A sister in a bathing suit is dangling in front of her, and there is also a sister Robin by her side to teach herself the game...

In the distance, Abis was riding a dolphin-sized rabble on the sea, sprinting with waves, and smiling happily...

On the side of the Emperor, a wide platform spreads out. It is spread out on the sea surface and placed almost like a beach, making it a seaside resort!

On this day, the girls had a great time playing, especially Robin, Miss. Two fingers, as capable people, I don’t know how many years they haven’t swim!The excitement and gratitude in my heart can no longer be expressed in words.

It wasn't until sunset that the women returned to the Emperor. Although it was only a few hours, the feelings between each other had also been greatly improved on this day!

The sky gradually darkened, and the Emperor, still slowly marching forward...

In the early morning of the next day, when everyone woke up, they realized that a huge water city had appeared before their eyes...

I even saw a sea train approaching from far, passing by the sea not far from the Emperor...

Although the girls felt a little surprised, they were not surprised, because they had seen so many incredible things by staying with Monkey King. This kind of scene is not surprising.

"The city of water..." Monkey King looked forward, turned his head and glanced at Robin. At the corner of his mouth, a hint of curiosity could not help but emerge: "I wonder if Robin will make Strange things are coming..."

Ignoring the drunken old lady who fell to the ground in the port, the Emperor swayed into the Water City like this...

"It's amazing! The houses are all built on water..." Ablis looked at the houses around her with a look of surprise.

And Nami and the others are also surprised, they are attracted by the beauty of the water city...

Of course, they were not the only ones who were surprised. The residents on both sides of the strait were also attracted by the magnificent emperor, and they all showed their expressions of wonder...

"This pirate ship is too gorgeous? Which pirate group is it?"

"Such a pirate ship... This is the first time I have seen it... How much is it worth!"

"It seems that a great pirate group has arrived in the city of water..."

"Hi! Ladies, where are you going? Sightseeing?" An uncle on the shore looked at Robin and the women, saying very enthusiastically.

"Yes! Do you know where the restaurant is?" Nami was also very polite.

"Go straight from here, and there is a fork in the front. It doesn't take long to go to the right, and you can see it... But for the Pirate Ship, it's a bit bad to go in from the front generously from here! You still go around to the back street Go ahead..."

"Thank you!"

"The people here don't seem to be afraid of pirates at all!" A slightly surprised expression.

"This is the location of the shipbuilding company. There are many pirates who need to come here to buy ships or repair ships, so there are very few pirates who will do evil here, so the residents here should be used to it..." Robin held A book, explained slowly.

"It turned out to be like this... Habits become natural..." Nami's face was in a daze.

"Let's go around the back! These people's eyes are really annoying..." La Sha frowned and reminded.One or two is okay, but a dozen beautiful girls can only be described as stunning. A pair of thief eyes are always scanning their bodies, and it feels very uncomfortable.

At the suggestion of the girls, the Emperor turned around and drove towards the backstreet...

"Emperor Pirates..." At the coastal wharf, a man looked at a wanted list in his hand, and looked at the Imperial ship slowly driving towards him. His brows were slightly frowned, his expression looked a little bit. dignified.

"Is this the imperial title in the rumor? It is impressive enough!" A woman dressed as a secretary beside the man, holding her glasses lightly, staring at the imperial title that is getting closer and closer, her eyes flashed brightly. Die: "I really didn't expect that if the general Qing pheasant and the others tracked down a person who hasn't been chased for so many days, they will appear in the city of water... how about it, do you want to notify them?"

"En... The above has already said hello to us... In that case, let them tell the green pheasants! Let them handle it by themselves, we have our own tasks, don't startle the snake..." The man nodded softly and whispered.

"Understood..." The woman nodded, took small steps, and left here gracefully...

At the same time, a navy warship is floating in the endless sea...

"It's really weird... Although the speed of the Emperor is fast, we can't catch up, but we chased overnight, without stopping for a moment, logically speaking, there must be some news? But we came all the way, and even the Emperor Pirates We haven't gotten any news...it's not that we are chasing in the wrong direction, they didn't take the great route at all, right?" The red dog sat on a bench, frowning, looking very depressed.

It's no wonder that if they wanted to chase someone down before, it would have been easy, but when they arrived at Monkey King, so many days have passed, let alone the figure, there is no news about them!It was completely lost, and it was ashamed to be thrown home.

"It's really weird...There should be only two possibilities, one is... they really haven't walked this channel, and the other is... Will they still be unable to fly?" The green pheasant frowned and analyzed seriously. Tao.

Ok!In fact, the green pheasant was really right. The Monkey King and the others flew directly to the sky island on the Emperor. They didn't know how many small islands they had crossed along the way. If they could get the news, they would be really hell.

"Don't worry! Anyway, their destination is just the great route, and the new world behind... As long as we track down all the way, there will always be a chance to meet..." Capu leisurely ate his donut with a face The lighthearted freehand brushwork is in stark contrast with the situation of Akaku.

"What you said is so easy, so many days have passed, we don't even know where people are going, if the rumors go out, the old man can't afford to lose this person!" The red dog coldly snorted with a gloomy face.At this moment, his mood is extremely bad: "Damn pirate, it's really slippery. After we meet, the old man must teach him a good meal!"

The green pheasant on the side glanced at Akagi faintly, and did not speak...

And at this moment...


The phone worm on the green pheasant suddenly rang...

"It turned out to be this..." Taking out the phone bug in his pocket, the green pheasant looked a little surprised and answered...

PS: I reinstalled a system, but I broke the computer and couldn't turn on the computer. I was really cheating. I asked someone to fix it this afternoon. I will fix it if it stopped yesterday...

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