The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 55

Looking at the appearance of Song Meiling, you know that her sister is not far behind. Lao Song is really blessed. Can she have such a handsome girl, can she be cheaper?

"I have two older sisters, the eldest sister Song Ailing, and the second sister Song Qingling. They both worked as secretaries for Mr. Sun, first the eldest sister, and then she got married, and my second sister took over her job. But my second sister and Mr. Sun later Married, but the family disagrees." Song Meiling sighed.

Song Ailing?do not know!

Soong Ching Ling?Sound familiar?Marrying Sun Dapao...

By the way, her name is Song Meiling, isn't this the three sisters of the Song family?

My day!Damn it!It seems that I have eaten too much steak, and my memory is not good!Really have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and I'm still a guest at the loss of myself!

There is a big Boss in front of me, and I didn't even think of it. Is there anything in the Republic of China that is louder than the three sisters of the Song family?Except for the Empress Wu Zetian's three sisters in history, no three sisters can be as prominent as the Song's three sisters.Why doesn't it react at all?

Situ Nan patted his head with some annoyance, "Is your brother Song Ziwen? Do you know a bald guy whose surname is Jiang?" Situ Nan stared at Song Meiling, and wanted to make a final confirmation.

"Yes, my brother's name is Song Ziwen, how do you know my brother's name is Song Ziwen!" Song Meiling said in surprise, "Jiang Bald, don't you know him? Who is he?" This question is a bit inexplicable.

"I don't know? I just don't know." Situ Nan didn't say anything, he had confirmed that the westernized girl in front of him who could not even speak Chinese was the famous first lady Song Meiling in the future!

Three of the four major families of the Republic of China, Jiang Song Kongchen, were run by them. The next door was run by their friends. Several of them colluded with each other to monopolize the military, political, and economic resources of the Republic of China. Incomparable!What is dictatorship? That’s it. The army is run by our son-in-law, the executive yuan is also run by our family, and the bank is also run by our family. , Of course you can also go to work at the party headquarters, I'll call Chen Guofu.

Song Meiling felt that Situ Nan was taken aback at first, and then she looked at herself with a rather playful attitude, which was strange.

"Is there something wrong?" Song Meiling asked.


Situ Nan thought that he had just overdone, and now the Song family hasn't prospered, it's just a small comprador in Shanghai, and Song Meiling sitting in front of him is even a naive little girl who has not graduated.(Although it is well developed).As for Jiang Baldou, it's not where he can be a gangster!

As the saying goes, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, the name of the Song family is so eloquent that at first Situ Nan was a little panicked and made a fuss.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary!Situ Nan comforted herself and slowly settled down.There are still more than ten years before the Song family's fortune, and I am now much stronger than the Song family. I am the strong, and they are the weak. What if their Song family has made it?

The four big families are just short-lived upstarts, even when they are in their heyday?Can it be compared with a consortium in the United States?

After reversing his mentality, Situ Nan became calm and confident.Although he had a good impression of Song Meiling and even wanted the secretary to secrete her, after knowing her true identity, Situ Nan's enthusiasm in his heart was gone.

The Song family started from a speculative revolution. Their fate is closely linked to the Revolutionary Party. It is really difficult for them to get too close to them. To be honest, he has a very bad impression of the four big families.

Jiang Baldou is also brother-in-law with Sun, no wonder Sun passed the position to Jiang.But this grandson really doesn't sacrifice to meat and vegetables. The uncle fell into the little loli and turned his old friend Song Jiashu into a father-in-law!

Poor Old Song, this old face, Barabara's shame!

This great man is different!Compared with that, it is really a little awkward to take Mary into the house by himself, far from it!It seems that I really can't become such a great man!Situ Nan shook his head.

However, not being able to have a deep friendship is not equal to not having a relationship. Keeping a certain distance from the Song family is just right for not combing or kissing.Besides, knowing the future glory of the Song family, it is also a good choice to invest in them when they have not fully developed.

Situ Nan thought despicably.

"Papa!" There was a sound of burning gunpowder.

"Wow! Watching the fireworks! It's so beautiful!" Song Meiling said in surprise.

Situ Nan looked up and saw that the dazzling fireworks burned gorgeously in the air like a celestial maiden. The brilliance and brilliance of that moment disappeared in a while.

Chapter 37-I'm Actually A Lonely Person

After the fireworks disappeared, the moonlight was still so bright and soft. Although the fireworks captured the momentary brilliance, she was still beautiful tonight.

"It's so beautiful!" Song Meiling praised.

"Yes!" Situ Nan said.But what he was thinking about was the soft and tough moonlight.

The fireworks were just a beautiful episode, and the two returned to their conversation.

It is said that after Song Meiling discovered that Situ Nan became "normal" again, although she did not know Situ Nan's mental journey, she was a icy and intelligent person with the delicateness of a woman. She more or less thought of the change in Situ Nan's attitude and mentioned it to herself. My family is related, so I avoid this topic tacitly.

They talk about sports and philosophy the most. They have different opinions, but they can still talk freely. They can talk about many issues.

Well, to some extent they are both semi-foreigners!On the surface, Situ Nan has evolved to be foreign. He is still a Chinese in foreign skin, but from the inside, Soong Meiling is a foreigner, only with a layer of delicate yellow skin.

White skin yellow heart VS yellow skin white heart, there is still a bit of overlap.

There are arguments and consensus, and there is a bit of a feeling that seems to be late to meet each other!

After Situ Nan and Song Meiling continued to chat for a while, Situ Nan left.

The moonlight outside was bright and bright, and it was so transparent in people's hearts. Situ Nan suddenly remembered He Xiangu. Tonight, leaving her alone in the yard to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, she should be very lonely!

Situ Nan felt a little regretful, he had no intention of staying, anyway, time was almost up.

After accusing Chen Tianming, Situ Nan took Han Gang back.

"How is it?" Song Jiashu asked when she came to Song Meiling and looked at the back of Situ Nan who had disappeared into the night.

His daughter has always had eyes high above the top, and there are few men who can be admired by her. She had just chatted with Situ Nan for so long, and the two of them were talking and laughing. It was clear that they had good feelings with each other.

"Very good! Cultivation, knowledge, and possibly career are top-notch!" This is Situ Nan's impression of Song Meiling. She said it honestly. There is nothing wrong to confess to this father who has loved her since childhood.

"Oh! Few people can get such a high evaluation from you?" Song Jiashu quipped.His daughter's words aroused his interest.

Well, maybe there is a show!Song Jiashu thought.

In fact, there is another sentence that Song Meiling didn't say, but she felt that Situ Nan's heart was a little fuzzy, as if faintly separated by an unclear film.

Song Meiling only remembered that when the man called him, he always had a faint smile on his face while listening. He was noncommittal, as if he didn't care, but it didn't seem to be a vague feeling.

Maybe it's my own illusion, right?

Song Meiling shook her head lightly, without answering her father's words.

Song Jiashu didn't care, anyway, he was now on the line of Situ Nan.He is most proud of having three golden flowers, one is married to a wealthy businessman in Shanxi; the second one...hey, when I think of it, I have tears, not to mention, so the rest of my special treasure is waiting to bloom Jinhua loves her very often.

He was taken aback just now, if he didn't ask, he was taken aback when he asked.

At first he also thought that Situ Nan was in a foreign trade business, and if he tried to sell some American products to China, the scale might be larger and he would make more money.

Unexpectedly, after talking to Chen Tianming, the master of Anliangtang, about Situ Nan, I realized that Situ Nan was really engaged in a lot of industries, and he was also doing business with Anliangtang as a joint venture!The scope includes kerosene candles, steel, medicine, watches, food, etc.The zipoo lighter in his hand is one of them.

If I didn’t get to know Chen Tianming, I really didn’t know that this young man who looked so friendly and didn’t seem to have a lot of arrogance would have such a lot of business, and he seemed to be more enjoyable in Los Angeles.

When Situ Nan returned to the yard, he raised his hand and saw that the hands of the watch told him that it was almost nine o'clock.The yard was a bit deserted and quiet, and the breeze was blowing, and the moonlight swaying to the ground was shaking with the shadow of the trees.Only the lights in the room make people feel angry, warm, as if waiting in silence.

When Situ Nan came in, he saw a clear back, with his face in his hands, resting on the table, as if muttering something.

Situ Nan stepped on tiptoe and leaned over, now he heard clearly.

"Father, I miss you so much! The young master hasn't come back again, and I spent the Mid-Autumn Festival alone." He Xiangu's voice was faint, inaudible, like Taixi, but I could feel the loneliness in it.The weather is cold, and her clothes are a bit thin.

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