"Qiwuhai?" Monkey King was taken aback after listening, and then said lightly: "It sounds pretty majestic...but it's just a navy running dog! No interest!"

"Sure enough..." The red dog's expression on the side suddenly sank: "I know, how can a character like you be subjugated, but before that, you have to think carefully! Kidnap the navy colonel With the sergeant, and even killed Krokdal, one of the seven martial arts under a king, all kinds of evil deeds are unavoidable..."

"Krokdal, that's him damn it!" Before the red dog had finished speaking, Tina retorted with excitement: "We killed him! But we were not wrong!"

"Us?" The red dog looked at Tina, his brows suddenly frowned, his eyes became extremely sharp, making people look at him, and his heart was frightened: "Tina! You call yourself like this, have you already joined the emperor? Pirates?"

"Yes!" Tina looked at Monkey King and answered firmly.

"Tina! You have fallen!" The red dog sighed, and at the same time his face became awe-inspiring, and a cold murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "You turned out to be a pirate and evil! It is simply a shame to our navy! For justice! Traitors like you must be sanctioned!"

"Why did Tina do evil? What did Tina do? You are indifferent! It is justice!" Tina looked angry. She was obvious to all of Klockdal's evil deeds, but the red dog Now, it is totally unreasonable to find an excuse for such a person to get rid of oneself. Is this what the Navy calls justice?Is the so-called good and evil, only what you say can count?

|"The navy is justice! The duty of the navy is to uphold justice! Anyone who violates justice will be wiped out by the old man!" said Akadog, his right hand instantly turned into a terrifying magma hand, black smoke rising, and heat waves rolling , Showing the horror of its temperature!

He had suffered a secret loss before, but now he is not careless!In angrily, a little boat board under his feet, he jumped away!The big hand that turned into magma slammed down at the emperor!

"Huh! Don't think that you are a general, it's great!" Tina snorted immediately and waved lightly, a curtain of water suddenly stopped in front of the red dog!

The magma hand rising with terrifying temperature instantly bombarded the water curtain without making any earth-shaking roar, only the sound of water splashing, and the water curtain was splashed by a punch of the red dog!Accompanied by the sound of'chi chi', the water curtain was transpired with white smoke!

"Face the old man with water? It's really overkill!" The red dog snorted disdainfully, his fist was undiminished, and he smashed away at Tina on the Emperor...

Not to mention hitting people with this punch, it was hitting on the ship, and that was the end of the ship's destruction in an instant!Of course, this only depends on ordinary ships. For the Emperor, it will not suffer any damage!

However, it seems that it is very difficult for the red dog to bombard!

Because he is facing Tina!Tina is a life created by Monkey King. In order not to appear too exaggerated, Monkey King also gives her general-level strength!The body is the hull again, and what it represents is the sea!

Don't underestimate the water, the water seems weak, when it is calm, it is calm, and when the waves are rough, it can destroy everything!

Although the water curtain was splashed by the red dog's punch, the terrifying high temperature made the water curtain vaporize thick white smoke!However, the water curtain is splashing, and a huge water ball more than ten meters away is derived!And the red dog was immediately wrapped in it!

What is the most afraid of capable people?Naturally, the sea water and the sea floor stone!

Unfortunately, because of his arrogance, Aka Inu underestimated Tina, and he was recruited!It is not ordinary water that envelops him, but sea water!And it's not ordinary sea water, but sea water blessed by Tina's spells!

If it is ordinary sea water, the red dog can still struggle with the terrifying high temperature of its own magma!But now, he is a tragedy!

"Damn it! This is... sea water... careless..." Chi Dog was shocked, but it was too late.

Once wrapped in water polo, he was doomed to tragedy!It should be that the seawater in the water ball cannot be evaporated!After just struggling for a while, the red dog was like a drowning person, gradually losing his strength, and his consciousness became a little blurred. The body that turned into magma gradually returned to normal, and finally fell silent...

"Is that... sea water?" The green pheasant glanced at the red dog, who had completely lost his resistance, looked at Tina, and his expression became particularly dignified: "Unexpectedly, the Emperor Pirates still hides this. Character...Her ability is simply the nemesis of capable people!"

"Ah! Aka-sama... was defeated?!!" Once the navy was in the air, he was hit by the facts before him!If you lose, you will lose, but the defeat is too simple, right?

Even Karp's complexion became extremely dignified. They have been watching the show, but actually they want to use the hands of the red dog to see how much the Emperor Pirates can do!Don't think about it, the general of their side was restrained when they shot!Although the most important factor is to underestimate the opponent, and it is unexpected, but if it is controlled, it is controlled!

He knew very well that if he didn't save the red dog, he would definitely be drowned in a water polo...

There was a little deck under my feet, with a bang, my body was like a cannonball, directly penetrated into the water polo, one of them caught the red dog, the body shape was like a sharp arrow, and flew away from the water polo...

However, he is moving, and the water polo is also moving with the extension!Karp couldn't escape the range of the water polo at all!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a method! It is amazing!" Karp grabbed the red dog, stopped his figure, glanced at Tina from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but admired: "If you change to an ordinary person, you have to capsize in the gutter! But the old man..."

It is not the time to hesitate if things are urgent and right!I saw Karp's whole body, suddenly his muscles tightened, blue veins protruding, he squeezed his palms into fists, and looked forward!

At this moment, his breath became extremely violent and fierce!The terrible aura that went ahead and destroyed everything suddenly burst out!

In the roar, he hit the front with a punch!



The water flowed under his fist and instantly became raging and violent!With a random'bang', the entire water ball burst into pieces under Cap's terrifying punch!The water splashes and falls like a rain curtain...

As soon as the water polo broke, Karp's figure suddenly fell from a height!But seeing him suddenly a little bit of void under his feet, his figure directly turned back, and landed steadily on the navy ship...

PS: My good friends have gone home and haven't seen each other in a few years. Once they met, I was dragged to play crazy for a few days!Enthusiasm is hard to cut!Had to go crazy with him!Yep!Make up today, the minimum is four...

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