The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 67

Down with the Russian Emperor, down with the British Emperor...

That bastard sings randomly?!Stand up, that unit?Who is the leader?Who is dad?

Let me tell you these stupid guys, the Russian emperor will be defeated without you. It is not allowed to fight the British emperor. Our buddy, we have to defend the queen, defend London, defend Britain, and defend the world.

Come, change one, sing again, prepare, "You don't carry a gun, I don't carry a gun, who will defend Britain, who will defend the queen, who will defend her! Come... come... come..."

(Late night code, a bit boring, it's crooked when it is written, personally nasty, forget it after reading it, don't take pictures if you don't like it, you can't slap your face.)

"Mr. Situ, you are here! I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Soon after Situ Nan had finished talking with Francis, Soong Meiling came over.

"Why, the prom is over?" Situ Nan looked at his watch, and it was almost time.

"Not yet, but soon, I want to take a break." Maybe it's because I saw that Situ Nan didn't have the thought of dancing tonight, so Song Meiling came over to take a look after dancing.

"This is?" Song Meiling asked, she didn't know Francis.

"Mr. Francis, this is my friend, Miss Song Meiling, from a missionary family in China. Miss Song, this is Mr. Francis, a well-known big man in California. The shipbuilding and wine business is very big." Situ Nan introduced Tao.

Then the two people greeted each other. Francis looked at Situ Nan's eyes a bit interesting, but today he achieved his goal and got up and left after a while.

After the ship passed the Panama Canal, it entered the Atlantic Ocean. The wind was high and the waves were violent.

Unfortunately, the ship encountered a storm, the danger was not great, but the damp and cold weather made people frustrated.

The boat continued to move forward in the storm, and the people on the boat felt a little shaking. Song Meiling was a little seasick and could only stay in her room to rest.

This pushy woman is temporarily unable to attend social activities such as her passionate dance party.

The sea is like a naughty child, after showing off his strength proudly, he is gradually calmed down.

The storm stopped the next day, the sea returned to normal, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and the seasick people regained their vitality.

After passing through the Gulf of Mexico, the ship finally reached the most important port city in the southern United States, Houston in the afternoon.

When entering the port, the port was very busy, and those 10,000-ton ships that entered and exited, carrying slow cargo, sailed into the depths of the ocean with agitated ship whistle.

Situ Nan found that Houston's appearance had changed a lot, and it became more prosperous than when he visited last time.

Standing on the high side of the ship, Situ Nan could almost see the oil refinery of Occidental Petroleum near the port, and the tall chimney that was erected made Situ Nan feel excited.

Yes, this is an oil giant built by myself standing in Houston!This will be the oil center of the United States, or it is already. Now the oil companies in the east have planned to move their operations to Houston.

In addition to Houston, there are Dallas and San Antonio. These are cities that developed because of oil. It can be said that oil has changed this vast land.

The passenger ship plans to berth overnight in Houston. After replenishing fuel, fresh water and other supplies, it will continue to set off for New York tomorrow morning.

Some passengers got off the boat in Houston, and some got on the boat from Houston and then went to New York. Life is like a boat. When someone gets off the boat, naturally someone will come up. Sometimes you can’t predict who you will meet in the next moment. What kind of opportunity.Originally, Situ Nan didn't plan to disembark in Houston, so just stay on the ship all night.Too lazy to run, in fact, for him, there is almost no difference in the not-so-long journey on a boat or on land.

However, unlike those who have been away from the shore for a long time and missed the land, they are eager to disembark and stroll, Situ Nan decided to disembark temporarily.

When he first entered Hong Kong, his mind changed, as if he had heard the call. He couldn't wait to breathe the gasoline-smelling air, so this time the planned "pass the door but not enter" expectation did not come true.

"Miss Song, it's a pity that I have something to disembark in Houston temporarily, so I can't continue to accompany you on the next journey!" Situ Nan said.

"Oh! That would be a shame. Thank you Mr. Situ for your hospitality along the way." Song Meiling was a little surprised at Situ Nan's sudden disembarkation, but she soon adapted.

She looked at Situ Nan, her eyes full of regret and a little bit of dismay.

"I wish you a good journey! Goodbye!" Situ Nan left a bodyguard and continued to accompany Song Meiling to New York by boat. He took Han Gang and a few off the boat.

Song Meiling watched silently as Situ Nan's tall and straight figure faded away, and finally disappeared, feeling a little lost in her heart.

Along the way, this elegant and handsome man gave Song Meiling warm and thoughtful care and left a good impression in her heart.

Parting, so suddenly, was a little caught off guard.

Don’t know when we will meet again, everyone will be old when we meet again?

when love is already past!

Chapter 47 Petroleum Industry Chain

Situ Nan didn't have any regrets. After getting off the ship, he went to see Occidental Petroleum's terminal in Houston on a whim.The result is naturally satisfying.

"Hahaha! Stoney! Why didn't you take a telegram before you came?" The old man Hengda gave Situ Nan a bear hug as soon as he met Hengda!

"Originally, I was going to New York first, and I would come to Houston to have a look when I came back. But when the ship arrived in Houston, I temporarily changed my attention." Situ Nan explained.

"Hengda, you have gained a lot of fat! It seems that things are going well!" Situ Nan joked.

"Very well, everything is fine! The company has just finished laying an oil pipeline from Dallas to Houston. This is a big project, but we finally finished it, didn't we?" Hengda said.

When it comes to the oil company Hengda, I get excited and keep introducing Situ Nan the development status of Occidental Petroleum.The company's expansion, the laying of oil pipes, the increase of oil wells, the new refineries, and the continuous expansion of production capacity are all within Situ Nan's expectations.

He is most pleased that Occidental Petroleum's technology is advancing rapidly.Especially the geology department under Occidental Petroleum. Since Pratt served as the chief geologist, he has established a geological laboratory to introduce science and technology such as micro-paleontology, geophysical exploration methods, and well history data analysis into petroleum geology. Work, and thus the results of oil and gas discoveries.

Occidental Petroleum's proven oil reserves continue to rise. In terms of oil exploration, Occidental Petroleum has become a leader in the industry.

Sometimes Standard Oil and Gulf Oil have to come up with some benefits in exchange for Occidental Petroleum’s support in oil exploration technology. This is a rare good thing for Occidental Petroleum, which does not want to be at odds with Standard Oil for the time being, because this Occidental Petroleum from Standard Petroleum has exchanged some petrochemical technologies. This is very precious. Although it is not a core technology, it saves a lot of effort for Western Petroleum's technical research.

"By the way, Situ Nan, I have a plan I want to tell you! There is a local oil tool company that specializes in drill bits, drilling rigs and other equipment. I want to buy it. I also know his boss. If you If you agree, the business can be negotiated soon." Hengda remembered that he was about to discuss this matter with Situ Nan, but now that people are here, there is no need to make a telegram.

After Occidental Petroleum has established a firm foothold in oil exploration, transportation, storage, refining and sales, and has laid a solid foundation, Hengda wants to expand upstream and downstream.He is ambitious, not only increased investment in petrochemicals, but also took a fancy to those petroleum technology companies that have not yet grown up.Control, Hengda doesn't want to miss everything about oil.

Isn't this the idea of ​​the industrial chain?Situ Nan thought.

Although this concept has not been put forward this year, people have been doing it all the time. Hengda is not the first mover. Don't those monopoly giants do it like this?

Standard Petroleum started as oil sales, then got involved in the refining business, and then expanded to oil exploration, level by level, continuously extending upstream and downstream.

They have taken the lead in technology, and the petrochemical technology of the oil companies in the east is better than the oil companies in the south and west that started late.

However, there is still a lot of time. Situ Nan is confident that he can catch up with Standard Petroleum technically, and Occidental Petroleum will no longer have to be restrained everywhere.

And the super large oil field that I was hiding and pinching can also be taken out and seen.Even if you can't eat it alone, the fattest and tenderest piece of meat will definitely not escape.

Speaking of which, thanks to the Monopoly Law, Situ Nan thought this was the best thing Old Roosevelt did.

Not counting the wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine War, and the frequent interventions in Central American countries have nothing to do with Situ Nan, who had not yet come to this world at the time.

But speaking of it, the Roosevelt family is simply the American war presidential family. Like the Bush family of Stuart’s previous life, the old one went to fight, and the small one followed, and the fight was even bigger!Isn't this genetic?

Sure enough, it's not a family, don't enter a family!

If it were not for the monopoly law of the United States, Situ Nan thought it would be impossible for Western Petroleum to develop to this day, because Standard Petroleum controls the industrial chain of oil exploration, production and sales. Who else can you sell the crude oil you extract to him?You also want to engage in oil refining, so the equipment purchased is also from Standard Oil.

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