocked, and hurried over, with a panic expression on her face: "Master Long! What's wrong with you? Don't you say, just go back to the dragon's lair, you Will it get better? Why? Why is it so?"

"It's a pity...Abis, its lifespan has come to an end... It can last so long, but the obsession to return to its hometown is too strong. Now that it has done so, it can no longer persist..." Sun Wukong gently Rubbed Abis's head and said.

"How could could this...I promised to send you back to the dragon's lair... Now that I did it, why did you leave? It shouldn't be like this!..." Abliss held the Millennium Dragon, Suddenly burst into tears.

Qianlong opened his eyes and patted Abliss on the back with his wings, staring at her as if he was making a final farewell...

"I don't want it! I don't want you to die!" Abliss shook her head again and again.Tears wet his face.

Looking at a thousand-year-old dragon fossil, Nami looked at Monkey King and guessed: "So many dragon bones...this is also the cemetery of the thousand-year dragon, right?"

"Smart!" Monkey King gave Nami an admiring look, and said: "This is not only the cemetery of the thousand-year dragon, but also the breeding ground. If a thousand-year dragon dies, a new one will naturally be born..."

As Sun Wukong said, he came to Absi's side, rubbed her little head, and said: "Okay! Don't be sad! Lord Long's life is coming to an end, and it is considered to be at the end of his life. You should not feel sad. …"

"But...but..." Ablis looked at Lord Long who slowly closed her eyes, with tears in her eyes, still very sad.

"Hey! It's really troublesome... Forget it, for the sake of your sadness, I'll help you!" Seeing Abis's sad look, Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly.

"Brother Wukong! Do you have a way?" Abliss eyes lit up and she grabbed his arm full of excitement.

"Hey! Really! This thousand-year-old dragon's lifespan is almost at the end, can you really save it?" Nami and her daughters cast doubtful eyes at Monkey King.

"Life is exhausted, just give it to it..." Monkey King waved his hand indifferently, the green light in his hand condensed, exuding a strong vitality, just being illuminated by the light, Nami and daughters felt that their whole body cells were all Full of vitality!At the moment, their eyes widened in shock, full of incredible colors: " can't it true?"

Life is exhausted... can it really be given?This is the first time they have heard of this incredible thing!At the moment, their eyes widened, looking at Monkey King, wanting to see if he can create such a miracle!

The green light was soft, exuding strong vitality, Monkey King flicked his fingers, and the light ball in his hand was instantly submerged into the body of the Millennium Dragon. In an instant, the old wrinkles on its face were gradually under the shocked gazes of the Nami women. Become alive...

But for a moment, the dragon who was originally weak and weak, suddenly lifted his spirits, stood up fiercely, spread his wings, and while waving, he rose from the ground a little bit, and flew high in the sky... the loud roar spreads through the void...

"Really...flew up?!!!" Nami and her daughters were really shocked. An old thousand-year-old dragon that was about to die was actually saved by Monkey King, which is incredible!

"Ah! Alive! Alive! Lord Long is really alive! Thank you! Brother Wukong!" Ablis happily jumped and jumped into Monkey's arms, chirped, and gnawed at him. !

"Ahem! Okay! This business is not a loss..." Sun Wukong couldn't help but smile while hugging Little Lori...

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