"Faced with such a lineup, I still take it easy... The Emperor Pirates... what kind of surprises will you bring to me? Now, let me see if my choice is correct..."

Robin looked at Tina standing on the side of the boat with a strange face, with curiosity and expectation in his eyes!

She is betting her life on the Emperor Pirates. If even these people can't deal with it, how can she deal with Crocdal, one of the Qiwuhai...

I saw the handprints formed in Tina's hands, and the water in her hands was rippling!With a slender hand waving, the surrounding sea suddenly rolled and surged!In the whirl and surging, a huge and terrifying vortex appeared under the baroque work agency fleet. In the horrified screams of everyone, it was like a terrifying sea monster with a mouth, which swallowed the entire fleet...

The waves are rough, but calm gradually...

Weiwei and the others looked at the calm and terrifying sea in front of them dumbfounded, and for a while, they sucked in air-conditioning... But for a moment, the seemingly terrifying fleet was swallowed by the horrible whirlpool!This is simply shocking!

Robin's eyes widened in shock at this moment. She saw at a glance that Tina's strength was even close to the admiral?Is this just a maid beside Monkey King?How terrifying is his strength?

"It seems that he really defeated Hawkeye Mihawk..." If he had doubts before, but now Robin believed.And not to mention the strength of Monkey King, only by Tina's strength, Robin knew that her gamble this time was a right bet.

"I actually got help from such a person..." Wei Wei looked dazed, and even now she was still a little bit shocked.Then he was replaced by ecstasy: "If it were them, Alabastan might really be saved..."

"Tina, your ability... is not the ability of Devil Fruit?" Tina looked at Tina in surprise and asked.

"No! What my master gave me is a water system technique that can manipulate water-related substances..." Tina smiled softly. She was not in a fighting state, and once again returned to a gentle and weak demeanor. When people saw it, they couldn't help but want to bully her.

"It turns out not to be a capable person?!" Robin looked at Tina and was even more surprised: "Is not a capable person, can you still use such incredible abilities?"

"Water system exercises?..." Tina's beautiful eyes were bright, and she looked at Monkey King expectantly: "Wukong, you said that we will teach us the exercises after we practice the empty dance. Is it okay now? "

"Okay! Your strength is indeed a bit weak for the Great Route. You must improve it. Otherwise, some of you will ask me or Tina to take action. That would be too big for you to use, and you will have no chance to play at all..."

Monkey King nodded and waved his hand lightly, and a few fluorescent lights were submerged in the eyebrows of Nami and the girls: "Practice well! Practice to the highest level, enough to make you fearless of any master in this world..."

"Hey! Hey! The destruction of the world or something in it... is it a bit exaggerated? Goku, are you lying to us?" When Nami and the girls read the inexplicable memories in their minds, they were all right. The Monkey King cast a skeptical look, because the content inside, if it is a normal person, would basically not believe it.

"It's true or not, you know it as soon as you practice!" Monkey King smiled faintly.

"Practice, who is afraid of who!" Nami sat on the spot decisively and began to practice.

"Tina also try..."

Some people took the lead and several women began to practice...

Following the route described in the exercises, they started to operate, but for a moment, they felt that the spiritual energy of the world outside was being absorbed into their bodies at a slow speed, washing their bodies...

The "qi" in the Dragon Ball world is actually only suitable for men to practice, because it represents a kind of ultimate strength of the flesh, the stronger the physical strength, the stronger the Qi!If you want to strengthen the qi in your body, then work hard to cultivate your physical body!

Therefore, the cultivation of qi is not suitable for women, because which woman likes to practice herself like a muscular girl?Even if they train themselves to be like a muscular girl, there is a limit, because they are just ordinary humans.

Number 18 in Dragon Ball World is just an alternative, because they are artificial people!

Therefore, what Sun Wukong taught Nami and the others is actually a technique that can use the spirit of heaven and earth to wash and strengthen their bodies. In this way, they will not become muscular girls...

After only a few hours of cultivation, the effect is obvious. The women were pleasantly surprised to find that after just a few hours, their bodies were not as weak as before. They felt that they seemed to be already It's reborn, and the qi in the body has grown a lot...

"This is... incredible..."

At this moment, Robin's eyes widened in shock, feeling incredible. In just a few hours, her strength has improved tremendously!

But at the same time I felt a little embarrassed, because she didn't recognize the existence of the Emperor Pirates in her heart, but Sun Wukong unreservedly taught her such a technique that can subvert the world. This trust makes her She was tangled.

But for a while, my heart was relieved again: "Let’s take a look first... I hope I don’t disappoint..."

"Tina! Come on! Let's fight with me! I feel like I'm saying it now!" Nami looked at Tina with beaming eyes. The improvement in her strength made her confident.

"Yes!" Tina smiled slightly.

"Then be careful! I'm very strong now!" Nami smiled, and kicked it sideways, but Tina lightly grabbed her ankle, picked it up and clicked, Namiho Falling to the ground without image...

"Hey! How about getting stronger? Why was I knocked down in an instant?" Nami was dumbfounded in an instant.

"Then you have to pick a well-matched opponent! Choose Tina, aren't you looking for abuse?" Monkey King gave Nami a blank look and said: "Moreover, that is just a kind of after your body is baptized by heaven and earth aura. It’s an illusion, how can you burst with cultivation strength!"

"Don't say it earlier!" Nami's pretty face flushed with shame.

"But the physical quality has indeed improved a lot..." Robin sensed himself carefully, with a serious expression on his face.

"During the first period of time, the effect of cultivation is the best. As time goes by, the effect will become weaker..." Monkey King nodded and said: "Cultivate well, this is just for your future. Just lay the foundation..."..

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