The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 248

Different from the popular branch system in California, unitary banks prevail in the eastern states of the United States, that is, this is the only one with no semicolon.

This is related to the American system. After the founding of the nation, each state retained greater autonomy. The people generally opposed public power. The states opposed the strengthening of the federal government. They did not want the federal government to control the states financially, so even the central banking system of the country nor.

It was not until shortly after Situ Nan's crossing that the Fed appeared as a freak.Americans who believe in autonomy prefer to nest in one-third of their own land, and they don't like others to interfere.The same goes for the banking industry. For example, Wells Fargo now cannot go to Nevada next door to open a branch. It can only open a branch in California.

Of course, the specific restrictions of each state are not quite the same, so the response methods are somewhat different.

Since most banks in the east are single banks, if a bank does not operate well and does not have branches to take risks, the bank will naturally go bankrupt.

After a world war, the influence of the federal government has increased a bit.A large number of bank failures have caused headaches for the White House.President Woodrow Wilson is very supportive of California's branch system.

However, although Woodrow Wilson supports the branch system, it does not mean that he supports Wells Fargo.In addition to Wells Fargo Bank, California has another bank with good strength, the Bank of Italy founded by the Italian Amadi Giannini, which later became the predecessor of Bank of America, the largest commercial bank in the United States.

Situ Nan selected Wells Fargo Bank. With his strong support, Wells Fargo Bank became the largest bank in California and the leader of Western Banking. However, history always has its stubborn side. Although Bank of Italy was robbed of the number one in California Status, but it is still developing rapidly. In just a few years, branches have been opened to all major cities in California.

"The guys in the White House know that they are partial to the Italian, and they are also building a branch system. Why can't they support our rich country?" Dennis Fargo said jealously, speaking of Italian banks a little bit indignantly, "Is it like Like the cowboys on the Rocky Mountains, Woodrow has the passion that the Italian has to say?!"

Situ Nan couldn't help laughing, Dennis' mouth was really poisonous!If it spreads out, it is estimated that someone will look for him in a duel.

"You know, just like Washington and New York, the White House has always been disgusted with consortia. It is normal for Woodrow Wilson to love Amadi! After all, Wells Fargo is not the same as the Bank of Italy. We are not the one who can spend a dollar. Become a shareholder's bank!"

Situ Nan smiled.In fact, it is no wonder that Dennis complained to Woodrow Wilson, because with official support, the Bank of Italy has close to 100 million US dollars in assets and the number of branches has reached 24, only slightly fewer than the 30 branches of Wells Fargo.The rapid expansion of Italian banks poses a threat to Wells Fargo in every way.

We must know that last year, the Bank of Italy had only 9 branches with total assets of 50 million US dollars, which doubled in just one year. This speed is really amazing.

The limelight of Italian banks is close to Wells Fargo.Speaking of it, Wells Fargo has much more advantages than Italian banks. The companies under the William Consortium were high-quality customers of the bank during the war. Therefore, Wells Fargo can benefit from the investments of Bethlehem, Occidental Petroleum, and Stony Food. Be successful.

At the same time, through the cooperation with Robles Securities to operate the war bond business, a lot of profits were obtained in the securities market. Coupled with Wells Fargo's reputation in California and Dennis's talents, this was the reason that Wells Fargo's assets doubled during the war. miracle.Speaking of it, this is still the light of Situ Nan's "traversing".

But the Bank of Italy is not the case. With the poor people’s banks absorbing a large amount of people’s deposits, the genius idea that almost every depositor is a shareholder of the Bank of Italy has achieved a miracle of doubling at a speed not lost to Wells Fargo.

Well, this also has something to do with the fact that the Bank of Italy has nothing to do with the ordinary people.Italian banks do not dislike a few dollars in business, and are also considerate to their customers. Loans are tens to hundreds of dollars to self-employed vendors or farmers.Especially the three to four hundred thousand Italian immigrants in California, those Italian farmers prefer to deposit their money in Italian banks.

It is really unrealistic to let the rich countries become the lower lippas!Although Wells Fargo has always emphasized customer-centricity, and bank staff do not want other banks to show off and have deposit and loan services with ordinary customers, but they can’t be as meticulous as Italian banks, they still prefer to do business with wealthy people. Willing to lend to related large enterprises.

Thinking of this, Situ Nan couldn't help but mutter to himself: "It seems that the future financial king is really amazing!"

"What are you talking about? What future financial magnate?" Dennis asked curiously.

"Nothing!" Situ Nan realized that he had almost leaked his secret secret, and hurriedly digressed: "How about we go to buy shares in the Bank of Italy? Let's buy shares too!"

"No, it's unlikely! I know that Italian, he won't accept Wells Fargo's shareholding. I heard that no major shareholders are allowed in his bank!" Dennis shook his head and said: "We are rich Every penny of my own plan is precious now, how can I distribute it to competitors?"

"Okay! I'm just talking." Situ Nan smiled. He remembered that "later" Amadi Giannini, in order to compete with Morgan for control of Bank of America, gave consecutive speeches throughout the United States, causing hundreds of Wan's Americans (all small shareholders of the bank) voted for him as the chairman of Bank of America, which is similar to running for president, but in the end he succeeded.

For a crazy and unruly person, it is too difficult to control him, and he is also very smart.

Let's run Wells Fargo Bank!Even if Amadi annexed Bank of America in the future, the rich countries can still crush it.

Situ Nan thought confidently.As the rich countries grew stronger, he became less and less concerned about Amadi and the future Bank of America.

"Tell me about your plan! I know you have targeted Nevada and Arizona for a long time!" Situ Nan said.

Under the promotion of the federal government, several western states have loosened restrictions on banks and began to allow banks in other states to open branches in their own states.

This is progress, and the branch system is also the current trend of bank development.This is only in the western states of California, Nevada, Washington and New Mexico with relatively short history.

"Well. I don't plan to open another branch in California. Wells Fargo's bank branches have completely covered California's large and medium-sized cities. Funds should be invested in a wider neighboring state." Dennis took out a map and wrote a red pen on it. It is full of densely packed dots, and it looks like it should be a branch of Wells Fargo Bank in the future.

"You see, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Denver, Seattle, Portland... etc. are all our future expansion goals. I am confident that in the west, apart from the pesky Italian, we do not have Most of them are powerful opponents. Now, besides California, a large number of banks have gone bankrupt in several surrounding states. I think it is a favorable opportunity for us to attack and turn them into our branches!"

Dennis placed his fingers powerfully on the map, looking invincible.They both had a consensus on this issue.

Situ Nan calculated that there were at least fifty or sixty red dots, which meant that fifty or sixty branches would be opened in the future, which would cost hundreds of millions of dollars.This is not easy!

"Don't worry, take it step by step. We have a lot of time. Those guys in the east don't have to reach out to the west so quickly." Situ Nan encouraged, "Dennis, I believe you will succeed!"

Then I made another suggestion, "For those states that are restricted by law, let William Financial Holdings come forward! They don't allow us to set up branches, then become the holding bank of William Financial Holdings! After all, it will be in our bowl sooner or later. Meat!"

"You're right! It's all our meat! The grandsons of Woodrow Wilson can't stop our footwork. The Italians can only fart behind us! Let them all go to hell!" Dennis Fargo became excited and couldn't help but ranting.

Just do it, Dennis launched the acquisition in Nevada.And Situ Nan also started investigating the banking industry in the three major states of Utah, New Washington, and Colorado, and plans to acquire a number of cheap banks in several major cities such as Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Denver.

Although it may not have too many shares in each bank, and it may not even have to be a controlling shareholder, Situ Nan is confident to build a bank with Wells Fargo as the core and William Financial Holding Corporation behind the scenes to manipulate the Western Banking Union.

In fact, it was not until September 1994 that the U.S. Congress passed the "Rig-Neil Interstate Banking and Branch Validity Act", which allowed commercial banks to establish branches across states, announcing that the single banking system was abolished in the United States.

Wells Fargo is destined to intensively cultivate in the west for decades.This is the restriction and protection of Wells Fargo.Situ Nan wanted to see that Wells Fargo would have to live to be at least 100 years old in order to open branches in every state in the United States.


It is worth mentioning that in addition to Wells Fargo Bank, there is another special bank in California, the American and Chinese Bank, which is affiliated to the American and Chinese Company.The Bank of America and China mainly serves Sino-US trade. It is the settlement center of America and China and the foreign exchange bank for Chinese immigrants in California. The main coverage points are San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento, the three Chinese cities where a large amount of foreign exchange is transferred. The United States remitted to Guangzhou, Jiangmen and other hometowns of overseas Chinese.

Although the U.S. economy is in recession, the trade volume between China and the U.S. has been increasing. With partial financial support from William Financial Holdings, American-Chinese Bank expanded its business to Hawaii, and started operations in Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaya in Southeast Asia. Branches, investment, and trade do not miss the same thing, like a net that gathers the funds of Chinese people scattered around the world.

"It would be great if those Chinese people save some money in Italian banks! We are poor people's banks, but why can't we attract them?"

On the streets of San Francisco, Amadi Giannini said with regret looking at the endless stream of American and Chinese Bank not far away.Before returning to the Bank of Italy, he looked back at the Wells Fargo Building standing in the San Francisco Bay Area, feeling a sense of depression in his heart.

"Since we changed Wes Fargo to William Fargo, everything seems to be different." Amadi Giannini murmured, and smiled affectionately at the rustic Italian farmers who passed by. .

Chapter 6 Looks Like a False Taoist

When Situ Nan came out of Wells Fargo Bank, it was already dark.

When passing by Union Square, the lights were bright and there were busy traffic.The neon lights are flickering and bizarre.Theaters, galleries, and coffee shops are full of people, and they can't see the expressions on their faces. They flashed quickly in front of Situ Nan's eyes like black and white movies.

This is the nightlife of big cities, fast-paced, colorful and diverse, allowing Situ Nan to retrieve familiar memories.

Since the beginning of the flu raging, Situ Nan has stayed in the simplest place and went out as little as possible to avoid getting the flu.

The Spanish flu is coming to an end. Although there are still tens of millions of people killed in the world, the great value of sulfa is known to people. It inspires the medical community. Humans have found the key to overcome the flu.

Sulfonamide is still in short supply, but as Giant's production scale continues to expand, sulfonamides have begun to be used on a large scale by medical scientists, and the epidemic is gradually disappearing.

The Giant Company sells it in wholesale at a price of $15 and 100 tablets per bottle. This is still a profitable price. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are remitted to Giant’s account every day, and the scenario will continue for some time.

The business is booming and there is face, it can be described as fame and fortune, the shareholders of Pfizer laughed.Although part of it was taken away by Giant, they still felt that the original deal was worthwhile.

In order to improve the security measures of the Giant Company, Situ Nan sent hundreds of security guards from the security consulting company to the Giant Company to ensure the safety of funds and personnel.

The American society is a bit messy. A large number of military personnel return to the country, it is difficult to find jobs, and the economy is not good. These people are a hidden danger and give the government a headache.

Now the whole world knows that Russia has a revolution and that the workers’ party is in power. Lenin and Trotsky are calling on the proletariat of the world to fight against the capitalists. Therefore, the workers in the United States have become more active in their minds, and they have been very suppressed during the war. The unions are also starting to move around.

American elites have also seen this. On the one hand, they vigorously interfered in the Russian Civil War, on the other hand, they are always paying attention to the domestic labor movement in the United States.

The Giant Company is a cash cow, and Situ Nan naturally has to watch.

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