The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic-Chapter 1049

As for the Philippines, Situ Nan did not say, nor did Roosevelt continue to ask, just the little US military strength in the Philippines, whether it was China or Japan, was wiped out with a single move.

The center of the United States' defense is Hawaii, and Hawaii is "a hundred and eight thousand miles" away from the Western Pacific and is in a state of natural security. Americans can sit back and relax and focus on their homes and Europe.

"We can't let the Nazis run wild and want to give more support to Britain. However, some people in China are too sensitive. They naturally oppose the government's necessary attention to Europe, so I hope..."

Roosevelt paused and looked at Stuart. His meaning was very clear. He hoped that the William Consortium would do the work of the Republican Conservatives and don't let the congressional masters compete with the White House.

Roosevelt wanted more power, and he had better leave Congress aside.

On the one hand, Roosevelt’s New Deal restricted the expansion of consortia and harmed the interests of large consortia. On the other hand, it restored US economic order. The consortium benefited from it. The relationship between the two parties was competition and cooperation.

Now that the United States has recovered, Roosevelt was ambitious and wanted to expand abroad, drawing the United States into war, and verifying the expansion of the United States' destiny. Isn't the expansion of the United States the expansion of large consortia and large multinational companies?

Situ Nan and the William Consortium naturally wanted to push behind them, so he considered it difficult for a while. He nodded and said that the William Consortium would cooperate with the White House’s ambitions to interfere in Europe, provide more support to Britain and purchase British assets. Provide material support to the United Kingdom, provide sufficient transportation capacity to the United Kingdom, and ensure that the British will not be strangled and starved to death by the Germans.

In order to deal with German unrestricted submarines, the Liberty Ship plan was put on the agenda.

Although the Freedom Ship plan has not yet been implemented, the shipyards on the east and west coasts of the William Consortium have verified this plan.

After leaving Washington, Situ Nan came to New York to meet with the partners of the William Consortium and other consortium leaders to discuss international affairs.

New York is really blessed. Europe and Asia rarely have more than 20 floors. High-rise buildings in New York can be seen everywhere. The Great Depression of the 1930s made New York more high-rise buildings.

Helping famous buildings such as the Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, aloft, symbolizes the restoration and expansion of the power of DuPont and Rockefeller.

Not long ago, Occidental Petroleum successfully competed for the Navy’s 50,000-ton oil reserve contract and sent Texas oil to the Pearl Harbor base, but Mobil did not show any weakness. They also successfully signed a scrap iron and crude oil contract with a Japanese company. The specific amount was Situ Nan didn't know, but it was definitely a lot.

When passing by the Rockefeller Center, Robes, who was in the same car, looked at a row of buildings and said to Situ Nan with a smile: "To build the Rockefeller Center, Little Rockefeller made a successful sale and made Rockefeller's reputation in the World Center. And where is the William Center or William Building?"

The William family has always been mysterious, and Situ Nan himself is even more mysterious in the mystery. Except for a few people who know him, most people don’t know him. Situ Nan doesn’t mind, facing Robles. Situ Nan suddenly replied: "My name may be unknown, but my deeds changed the world."

Robles froze for a moment, but he didn't expect Situ Nan to speak so loudly, and soon sneered again, and the topic shifted to business.

"Although the President has repeatedly emphasized that he will not participate in the European war, he may not have this in his mind. Sooner or later he will be dragged down by the British."

Situ Nan said to Robles.

"Sooner or later how long is it?" Robles asked.

"For a year or a half, the Nazis unified Europe. This is a disaster for the United States, isn't it?" Situ Nan asked rhetorically.

"That's true." Robles nodded. Regardless of the Americans supporting Germany after World War II, Germany's industrial equipment was upgraded and the funds came from the United States, but the United States would not allow Germany to dominate Europe. This is the consensus of all walks of life.

Situ Nan knew roughly what Roosevelt and Churchill did. Roosevelt and Churchill did not yet know what they would do, and Situ Nan also knew.With regard to Europe, Situ Nan tried his best not to interfere, so the history of Europe remained largely unchanged and developed on the original track.

Britain was doomed to decline. For the William Consortium, it was time to dismember this huge colonial empire. So they began to completely ignore the feelings of the British, and decisively marched into the British colonies such as Canada and Australia. The funds from the United States further controlled Canada and Australia.


In May 1941, the roses of William Manor bloomed and became a sea of ​​flowers.

Henry Kaiser from San Francisco walked into the William Manor and secretly marveled. Situ Nan's nephew Tom warmly entertained the construction businessman.

"Mr. Kaiser, do you intend to integrate the shipbuilding industry on the West Coast? Tell me about your plan." Tom asked directly.

The building materials merchant in front of him seemed to smell profitable and was ready to invest in steel, machinery and other industries on the West Coast. Originally, he was not in his turn for this task. He was not qualified because the San Francisco Shipyard and San Diego Shipyard, as well as the largest on the West Coast. California Steel Company, the steel company in China, these are all factories under the Bethlehem Company. The other steel factories, machinery factories, and small shipyards on the West Coast are not as good as the Bethlehem Company.

However, Henry Kaiser’s target is not the giants like California Steel Company and San Francisco Shipyard, but those who are careful with factories. Faced with Tom’s inquiry, he explained: “The big shipyards must first guarantee naval orders. Their berths are limited. The requirements of warships are high and time-consuming. However, there are many small and medium-sized commercial ships from Europe. If the scattered factories are integrated, these orders can be taken.

Shipbuilding does not necessarily require a large professional dock, does it?"

After speaking, I looked at Tom with some expectation. To realize his plan, he needed not only bank loans, but also the support of big companies. On the West Coast, although the owner of William Manor had no background, Henry Kaiser sold himself everywhere. After many setbacks, he found William Manor and met Tom.

"As far as I know, you don't have any experience in shipbuilding. You have been in the construction industry in the past..."

Tom hesitated, looking suspiciously at the whimsical businessman before him.

Henry Kaiser did not push back. Facing Tom’s doubts, he showed sufficient confidence: “I think, in my opinion, there is no difference between building and shipbuilding. When building a building, we use a well-designed module. It’s no exception to build a boat on a piece of land, except that the reinforced concrete becomes a steel plate."

"This is really a disaster, I don't think such inferior products can..." Tom shook his head.

"Sir, listen to me, do the British care? In the face of German submarines, perhaps we don't have to criticize the quality of the ships, but pay more attention to the number of ships. One ship is enough to sail from New York to London. In fact, The number of U.S. merchant ships’ voyages in the Atlantic is not enough."

Henry Kaiser is serious.

Although shipbuilding is not as simple as building as he said, the idea of ​​"more attention to quantity" caught Tom's attention.

Tom knew more about the needs of the British than Henry Kaiser. The British desperately needed 500,000 tons of transport capacity, but American shipyards were all building warships and were unable to free up resources to build merchant ships. The British were begging for their fathers and crying mothers everywhere.

The Bethlehem Company hoarded a batch of old ships and sold them to the British at high prices. The British people are still grateful.

"Tell me about your plan! Mr. Kaiser!" Tom asked with interest.

"My plan has three key points, namely, flat-bottom shipbuilding, modular design, and a large number of welding processes..." Henry Kaiser was intrigued and secretly excited when he saw Tom, and it was almost done.

After listening to Tom, he thought about it, and felt that this plan was worth a try. Henry Kaiser was not needed for hull design. Bethlehem had a large number of marine engineers, and various parts of the ship didn’t need Henry Kaiser, Cummins Power Company. , Bethlehem and Chrysler Automobiles can manufacture all kinds of ship parts.

In other words, the resources that Tom mobilized were far beyond what Henry Kaiser, a construction businessman, could compare.

However, considering Henry Kaiser’s organizational ability, Tom thought about Situ Nan’s teaching, “Let outstanding talents work for themselves, or even become their own partners. This is a businessman going to a higher level. Essential element of the game.” He didn’t plan to kick Henry Kaiser away and do it himself.

More importantly, he could build more merchant ships for Britain, so as to fulfill his responsibilities to the motherland, so Tom made up his mind.

When it comes to business with Britain, Stuart gives Tom the power to make his own decisions.

Tom continued to inquire about Henry Kaiser's plan, and was finally persuaded by Henry Kaiser.

"I think we are going to become partners, Henry." Tom enthusiastically called out each other's name, and the two quickly shook hands.

"Yes, we are partners." Henry Kaiser breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Tom would kick him off and do it alone.

"You know? Henry, the British need 500,000 tons of transportation capacity. If this order..." Before Tom finished speaking, Henry Kaiser said impatiently: "It's all ours!"

The two parties quickly reached a relevant cooperation agreement to establish a joint venture Kaiser Industries. Big companies such as Bethlehem, Cummins Power, Cummins Electric, and Chrysler Automobiles have all expressed strong interest.

"It's done well. In the shipbuilding industry, a Henry who can assembly line operations can be of great help."

Situ Nan returned to California, and after listening to Tom's remittance to Kaiser Industries, he praised Tom's performance. This time, even if Henry Kaiser did not show up, Situ Nan would sacrifice the "Freedom Wheel" plan.

"Cummins and Bethlehem are both interested in participating, but Wells Fargo has concerns." Tom reminded Situ Nandao.

"Don't worry! I will convince the bank." Situ Nan said.

Now that someone is in their early days, Situ Nan is happy to let go and let them show their fists.

For Cummins Power, it is not difficult to manufacture reciprocating steam engines. Chrysler Automobiles and Bethlehem also have the ability to produce marine steam engines and ship axles.

The entire William Consortium has mastered 30 million steel production capacity through control of Bethlehem and several large heavy industry companies, and steel production capacity is still expanding. It is estimated that by the end of World War II, Bethlehem’s steel output will exceed 50 million. Nearly 100 million tons per year.

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