The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1041

The population of South China exceeds 60 million, and the Chinese have become the largest population in South China, with a population ratio of close to 60%. On the island of Java and Sumatra, the Chinese population ratio is as high as 70%.

Those indigenous people who disappeared either made human fattening, or migrated and fled to the outer islands. The Malay Peninsula to the northwest, the Dutch-controlled Maguru Islands to the east, and New Guinea to the east became Javanese, Sundanese, and other islands. Passive choice.

Java Island, which has no Javanese, is gradually forgotten. The South Chinese learn from the Japanese and they like to make the main island the main island.

how to say?

Because the cleanup is black and green, South China has a poor reputation in the world, but for the Germans who were troubled in the early years and the desperate Jews today, South China is a new world with a bright future.

The reason why they were criticized by the International Virgin Mary was just because they were a little later than the European immigrants who flocked to North America more than a hundred years ago, and there is no difference between them.

Volume Seven

Chapter 1 Outbreak of World War II

"This is William Manor? Oh my god, it's a dreamy place."

Heidi Rama walked through a blooming rose garden and couldn't help but marvel.

Regarding her arrival, the hostess was not in a good mood. Imagine that suddenly a young woman in the flower letter found William Manor and named her husband Situ Nan by name. This could not but make people think.

However, after listening to Heidi Rama's story and learning about what happened to Heidi Rama, Laura quickly became happy and began to sympathize with this woman.

"The situation in Europe is indeed not good. Now that you come to the United States, let's start over!"

Situ Nan comforted Heidi Rama and supported her to start her acting career in Hollywood. Producer David Selznick also believed that Heidi Rama has exquisite beauty and good acting skills, and agreed to package her, Heidi Rama quickly got a chance to perform in a movie.

When the movie was released, she specially invited Situ Nan and his wife to watch it and discussed some issues with Situ Nan.

"This Miss Heidi has an extraordinary charm, no wonder you like her." After watching the movie, Laura returned to the car and asked Stuart jokingly.

"She is very charming, many people are fascinated by it, but it is only one of the Hollywood actresses, and you are my heroine." Situ Nan said.

Life is like a drama. I don't know when the curtain will be called. In the past scenes, I met all kinds of people. They all have their own stories and performances. Situ Nan is no exception.

Looking back, Laura has been behind her all these years and never left.

Time can kill a lot of things, such as passion, but also settle down many things, such as feelings.

"And you are my only male protagonist, God, I found that my role is a little bit small, or even not the only one, but I can't quit the show and can only continue acting."

Laura said with emotion, sweet again, with a little complaint.

"Perhaps the previous twists and turns are just foreshadowing, and the past is over. I believe that our drama of life is getting better and better and developing towards a happy ending." Situ Nan said sincerely.

Those glamorous and moving actresses of the golden age of Hollywood, the two Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Garbo, etc., are not bothered by him. Howard Hughes changes women as often as they change clothes. On the surface, they seem to be proud of the spring breeze, but they are actually very pitiful. , Feelings can't find belonging, nowhere to rest.

It's hard to say that Situ Nan's relationship belongs, but Heidi Rama is not included.

Laura was satisfied with Situ Nan's answer and smiled in her heart. In her early years, she used to put the words of opening a film company and unspoken actresses on her lips. After so many years, it seems that nothing has been achieved.

However, she didn’t want to let Situ Nan easily. When she remembered the scene when she ran into Situ Nan and Heidi in the piano room yesterday, she changed the subject and asked: "You seem to conquer Miss Heidi with piano skills, otherwise why did she run At home, you two are very close in the piano room?"

Oh, it turns out to be awkward with yourself about this?

Situ Nan understood this immediately, and quickly explained that Heidi Rama got inspiration from the piano and unexpectedly wanted to associate the frequency hopping communication technology with the piano keys.

She was originally a student of radio communication technology. Later, she filmed and married an Austrian arms dealer. The arms dealer colluded with the Nazis. Heidi Rama happened to be exposed to related technology. After she came, she wanted to dedicate this technology to the United States.

"Hollywood beauties are like clouds, and there are not a few with brains. Creative women like Heidi are rare in the world not to mention Hollywood. I very much hope that she can perfect this idea and recommend her to the Tesla experiment. Room, it won’t be easy for you to see her in the future."

Situ Nan smiled, and squeezed Laura's face. He was an old man and wife, and still jealous?

"Oh, so you like her skills."

Laura patted Situ Nan's wicked hand, and gave him a white look. There was a rare shyness on her face. She was well maintained in her forties, and she had the aftertaste of a woman in her twenties."If it is valuable, the William Foundation invests in this technology."

"At that time, let's pay more attention to the penicillin project. That is the opportunity to make the William Foundation famous and change the world." Situ Nan persuaded, as far as he knew, the Rockefeller Foundation happened to have similar projects.

Although it is the largest charitable foundation in the United States, it is not for money to study penicillin, but there is also competition for face.

"Well, listen to you."

As soon as Laura heard it, she took Situ Nan's words to heart.

After giving birth to her third child, she really paid attention to the William Foundation.The child is a little older, she was about to do something, and met Situ Nan and Heidi Rama's ambiguity again, and put her mind on this.

"Well. It's been a long time since I saw Nikola. Find some time to go to the Tesla laboratory."

Heidi Rama later had a resounding title, called "Mother of Mobile Phones".

She did not invent the mobile phone, but she is the inventor of the basic patent of mobile phone communication technology, which is called frequency hopping technology.

Frequency hopping technology, to be fair, should come from German Nazi scientists, Heidi Rama stole their ideas.

But it doesn't matter. There are too many technologies spawned by war. Even without the Nazis, other countries would still invent similar technologies.

Situ Nan probably won’t see a mobile phone in this life. Since I met the mother of mobile phones, she can’t let her "sleeve away", so he left Cummins Electric with one more technology, and by the way, Heidi Rama was rectified. , Lest she be blocked and suppressed by the US military "as it was."

The military can suppress the blockade of Heidi Rama, because she is only a person, and the same method will not work on a large company.

Situ Nan can imagine that in the forthcoming World War II, Cummins Electric will replace the walkie-talkie widely used in the battlefield manufactured by Galvin, and the Motorola brand may have "snapped out" Situ Nan's unintentional interference.


Professionals solve professional problems, and Situ Nan puts this important task on the Tesla laboratory.

"This is really a genius idea. The use of piano principles to achieve frequency hopping transmission of radio signals is difficult for others to crack, which greatly improves the anti-interference ability. It is best used in..."

"Torpedo! Radio controlled torpedo!" Situ Nan replied immediately.

"You are still so sensitive to the application of technology, really a businessman." Nikola Tesla said.

As soon as he saw Situ Nan, the scientific master praised Heidi Rama, praised Heidi Rama very much, and enthusiastically invited Heidi Rama to join the Tesla laboratory. "Such a high IQ brain was wasted Hollywood, it's not worth it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Tesla, I will not return to Hollywood until I finish this project." Heidi Rama promised.

Seeing Situ Nan, her eyes waved and smiled sweetly.I have known this gentleman a long time ago, and he is also very good, but unfortunately he didn't mean that to him. Thinking of this, Heidi Rama sighed secretly.

Under the guidance of Tesla, Heidi Rama and the engineers of Tesla Labs quickly made breakthroughs and obtained a US patent a year later.

Cummins Electric obtained the patent authorization for the first time, and cooperated with Tesla Labs to commercialize the technology, and soon invented a 10-pound portable wireless walkie-talkie.

No book is a coincidence. The person responsible for the development of this new product at Cummins Electric is Paul Galvin, the ancestor of Motorola.

During the Great Depression, Galvin was in trouble and was acquired by Cummins Electric. Paul Galvin also joined Cummins Electric, a great company.

He just didn't know much, until he came into contact with the portable wireless walkie-talkie project, he gradually realized that it was a big deal, a big industry.

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