The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 77: Fierce Battle

Da Siqi thought he had avoided the fierce blow, but didn’t want to. Ohm seemed to have known it beforehand, and punched out with a punch, hitting Da Siqi’s shoulder in the middle, and in a muffled snort, Da Siqi flew out directly. !

Shaking his head, Monkey King made a move, and Da Siqi's flying direction changed, and he was directly picked up by him!

"Da Siqi! Are you okay!" Tina and the women all gathered around, full of concern.

"It's okay!" Da Siqi shook her head and looked at Monkey King: "What the hell was going on just now? That guy seems to know what I want to do next?"

"This is the heart net, that is, the ability to see and hear the domineering... can predict the opponent's actions, and thus know the opponent's next move..."

"Is this the domineering look? It's amazing!" Ke Ya and a few women exclaimed.

"I can predict the opponent's actions, how to fight this?" Wei Wei frowned, looking very solemn.

"Then be fast! Soon he can't react, and he's almost in a hurry...Of course, the easiest way is, you only need to learn to see, see and be domineering... But now, you can only win by coming soon!" Sun Wukong Looking at Da Siqi.

"Hurry? I know!" Da Siqi nodded solemnly, seeing that she is not so aggressive for the time being, so she can only win with speed.Standing up, he walked toward Ohm again: "We are coming!"

As he said, tap his feet lightly, his figure resembling a leaf of Qingyu, attacking towards Ohm!

"Life and death... It's impossible for a woman to become a true swordsman! No matter how hard you try, it won't help!" Ohm looked at Da Siqi with disdain, his body slightly dodged by Shigure's edge. !

He knew very well that Shigure’s sharpness was blocked by Teyun, only to be chopped in half, so he didn’t use his own weapon to collide with Dasqi. With the power of his heart network, he almost defeated Dasqi. You know everything!During the dodge, as soon as there is a gap, he stabs a sword at Da Siqi...

In just a moment, Da Siqi's body was stabbed several times, and his clothes were also stained with blood red!Looks a little embarrassed...

"Wukong, can't go on like this! That guy can keep up with Da Siqi's speed, Da Siqi is not his opponent at all!" Nami looked at Da Siqi who had survived the danger, with a nervous expression on her face.

"Da Siqi's swordsmanship is not very good at first. The reason why she can stay with Ohm for so long is entirely based on her own light and agile movements. Therefore, she needs a real life and death training for her swordsmanship to improve... "Monkey Wukong remained unmoved and said lightly.

"Then you have to be optimistic! If you get killed, it won't be a second..." Robin looked at the court and said.

"Robin! Don't you say this in such a plain tone?" Nami yelled immediately.Robin just smiled.

"Don't worry, there will be no accident with me!" Monkey King comforted the women and looked at the court again.

But I didn't want to. At this moment, a figure jumped out of the dense forest, it was Weber.Monkey King slapped him into the ground casually, and his teeth were knocked out, and he lost the ability to fight.But after a short break, he recovered a lot of physical strength, so he rushed here immediately.But the red and swollen face looked funny.

When Webber saw Monkey King, he roared like he saw his father and enemy killing him, "Qinghai people! Go to death!" As he said, the barrel in his hand was aimed at Monkey King and he was about to fire.For a fighter like him, that hatred is still fresh in his memory!It's even a shame for a lifetime!

"Is this looking for death?" Sun Wukong frowned slightly and looked at Wei Bo with a cold expression.But she was shocked by La Qi, and hurriedly stood in front of Monkey King, and said softly: "Webber, stop! He is not an enemy!"

"Yeah! Webber, he saved Laqi before and saved us!" The Shandias who survived also immediately explained.

"What's the matter?" Webber frowned, put away the barrel, and landed in front of Laqi.

"It's not the time to talk about this. You must solve these two priests first!" Raqi said with a serious face looking at the court.

Webber nodded and shouted at the Sandia: "Kill!"

With an order, the few Shandias all fought against the Nirvana who watched the battle without fear of death...

"It's not good to watch the show, but you ran to find your way to death. You Shandia are really a group of brainless idiots!" Nirvana snorted with disdain, raised his hands, and ejected two swamp clouds, facing each other. Two Sandia people threw it over!It happened to be over their heads.

The two Shandia people suddenly groaned in pain. They looked like they were drowning. They stretched out their hands and tried to pull the cloud off their heads, but even their hands were sunk in...

"No! It's Zuoyun! Go and save people!" Wei Bo screamed at Laqi next to him, first picked up the barrel, and blasted Nirvana!

Amid a loud bang, this cannon was so powerful that the surrounding trees were all shattered by the bombing, earth and rock flying debris...

"Have you hit it?" Webber and the others looked expectantly at the dense smoke.

"Where are you looking? How could this kind of attack hit me!" Nirvana's voice suddenly came from the air.

Everyone looked up, but saw the wind blowing under his feet, floating in the air.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and his figure flashed straight in front of Webber, and he shot out with a punch!With a loud bang, Webber was directly blasted out and smashed through a big tree, before shaking out a big hole in the ground and stopping his body...

"Damn! His fists... are they so heavy?" Webber's mouth was bleeding, and he climbed up with difficulty, looking at Nirvana in the air, full of shock.

"This is an extinct breezing shell. It can speed up the fists... I don't know how the opponent dies... But its disadvantage is that it will tear the clothes..." Nirvana squeezed his fists tightly, his face looked like .

"When will this kind of boring battle be delayed?" Robin shook his head impatiently, crossed his hands, and his little white hands suddenly grew out of Nirvana's neck...

"This...this is...what's going on?!!!" Nirvana was shocked at the moment, reaching out and grabbing a hand, trying to pull it out of his body, but didn't want to, and several arms immediately supported him Chin and head, wanting to twist his neck...

But Nirvana insisted on insisting, and actually resisted it...

"The strength is so great..." Robin looked at Nirvana somewhat unexpectedly, and suddenly a sharp dagger flashed out of one of his palms!Don't forget that Robin now has the space ring!

"Hey, Robin, I keep him but I want Weiwei and the others to practice their hands..."

"Let’s talk about it later! Now I’m going to find the historical text on this empty island..." Robin said, the short dagger has been pierced into Nirvana’s chest...

In a muffled grunt, Nirvana fell from the air...

PS: Yesterday, I stopped the electricity for a day and only came at 11 o'clock in the evening, so I didn't have time to update, I will make up today...

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