The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 102 The Nightmare of CP9

"What's a little bit? You just a little bit, but you just ate our two-day ration! Bastard!" Usopp roared and tripped Luffy to the ground, crackling with Sauron and the others. kick!

"I've already said that we don't have much food. We must eat frugally until the next place is replenished! Where did you bastard hear?" Sanji roared while flying on the road. Greeted him.

But for a moment, Luffy had been beaten into a pig head by them, and he lied down and admitted his mistake: "Sorry, I know it was wrong... I won't dare to be here next time..."

"You still want to have another time! Bastard!" Sanji and others roared again.

Dignified Captain, that is no majesty.

But this is also a major advantage of the Straw Hat Pirates. They do not distinguish between each other, upper and lower, and everyone can safely give their backs to their companions!

Luffy's seemingly nonsense behavior has a strange magic power that can make everyone unite and unite!

"Okay, don't blame Luffy, he is like this!" A sweet-looking girl suddenly appeared behind Sanji and the others, pulled them all aside, and rescued Luffy. When he came out, he turned his head and glared at Sanji angrily: "To blame, I also blame you! You know exactly what Luffy's personality is, and you haven't managed to hide the food! All this is your fault!" The meaning is obvious.

"Ah! are look so charming when you get angry..." In an instant, Sanji's eyes were red, and Fan became a idiot.

This girl is named Xiqi, and instead of Nami, she becomes the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates!Although she doesn't have the superb sailing skills of Nami, it is not weak. Luffy and her team are able to successfully come to this great route thanks to her.

She was the daughter of merchants, and she followed her father to sea, and was ransacked by pirates!At the moment of despair when her wealth and sex were about to be taken away, she was saved by Luffy who happened to pass by!So I fell in love with Luffy, and after learning about Luffy’s extremely unreliable character, he was full of deep worries about their next voyage, so he volunteered to become the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates and work with them Let's go to sea together!

"We are on the sea now, if we are looking for food, we can only start in the sea..." Xiqi thought for a moment and said.

"Have you all heard? Go fishing! If you don't catch it, you will have to go hungry today!" Sanji immediately understood Xiqi's meaning, and shouted to Usopp at the moment.


"Wow!! Do you dare! Hurry up and let me go! Xiqi, help!!"

But for a moment, Xiqi heard Chopper's scream of fear from the deck again, and went out to take a look, but saw that Luffy had tied Chopper to the fishing rod as bait...

"Luffy, what are you doing? Don't bully Chopper!"...

"Huh~ I suddenly felt like I was on the wrong boat..." Chopper, who was rescued, sat on the deck and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's good to get used to..." Sauron glanced at Chopper, continued to use the pillow with his hands, and slept.

Luffy, who was beaten by Xiqi, finally calmed down. They sat on the side of the boat and quietly caught fish...

As time passed, Usopp’s fishing rod suddenly sank and almost didn’t pull him into the sea. He was shocked and overjoyed: "Haha! I got the bait! It’s sinking! Luffy! Chopper! Come and help... breakfast is over!"

"Breakfast! Breakfast!"

When the breakfast came, Luffy’s eyes suddenly glowed, and he came to Usopp’s side and pulled up the fishing rod vigorously. With a clatter, a huge black shadow flew from the surface of the sea with a bang and fell on On the deck...

"Hey... this... is it a human?" Usopp stared blankly at the big man who was caught by himself, with a person in his hand...

"Ah! Someone is drowning! Doctor! Doctor!!" Chopper was so anxious at the moment, exclaiming loudly, but for a moment, he woke up again: "Ah! I am the doctor..." He immediately checked the two of them...

"Huh? This person...this person..." Chopper was shocked and suddenly almost stared out.

"What's wrong, Chopper?" Luffy asked curiously.

"This person's body...Most of it is made of metal... It's amazing!!" As he said, Chopper's eyes were suddenly filled with countless little stars.

"Really?" Luffy was curious, knocking on the man's chest a few times, his eyes also radiated countless stars: "Really! That's amazing! Chopper! Such an interesting person, you must Save it!"

"Well... I will try my best..."

In the dark, there was providence. Although the original plot trajectory was destroyed because of Monkey King's relationship, Frankie was still saved by the Straw Hat Pirates under this incredible situation!Fate has long been doomed, he is a partner of the Straw Hat Pirates...

At this moment, Kalifa and others have also arrived at the headquarters of Judicial Island, and the news of the mission's failure has naturally spread to the ears of the world government seniors...

As in the original book, CP9 members were eliminated by the Navy after their defeat!Because their identity was exposed and too many secrets were known, they were regarded by the world government as a big concern, so the navy headed by Berry Goode, a fruitful player, was sent to destroy them, but they were easily defeated by CP9 members...

But they are still not so lucky, because Monkey King's sudden interference makes Kalifa and the others have not had time to obtain the devil fruit ability!Therefore, it is impossible to escape with the power of the fruit of the door!

What's more terrible is that the current Judicial Island has ushered in three extremely heavyweight terrorists, the Navy Admiral Blue Pheasant and the Red Dog, and Lieutenant General Karp, known as a naval hero!

After the CP9 members defeated the members sent by the world government to eliminate them, the green pheasants received an order from the world government: eliminate CP9, and leave one!

Therefore, CP9, who was able to escape in the original book, is now a tragedy!

Judiciary Island, in the cold street, Lu Qi and the others looked at the green pheasant and the others in front of them. At the corner of their mouths, a sneer of self-deprecating smile appeared: "Unexpectedly, telling you to come here will put us here Desperate..."

It was they who told the Qing Pheasant and others that the Emperor Pirates were in the city of water. Now the Qing Pheasants did not become the nightmare of the Emperor Pirates, but instead became the nightmare of CP9. This is simply ridiculous.

Could this be the so-called "If you don't die, you won't die?"Isn't their behavior just dying?

If the blue pheasants were not recruited, they would have escaped long ago...

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