The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 237

After listening to Situ Nan's silence for a long time, he was a little relieved, but still heavy, he didn't expect how serious the situation would be.

After thinking about it, he said to Zeng Limin: "The situation is really bad. But there is good news. If it goes well, there may be a drug that can effectively treat the flu in the near future. With Banlangen, it should be able to effectively control the epidemic. "

"Is that true? Great!" Zeng Limin looked at Situ Nan in surprise.

"It's only possible, but I believe it will succeed. In addition to organizing manpower to develop new drugs, there is still a lot of work we can do.

The situation in the U.S. is a little better. In mainland China, I hope that Meihua can contribute more.Propaganda, organization of medical teams, distribution of medicines, expansion of hospitals, etc., the most important thing is to train a group of medical talents.

The William Foundation donated US$500,000 to Guangzhou Jianjian Medical College to enroll a group of outstanding young people who are interested in medical careers for free to improve the local medical standards.At the same time investing in the production of Chinese medicine..."

"It is very important to carry out influenza prevention and control work in China, but you can't go away here in the United States, and we don't trust the government there. After all, Meihua is a company and cannot do this for a long time. Someone must be responsible. This time it involves You have more funds. Find a reliable person. Do you have a good candidate?"

After discussing with Zeng Limin for a long time, Situ Nan thought of a lot of measures, but considering various restrictions, Situ Nan couldn't help being careless in the selection of candidates.In this world, there are many examples of doing bad things with good intentions, and even the best strategy will be counterproductive if it is executed by people with ulterior motives.

"There is one, called Wu Liande!" Zeng Limin thought for a while and said.

"Wu Liande? Tell me about his situation, it would be better for me to meet him." Situ Nan felt that the name was familiar.

Chapter 216

After the war entered the second half of 1918, the situation changed gratifyingly.The offensive of the German Army was contained, and finally it was the turn of the Allied Powers.The number of American soldiers deployed in France has reached 2 million, and countless cannon machine gun bullets are splashed on the German army like water.

In the final stage of the war, the aircraft finally shined.Air combat with hundreds of aircraft has become more and more commonplace.Since the emergence of F1 fighters, the Germans began to fall into the air in air combat. Facing the locust-like aircraft of the Anglo-American-French coalition forces, the Germans had to give up air superiority.

Strategic bombing has become the most fashionable word.Under the escort of F1 fighters or camel fighters, groups of Allied bombers bombed German military bases in droves.

The F1 fighter plane became the brightest fighter plane on the European battlefield, and Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company became famous for a while.

The success of the F1 fighter is also the success of the aircraft company.Both the U.S. Army and the Navy favor F1 fighters. After successfully issuing the third US$300 million war bond, the armed forces and navy immediately added orders to Cummins-Lincoln Aircraft Company.There are even some aviation officers who are optimistic that the Germans can be beaten to the ground by planes without relying on the slow army on the ground.

By September 1918, the situation on the European battlefield was completely clear, Germany's war potential was exhausted, and the countdown to war entered.

This is an encouraging time, but also a heart-wrenching time.Because the Spanish flu has entered the second wave of peaks, a large number of patients have died in New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco and other big cities. People are now afraid to go out of the street, and some cities have even cancelled public transportation.

Judging from the data released by the health department, so far, more than 200,000 people in the United States have died of influenza and tens of millions of people have been infected.If the scope is expanded to the whole world, the dead are really uncountable.The earth is about to become a sick ball.

Situ Nan called Li Renqiao almost every day, just holding a whip and chasing behind Li Renqiao asking: "Boss, have you gotten out that damn sulfonamide? Now the whole world is waiting for your help!"

After day and night, intense and busy struggle, exciting news finally came from the laboratory.With the assistance of medical experts, Li Renqiao discovered that Fabailang Polyurethane dye has bactericidal and antibacterial effects in animals.

Then he extracted a kind of pale white powder from Bailangduoxi. This was the sulfa that Situ Nan wanted to see through.

The advent of sulfonamide was first used in animal experiments. After the sacrifice of several pigs, dogs, sheep, cats, and mice, it was finally confirmed that sulfonamide had an effective inhibitory effect on viruses and bacteria.

Generally, drugs undergo rigorous testing from invented to clinical, but the situation has not allowed the new sulfa to gradually improve.

When Lin Yimin stumbled into Situ Nan's room, usually yelling "It is done," Situ Nan had already understood.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and the boulder in his heart was falling.Because even his strict epidemic prevention measures can't stop the flu virus from spreading like literature and art, two servants in the family have also contracted the flu.

"Master, the laboratory just called, Li Renqiao and the others have successfully extracted sulfa from Bailangduoxi." Lin Yimin said excitedly.Usually rely on him to be in the middle of contact, so his participation in it is no less than that of Situ Nan.

"Immediately organize outstanding engineering talents, set up a production line, and produce sulfa in the fastest speed." Situ Nan ordered.

He has prepared an investment of tens of millions of dollars for the sulfa production line. The original factory that produces tens of thousands of dollars has been expanded several times. The raw materials for production have already been prepared, and he is waiting for news of success from the laboratory.

The next day, the "Los Angeles Times" wrote with a bright headline-The Lord's light descends on the world, and the Spanish flu will end!

Recently, Chinese-American scientist Li Renqiao, a researcher from Giant Corporation, and Stuart-Medical experts from the Eastman School of Medicine at the University of William have developed a new type of antibacterial drug called sulfa, which has been clinically proven that sulfa has a strong therapeutic effect on Spanish influenza .Giant is currently building a new production line, and sulfa is coming out soon.

One stone caused a thousand waves!"Just as the whole world was at a loss for the Spanish flu, the advent of sulfonamide was like a holy light spilled into the desperate hearts of thousands of people, and people were looking forward to it.Although people don't know what kind of drug sulfa is, the word sulfa has been deeply rooted in people's hearts for the first time, just like a drowning person never let go of any hope.

The Los Angeles Daily was expensive in Luoyang for a while, and news about sulfa was reprinted by major newspapers. Within a few days, newspapers all over the world published the news, and people’s attention to sulfa far exceeded the war in Europe.

After seeing the newspaper, the Minister of Health immediately called the Giant Company. After getting a positive answer, he immediately dispatched competent officials to Los Angeles.

The major media, medical institutions, social figures and even foreign consuls came to inquire, because the Spanish royal family and the British royal family have both been infected with the flu, and they cannot help but care.After seeing the newspaper, Woodrow Wilson ordered his secretary to pay close attention to the progress of sulfa.

A sensation, definitely a sensation!

Although Situ Nan had anticipated something, but the sulfa fever was also somewhat unexpected.Fortunately, I didn't show up this time, otherwise I would be as troubled as Li Renqiao.

Because reporters in Los Angeles were besieging Giant's company and the laboratory like crazy, Li Renqiao now dare not go out.

Hiding in the University of William like a fleeing, and working with the sulfa research team to write related papers, ready to be published in the "Science" magazine.


A month later, at a hospital in Los Angeles, Dr. Franks suppressed his excitement and walked quickly across the overcrowded aisle. Coughing everywhere made him quicken his pace.

"Doctor Franks, a patient in Room 602 is getting worse, his body suddenly becomes very hot, and he coughs more than ever..." Franks heard the nurse's anxious voice as soon as he entered the door.

Franks ran faster. He rushed straight to Room 602 and saw a tall man lying on the bedside coughing constantly. His face was pale. After he finished coughing, he lay on the bed feebly and looked at the ceiling with loose eyes. Gossamer, without any anger, kept coughing away from the man's energy, although he looked strong on the outside.

"Britney, let him take this medicine and let the patient drink more water." Franks took out a box and took out two white pills.

"Doctor Franks, is this?" The nurse hesitated, looking at the doctor with some confusion.

"The sulfonamide just produced by Giant Company is the first batch of patients to be tested. You can let this patient take one tablet each morning and evening to see how it works?" Franks ordered.

"Ah, is this the sulfa in the newspaper? It is said that it can cure the flu." Nurse Britney didn't dare to neglect, and gave it to the patient.

The patient seemed to hear the conversation between the two next to him, his gray eyes regained a gleam, and he swallowed the white pill under the nurse's help.

He thought to himself, if he really gets better this time, he will change his evil spirits besides thanking the giant company.Well, he was a gang member before and did a lot of stupid things.

Franks just got the first batch of sulfa from the giant company. He had not been exposed to this drug before. Although the newspaper said it was very good, but out of the doctor’s caution, Franks decided to treat the seriously ill patient. Try it on your body to see if sulfa is so magical.

This scene is constantly being staged in major hospitals in Los Angeles. Except Franks, other doctors in Los Angeles are silently watching the condition of their first patients after taking sulfa.

The next day, when Franks came to Ward 602 again, after one treatment, the patient's condition improved, his cough subsided, and his body temperature dropped. Except for limb weakness, the patient's other conditions gradually returned to normal. .

"This medicine has worked!" Franks felt excited. "Sir, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?" He asked the patient patiently.

"I feel better. Except for my weakness, it's not as uncomfortable as yesterday. Oh my god, I felt like I almost saw God yesterday." The patient is in good spirits and can speak a lot.

"Oh! No, nurse, I want to pee!" the patient said suddenly.

Franks was relieved. He smiled and said, "It's normal to urinate more. Drinking plenty of water will help your body recover. Come on!" He raised his fist at the patient.

On the third day, the patient was finally able to walk on the ground. Although the body was still a little weak, the cold was completely cured.

"Doctor, am I okay?" The patient stared at Doctor Franks, who was wearing a mask, who was half of his face covered by the mask, and asked nervously.

"I think so. All the data of the physical examination are back to normal. However, you'd better stay in the hospital for observation for a few days." Franks said.

At this point, he has fully confirmed that sulfa does have the magical effect of treating flu.

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