The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 39—The Great Route

It was like a crack opened up from the huge rocky mountain, and the stairs extended to the top of the mountain. The sea was surging, the turbulent turbulent, and the turbulent waves and vortexes made people feel terrified!

However, the sea water is going up the stairs, it looks like sea water is climbing a mountain, it is extremely spectacular and incredible.

This is a dangerous place, half of the ships heading to the great sea route are sunk here...

"Cross here, you will be able to officially enter the great route..." Monkey King looked at the rush of water and the passage that the sea climbed up, and smiled at the women: "Are you ready? Let's go!"

"Tina... such a dangerous place... are you really okay?" Nami still looked at Tina uneasy.

"Don't worry, in the dangerous seas, I can get through safely..." Tina waved her hand with a relaxed face, gave the women a reassuring look, controlled the Emperor, straight forward, even if it appeared in front After an extremely terrifying maelstrom, she still ran rampant as if she hadn't seen it!

This indomitable and fearless posture made Nami pale with fright, and she exclaimed: "Hey! Tina! Will you even sail! There is a whirlpool ahead! Avoid it!" Avoid it! I'm going to crash in... I'm crashing in... It's over! I don't want to die yet!"

A moment ago, I was full of confidence in Tina. At this moment, Nami was scared again!Why is this girl's psychology so complicated?

In the exclaim, the Emperor had already sailed into the extremely terrifying vortex, but the strange thing was that the Emperor was not sucked into the vortex. Instead, it drove past the vortex with ease like covering the sea...

This scene is not only Nami, but Tina and the others also stared in surprise. This is a bit beyond common sense!

Nami rubbed her eyes, and said in an unbelievable way: "How could it be possible to pass through such a large whirlpool?"

"This is the emperor, don't use common sense... OK? You should be calm in the future... Don't always yell..." Monkey King patted Nami on the head and said in a lesson.

"You're talking relaxed, that kind of scene is scary when you look at it!" Nami immediately glared at Monkey King.

"Just be timid! Don't make any more excuses!" Monkey King glanced at Nami faintly, then looked at Abis and said: "Look at someone's little loli, it's more calm than you..."

Ke Ya came to Abis's side, waved in front of her eyes, and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh! Ablis has been stunned..."

Monkey King: "...Hey, I just praised you! Don't have such a face slap!"

The water is fierce, the current is rushing, and the deafening sound of the waves hitting the shore is even more frightening. Although the women know that Tina is there, there should be no danger, but they still feel a sense of shock!Because the surrounding scenes are really too dangerous and scary!

Fortunately, the Emperor is not an ordinary ship, even in rough seas, it can still sail smoothly...

Driving on the turbulent sea, feeling the stability of the ship, Nami exclaimed: "It's really an incredible ship... Goku, how did you build this ship?"

"What construction! It's creation! Do you understand creation?" Tina immediately corrected me on the side: "I am created by the master...the great master is not what you can imagine...Oh! Anyway, it is very troublesome to explain... I will know..."

"If you say it, you don't say it..." Nami gave Tina a blank look.However, they became more and more curious about the identity of Monkey King.

Think about it before Tina squeezed her hand, and immediately destroyed a fleet. Such a terrifying guy, even respectfully calling Monkey King Master, made them even more apparent.

It's just that people have remained mysterious, and they can only grit their teeth secretly, but they have no alternative.

While a few people were talking, the Emperor had already passed through dangerous areas, drove into the seaway leading to the top of the mountain, and went straight ahead...

"Okay... so amazing... it's all in the clouds..." Looking at the whiteness all around, Ke Ya looked excited.

She, who has been staying at home, has never seen such a spectacular and incredible scene. Among the women, she is the happiest and most excited one. She hugged Monkey King and said excitedly: "Goku, Thank you! Thank you for taking me out to sea! I have seen this incredible world...I am so happy now!!"

"Haha! This is just the beginning! The road is still far away!" Monkey King rubbed Koya's head with a smile on his face.

"Brother Wukong! We keep going up like this...will we rush to the sky?" Ablis stood on the boat board, her little hand grasping the clouds floating by her, very naive.

"Will it be there? When you reach the top of the mountain, you will sail down again..." Monkey King said, and there was light ahead...

It didn't take long before he rushed to the top of the mountain, and then it turned sharply!Feeling the cool breeze in their ears, the women looked forward, and their eyes were full of expectations.There is the great route that countless people dream of. They are about to enter an incredible world...

As he got closer and closer to the sea surface, a strange cry was passed into Monkey King’s ears. He tilted his head to look into the thick clouds and mist below, but a smile appeared at the corner of Monkey King’s mouth: "That A whale...hehe... I didn’t expect that we would encounter it when we first came here..."

"Tina seems to hear a strange cry?" Tina listened carefully, and said in surprise.

"Who is calling the person's name... so bleak..." Abliss widened her eyes and said seriously.After eating the fruit of whispering, she obviously could understand what Rab was saying!

"Is there? Why can't I hear?" Nami looked at several people, very curious, because the water was too loud, so she didn't hear clearly.

It’s just that as we get closer and closer to the ground, the women can hear clearly...

"Oh! A huge black wall appeared in front...Tina! Turn! Turn!"

"What black wall... it's a whale... what a big whale!!"

When all the women saw the huge whale with a huge mouth and rising straight out of the sea, they were all shocked. It was the first time they saw such a huge whale, and the Emperor was about to hit it...

"Tina! Hurry! Avoid it!!" Not to mention Nami, even Tina can't calm down...

And Abis opened her cute little mouth again, and was stunned...

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