The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1007

After hesitating, he said: "I think I am more suitable for the lively third-class cabin."

"No problem, the William is going to the Eastern World. I hope you stay here a little longer."

Situ Nan said cheerfully.

He regarded this sea pianist as a friend, and it was easy to get along with him.

This Mr. 1900 didn't know that under Situ Nan's care, whether it was White Star Shipping Company, California Shipping Company, or Southern Star Shipping Company, the captains who walked the oceans of the world would take care of and indulge the pianist.

"Your people are here!"

1900 left with a smile.

Lin Yimin was drunk, his face flushed, and Xiao Jiadaoli was walking with him.

This time, American and Chinese Bank successfully speculated in the stock market, benefiting at least five or six billion US dollars, stunned Xiao Kadao, and let him see the power of Wall Street. Compared with Shanghai and New Tangshan, there is still a considerable gap. .

However, Lin Yimin was not so in a good mood, because the stock market crash has spread to Asia, the Shanghai financial market has also been hit hard, and the domestic economy has suffered a lot of losses.

What's more serious is that the U.S. economy is heading for depression, and the U.S. raises tariffs on foreign goods, making the domestic and South China economy worse.

Lin Yimin had to come to the United States, but the results of the discussions with Washington were not satisfactory, which made him very sad.

He tried to open up Washington's relationship through the relationship between Situ Nan and the Mellon family, but Situ Nan refused.

Beggar-thy-neighbor is the nature of Americans, and it is also the direction of governance in countries today.

What's the general trend?

Due to the role played by the William Consortium in the stock market crash, the relationship between Stuart and Andrew Mellon and the White House has undergone subtle changes, with more barriers and less intimacy in the past.

"I'm used to the good old days, and it's time to nod the pain! I believe Mr. Kadoorie will answer your sorrows."

Situ Nan pointed to Little Kadoorie, glanced at Lin Yimin, shook his head and walked away.

Lin Yimin's performance made him shook his head, and the Shanghai New Tangshan Tokyo stock market also crashed, but wasn't this already expected?

This guy was scared by the stock market disaster, he still has little experience!

Lin Yimin looked a little lost looking at Situ Nan's back. As the finance minister of the Wuhan government, the floods in the Yangtze River, the drought in the Central Plains, the turbulence in the northern border, and the domestic industrial plans all required a lot of funds in recent years.

With the support of the US China Consortium, Situ Nan pointed out that he was doing a good job, but this global stock market crash really scared him. In the past few months, more than 5,000 domestic companies have closed down. Home, millions of workers are unemployed, society is also in turmoil, and people are in panic.

"After all, exports have almost stopped! Many companies in Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other places have gone bankrupt." Lin Yimin said with emotion to Xiao Kadao.

Little Kadoori nodded. The US-China Consortium could not hide, and suffered a lot. He comforted Lin Yimin: "If it is miserable, Germany and Japan seem to be miserable. Compared to the weak and incompetent White House, which has never interfered with the economy, we seem to have More reasons to be lucky."

"That's right!..."

Lin Yimin nodded and smiled. He glanced at Little Kadoorie, and he recovered a lot of confidence when he thought that American China Bank had sufficient funds, "At least I still have you, right?"

Speaking of this speculative harvest, Kadoorie was excited: "The William Consortium has defeated the Kuhnlob Consortium and controlled the company through a bargaining at Bethlehem Steel. It has already made substantial layoffs and closed some factories.

I have talked with Bethlehem and they, they are also willing to have someone take over the excess capacity."

"In this way, the Northern Iron and Steel Company will have its share!"

Lin Yimin thought quickly.

"Unless the Wuhan government puts out the money, it is possible that the project will fall in New Tangshan, and Meihua Steel also has a plan to launch a new steel plant in Malaysia."

Little Kadoorie is noncommittal.

The military and the government previously tried to improve the state-owned quality of Northern Steel Corporation. Now that the government does not have that much money, the state-owned steel plant plan seems to be bankrupt.

Lin Yimin stared at Little Kadoorie for a while. He was also from Meihua. He naturally understood the mind of Little Kadoorie. His attitude made him foresee a new round of mergers and reorganizations.

For giants like Meihua, although they have been hit by the stock market crash and economic crisis, they can also gain more room for development through mergers and reorganizations.

"The William will likely visit Perth. Mr. Situ is very concerned about the iron ore development in Western Australia. I finally convinced him to invest in Northern Steel.

Oh, yes, he also reminded me that there is a big iron ore in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. I think it should be true!If it is true, then Wuhan Shanxi and the United States and China should sit down and discuss it."

Little Kadoorie smiled softly, which surprised Lin Yimin again, and Meihua's ambitions grew.

Lin Yimin fully agreed to Meihua's request.

Now his mentality has changed. Instead of worrying about the losses caused by the economic crisis, it is better to make good use of this opportunity to obtain technology and equipment from the United States.

Yes, this aspect is the focus of my negotiations with Washington.

Lin Yimin warned himself secretly, and it was not difficult to understand why Situ Nan had been indifferent to him just now.

Xiaojiadao's ideal is more that, of course, in the south, it has to compete with other domestic consortia that are rising day by day, and it is more urgent to develop the resource-rich north.

This is what Situ Nan hoped.

"Oh, by the way, I also plan to build a large-scale automobile manufacturing plant based on Northern Steel."

Little Kadoori was not satisfied. Seeing that Lin Yimin was a little puzzled, he explained, "The American auto industry has been hit hard, seriously underemployed, and Detroit is going bankrupt. The three major manufacturers are eager for someone to take over those cumbersome production lines!"

"That's true too!" Lin Yimin finally showed a smile...

Volume VI

Chapter 1 Why not be a cowboy?

It's been almost a month since I became a member of the unemployed army. It is hard to find a job. There are bankruptcies everywhere, layoffs everywhere, no one buys a car, and car salesmen are no longer popular, so he has to live in Hoover Village.

The irony is that there are more people like him who seek alcohol comfort, so the bootlegger took the opportunity to raise the price and almost emptied his pocket.


There was a rude knock on the door, and when I opened the door, it turned out that it was the creditor!

"Mr. Doug, the bank wants to take back your mortgaged house, and the court has already decided..."

The bank clerk stood at the door with an impatient look. He saw the mess in the room and the wine bottles everywhere. The faint smell of alcohol made him nauseous, frowning, and his eyes became cold.

This time, he would never ring the doorbell politely as before, and negotiate with the debtor. Then, except for a fart-like repayment promise, he didn't bring anything back to the company, and he was naturally criticized by his superiors.

"Sir, I have to start thinking about whether you are qualified for this job!"

The boss's words were still lingering in his ears, and the staff did not dare to neglect, so this time the police were brought in and vowed to throw the damn drunk on the street.

"Oh no... this is my house, get out of my house!"

Mr. Doug came to his senses, the damn bank took his car, and now he was about to take his house. He was angry, struggling hard, his face became savage, and he threw a fist at the bank clerk.

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