The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1029

On the battlefield, Bai Chongxi and Guo Songling ignored Zhang Xueliang's weak opposition, and joined forces to go south, continue to attack Lushun, and transferred railroad armored vehicles and various heavy artillery from the pass.

The disastrous defeat of the Kwantung Army shocked the Japanese government and the opposition. If Lushun is lost, the foundation accumulated by countless soldiers for decades will be ruined.

There is already a shadow of the willingness to negotiate at the Tokyo Throne Conference, but no one dares to speak out.

The pressure quickly shifted to the navy.

The best way is to join forces with the navy and the army to open up a new battlefield and burn the war to the Chinese mainland.


Suddenly, all kinds of voices came out, Britain, the United States and other countries came forward to brush up on their sense of existence, and secret contacts and bargaining began between China and Japan.

At the southern end of Guangzhou Bay (Zhanjiang), a group of young military officers from South China are coming by boat.

"William, do you think your Chinese counterparts can compare to my flying boy?"

The officer who led the team had a strong sense of belonging to the South China country, and asked in the car the German who had worked with him for many years, oh no, it should be a compatriot.

South China and Germany had close exchanges. Many Germans went to the countryside and became naturalized in South China. William was one of them. After marrying a Chinese wife, he was immediately promoted to major.

"I heard that their backbones were all used by the Air Force to fly bomber and transport aircraft. They have no experience in naval attacks. Unlike us, they have been operating torpedo attack aircraft for several years."

William shook his head.

"makes sense.

But if I can, I still want to be a fighter squadron.Bullying some surface ships is too boring."

The Chinese officer was a little unwilling to say.

Although there are only two training aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships, and without battleships, they rely on two old cruisers from the United States to support the facade. There are not many large surface ships, and they cannot be compared with the Army.

The Chinese navy’s life in these years is okay, and the scale is not large, but it is much better than before. The wages are issued on time. The shortcoming is that the above checks are strict. You can no longer use warships as part-time jobs to make a little money.

Some old navy officers, um, mainly Fujianese officers occasionally complain like this.

With the support of interested people, the Navy defeated the Air Force’s ambition of "all the birds flying in the sky belong to the Air Force" and established its own aviation force.

It is said that the Minister of the Navy Chen Shaokuan proposed a large navy plan to build "20 aircraft carriers" for the three major fleets in the North and Southeast China Sea!

As a result, he was beaten twice by the Army and Air Force.

Some army staff sneered and said, "Chen Shaokan was crazy about trying to deceive military expenses, and he resorted to this inferior trick of repaying the money at a wild price. Don't look at him so badly, the actual navy only needs to get three aircraft carriers to make a lot of money."

This word somehow reached the navy's ears, Chen Shaokan was out of anger, leading people to the theory, threatening to use blood to defend the navy's honor!

So far, what honor the Navy has, this question is really difficult to answer.

However, Chen Shaokuan's courage has been appreciated by some people. The leaders of the Zhanjiang Shipyard Jiangnan Shipyard and Wuhan Shipyard are willing to stand up for the navy.

After a lot of efforts, especially Chen Shaokuan's visit to Meilu, with the support of Song Meiling, Lin Yimin and others, the Navy was finally approved to build 4 aircraft carriers, 4 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 100 fighters, and several submarines in the next ten years.

Jiangnan Shipyard Longxue Shipyard became the biggest winner, with aircraft carrier construction orders.

The Wuhan Shipyard, which contributed a lot, received the most orders for destroyer submarines.

The only thing that made them uncomfortable was that the South China Meihua Shipyard, which was thousands of miles away, also received an order for an aircraft carrier and a cruiser.

"The Navy's spring is coming! I thought I was going fishing?"

Lin Yurong dressed in a navy uniform, standing in the port overlooking the sea.

The adjutant behind him was looking at this boss, who was almost his age, with envy. It would be good to study abroad. After returning to China, Lin Yurong was reused as the captain of a destroyer, and then soared into the sky. Chen Shaokan was favored and promoted. Director of the Secretary of the Navy’s Staff Office, responsible for the construction of naval aviation.

Many people have speculated that he might serve as commander of a certain fleet in the future.

The navy is here, but the aviation force is still too weak and has to rely on the help of foreign counterparts.

Lin Yurong thought to himself, feeling a long way to go.

What made him uneasy and excited was the news from the Admiralty that there may be military conflicts between China and Japan, and the navy has to take on the heavy responsibility to protect the southeast coastal cities.

For the naval aviation and Lin Yurong, this is an opportunity and a test.

For the sake of safety, the big figures in Wuhan ignored the dignity of the navy and asked the South China Navy and Air Force to assist China.

For Lin Yurong, this was nothing, and he did not feel humiliated. He had studied in the South China Navy, and the South China Navy Air Force was indeed well-trained.

As soon as the boat arrived, William recognized Lin Yurong at a glance.

Before he could speak, his colleagues sneered: "Why didn't Mariana come back with you?"

This sounded like the tone of a rival, or the kind of loser.

"His father is bankrupt, and she wants to stay in the United States to help the family business." Lin Yurong said sadly, without showing weakness: "However, at least we have had a good time, haven't we?."


The group soon left the dock and rushed to Ma Zhang Airport, where the South China Sea Fleet HNA base.

Looking at the plane, William was a little dissatisfied: "Still using the old sword torpedo machine!"

"The old swordfish flies slowly, but carrying a 400 kg torpedo is quite powerful."

Lin Yurong explained that this is an old product of the original South China Sea Fleet. The new torpedo aircraft is being manufactured in Guangzhou, and I believe it will be equipped soon.

"The domestic aviation industry is not behind at all. A new type of all-metal monoplane fighter has been developed. The prototype has been flown many times. Let you see it when you have time. You will surely make you scream like American girls when they see it!"

Lin Yurong said somewhat mysteriously.

My colleagues in Nanhua are itchy.

Fighting between China and Japan, the war spread to the East China Sea.

The naval and air forces in Guangdong, Guangxi and Central China were first transferred to East China to welcome the aggressive combined fleet.

These two words frequently appear in newspapers on the base of Wusongkou Fortress Chongming Island.

All the Chinese have not been happy from the victory in the Northeast battlefield, they are about to face a sudden national battle.

They are all clutching their hearts, praying secretly, waiting for the best result.

There is nothing to say. Since the Japanese joint fleet is coming, the Chinese army stationed in Shanghai preemptively, with the cooperation and participation of the tax police corps, first wiped out the two or three hundred soldiers of the Japanese Marine Corps that had been in Hongkou for many years.

Of course foreigners would protest against the Chinese invasion of the concession, but the train rumbled, facing the hundreds of thousands of revolutionary troops coming from the interior, and quickly stood aside with interest and quietly watched the show.

"If the Chinese win, they may regain the Shanghai concession in one fell swoop."

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