A group of people walked in the desert, and the hot sun made people feel a little impetuous.

Although Monkey King can take a few daughters to reach the destination in an instant, there is no fun in that way.

"It's so hot! It's so hot! I've been acting in the desert like this... It really is too messy..." Nami sat down in the desert, shouting weakly.

"We should go to the city to buy a few camels..." A look of helplessness, because there is Monkey King, they subconsciously think that he is omnipotent, so Monkey King said to go, and they followed. I didn’t think of the consequences at all.

There is enough water and food, but looking at the vast desert, all the women feel a sense of powerlessness...

"Sure enough... I believe you too much... it's not so good..." Robin also looked helpless, fanning the wind with his archaeological books, enjoying the slight coolness.

"But, you can't do it if you walk this way? This physical fitness is too bad! Let's take a break..." Monkey King stared at the women's body because of the heat, their clothes had been sweated Invasion. Wet, the picture is really beautiful...

"It's over! It's going to go on like this! The skin will be darkened..." Keya looked worried.

"You did it on purpose...right?" Tina looked at Monkey King's wretched eyes, tightened her clothes, and stared at her angrily.

Because the eyes of this guy have deeply betrayed him...

"How is it possible! This is also a kind of cultivation... Also, you don't have to worry about the black problem, then meditate and practice. After the spiritual energy of the world is nourished, it will become more white and tender..." Monkey King retracted his eyes and said with a serious face. .

"Really? Is there that kind of effect?" The eyes of the women all lit up, and Robin practiced on the spot, but for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It's really...just After a while, the fatigue almost disappeared, and the heat dropped a lot..."

"Does it really exist? I will try too!"

The women sat down one after another and began to practice...

Now, Monkey King can enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of him openly...

Half an hour later, the group set off again...

Stop and go all the way, practice while walking, this way, the effect is quite good!

Soon the sun was set to the west, and at dusk...

A group of camel caravans appeared in the sight of Monkey King and others...

"Look there, there are caravans. Let's go with them!" Da Siqi pointed to the right with a surprise expression on his face.

"No...They don't look like ordinary caravans..." Wei Wei shook her head, staring at the caravans, and Dai frowned.

"It seems to be a member of the Baroque Job Club..." Monkey King just glanced at it to gain insight into the identity of the other party.

"A member of the Baroque Job Club? How come here pretending to be a caravan? There must be a problem here!" Dasqi said with a serious face: "I don't know what they are shipping?"

"Since you are a member of the Baroque Work Club, you don't have to be polite, go, and take a look!" Tina said decisively.

The group immediately turned around and walked towards the caravan...

"Who are you? Warn you, don't get close, or you won't blame us for being polite!"

Just as Monkey King and the others approached, they received the warning from the other side, and their ferocious appearance didn't look like good people.

"You're welcome? You can try it!" Nami said with a smile on her face.If she changed her job, she would have been scared to run away, but now, with Monkey King and Tina, she is more courageous than anyone else.

"The visitor is not good, come on!" The other party was very determined, immediately shouted angrily, and raised the sword in his hand to kill Monkey King and the others...

This group of people are all addictive goods, but they will not be merciful because the other party is a woman... Compared with women, they care more about their lives, because if there is a problem with this batch of goods, they have to finish playing!

"It just happens to try the results of cultivation!" Da Siqi helped her glasses, it seemed that there was a kind of wise beauty.Slowly pulled out his own Shigure, but didn't take two steps, and fell to the ground with a clatter, his entire face buried in the sand...

"..." The Nami women looked very speechless.

"Can you do it?" A slightly worried expression on his face.

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly and looked at Miss.Valentine: "Go!"

Miss.Valentine curled her lips, a little unwilling, but was afraid of being hit by Monkey King, her body immediately floated into the air: "Ahhaha~~ You have to be careful! If you get hit, you will be injured. Ten catties... one hundred catties... one thousand catties... ten thousand catties!"

With a bang, Miss.Valentine's body landed on the ground like a cannonball, blasting the person below directly into the sand, splashing yellow sand in the sky...

"It's the ability of light and fluttering fruit... You... Are you Miss. Valentine? Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding! We are from the Baroque Job Club... Master Miss.Valentine, this is a misunderstanding!"

After seeing the ability of Miss.Valentine, the group of people suddenly lost their color and expressed their views begging for mercy.

"Ahaha~~ I'm so sorry! I know you are from the Baroque Jobs Club... But if I don't beat you, I will be beaten..." Miss. Valentine smiled exaggeratedly, and her body rose again. , And then crashed down again with a weight of ten thousand catties...

Accompanied by screams, floating, falling...

"What kind of fighting is this? Are you sure you are hitting moles?" The women of Wei Wei looked at the battle in front of them, all of them speechless...

Although Miss.Valentine's fighting style feels a bit speechless, it is still very useful to deal with this group of young people. However, in a moment, dozens of Baroque workers have been deeply smashed into the yellow sand by her...

Da Siqi casually separated a bag on the cart with a sword, and countless green powder was poured out...

"This is... the dancing fan?!" After seeing the contents of the bag, he was slightly surprised.

Tina's eyebrows also wrinkled slightly, this is not a good thing!

"Dancing powder? What is that? Do you eat dancing powder?" Abliss looked innocent, full of curiosity, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the green powder...

PS: The previous chapters are typed incorrectly. Anyway, it doesn't hinder reading, it's okay...

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