The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 808

"Of course, it's not just Shanghai. Meihua Mining wants to provide enough energy for the industrialization of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The scale of development is unimaginable for outsiders.

Huainan is a key project we are currently developing. It is estimated that the target output will reach 20 million tons per year within the government's first five-year plan."

Liu Hongsheng added, "Of course, this is only Huai Coal. It's hard to say which step we will do."

"It's impossible, are you joking?"

Yu Qiaqing didn't believe it.With the current industrial scale of Shanghai, even the nearby cities such as Nanjing, Hangzhou, and Suzhou cannot digest 20 million tons of coal each year."

Zhang Jingjiang looked at Liu Hongsheng and waited for his next words.

"What if I say it is used for power generation?" Liu Hongsheng said, "Meihua plans to build several large thermal power plants. 20 million tons of coal sounds like a lot, but as an energy supply for the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, it is estimated to be very reluctant.

"Oh, do you want to build a power plant?"

Zhang Jingjiang and Yu Qiaqing understood at once. According to Liu Hongsheng, 20 million tons of coal is mainly used for power generation. How big a power plant should be built?

However, the current Shanghai industry is far from being able to absorb so much electricity?That means...

They were shocked!The slightly opened mouth couldn't close for a while, and expressions of doubt, surprise, and excitement appeared on his face.

Liu Hongsheng looked at the expressions of the two in front of him with enjoyment and thought: In the ten years since he joined Meihua, these people who used to be equal to him in Shanghai have unknowingly been far surpassed by him, and his vision has long been out of Shanghai. , To operate Meihua Mining more from the national development strategy.

"People who don't know Meihua will be surprised when they hear such a plan, but the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and the Huainan Railway are all part of the government's first five-year plan.

Meihua has cooperated with the Communist Party and government in this regard for many years. For example, the large industrial zone under construction in Wuhan, or a little further away, in the new Tangshan Industrial Zone in Nanhua, the factory inside has eliminated the old steam power and replaced it with more advanced steam power. The efficiency of electric power will increase exponentially, which is not a fantasy..."

Liu Hongsheng had an urge to vomit unpleasantly, his plain tone sounded thunderous to Zhang Jingjiang and the others, and he felt a tingling scalp.

At the same time, they are also aware of the powerful business opportunities. Whether it is to further develop the mine resources along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi line or participate in Meihua's Huai Coal Project, it is worthy of their "fighting".

"In fact, we covet the resources in the north, especially the coal and iron resources in North China, and we have made a lot of efforts and achieved some results. However, the north is not our territory after all, and there is a lot of resistance to doing things. It is better to cultivate deeply in the south. Lay the foundation firmly. This way we will have many opportunities for cooperation. Zhang Lao, don't you think?" Liu Hongsheng asked Zhang Jingjiang.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded and slowly recovered from the shock just now. Liu Hongsheng revealed to himself Meihua's strategic development direction, undoubtedly extending an olive branch, which will be a rare opportunity for the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortium.

By participating in industrial construction projects led by the US-China Consortium, the Zhejiang Consortium can move from light industry and finance to basic fields such as steel, energy, and transportation.

This is precisely what national capital desires and lacks most. There is no reason not to be tempted.

"It seems that they are going to eat the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, and they are afraid of being unsightly. They are ready to compensate themselves for the Huai Coal Project? This should be Meihua's intention? Otherwise, Liu Hongsheng will mention Huai Coal to himself?"

Zhang Jingjiang reacted quickly, and suddenly thought that the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway Company was facing the dangerous situation of the annexation of Meihua, with a touch of sorrow on his face.

What made him a little disturbed was that Meihua did not have a clear attitude.Obviously, the dominance of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway is a node that needs to be resolved urgently in the face of in-depth cooperation between the two sides.

Becoming an ally of the US-China Consortium will certainly allow the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Consortium to achieve substantial development, but it just gives up the railway company in vain, and Zhang Jingjiang and others are not reconciled.

Liu Hongsheng didn't know Zhang Jingjiang's thoughts, and he didn't know that the other party was thinking so far. Seeing Zhang Jingjiang's expression a little embarrassed, he cared and said, "What's the trouble with Zhang?"

Zhang Jingjiang looked at Liu Hongsheng and saw that his expression was indifferent. He hesitated for a while, and felt it was better to make it clear, so he said his thoughts.

"Lao Zhang is a sensible person. The Zhejiang-Jiangxi line was originally connected with the Guangdong-Han Railway. The Zhejiang-Jiangxi Line and the Hunan Section of the Guangdong-Han Railway were connected and became a major artery crossing the south. The important surname is self-evident. The integration of the Gan Line into the southern railway network and the realization of railway joint operation is definitely a great thing. It is a great achievement to increase the mileage of China's railway by a thousand kilometers. It is a great achievement that can be recorded in history."

Liu Hongsheng praised, saying that Zhang Jingjiang and Yu Qiaqing had a glorious face.

The US-China Consortium and the Wuhan government have worked hard to build the southern railway network. The efforts and achievements they have made are obvious to all.

Then he comforted Zhang Jingjiang, "I understand your worries. I can't guarantee anything right now. I suggest Mr. Zhang talk to the major shareholders of Meihua, maybe there will be surprising results?"


A gleam of light flashed in Zhang Jingjiang's eyes. With a move in her heart, Liu Hongsheng repeatedly mentioned Meihua's internal high-level staff and said, "Is there any secret behind the major shareholders you mentioned?"

"I can't talk about secrets, just happened to come to Shanghai. He wants to meet you with Mr. Zhang."

Liu Hongsheng laughed, and suddenly brought his face closer to Zhang Jingjiang, his tone serious, "He may come later, should Mr. Zhang welcome this important guest?"

Important VIP?How important?

What Zhang Jingjiang has learned from Liu Hongsheng's tone, if he has realized it, Liu Hongsheng's status is considered honorable in his opinion, and the distinguished guests in his mouth are naturally higher than him.

"Then tell me what kind of VIP you are, let us get familiar with it." Zhang Jingjiang said, secretly taking this matter as the focus of the celebration tonight.

"Meihua investor. Mr. Zhang, your worries, he can decide in one word."

Liu Hongsheng smiled. Some of the extortion sites broke the current delicate relationship between Zhang Jingjiang and Meihua. "Aren’t you afraid that Meihua will swallow the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway cleanly? The VIP is very influential on this issue. ."

"Meihua investors?"

Zhang Jingjiang was moved when he heard this. It turned out that Liu Hongsheng mentioned Meihua many times just now, just to introduce himself to the boss behind him.

"It seems I have to entertain this distinguished guest well." Zhang Jingjiang said, secretly curious about the distinguished guest who is about to appear.

"His surname is Situ." Liu Hongsheng said again.

"Situ? Which Situ family?"

Before Zhang Jingjiang could say anything, most of Yu Qiaqing who listened to the side suddenly became surprised, as if thinking of something.

"That Situ family from Situ Meideng?" Zhang Jingjiang also asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Hongsheng nodded, it is difficult to explain to them the relationship between Situ Nan and Situ Meideng, the two are not related by blood, but to some extent, it can be said that they are the same family.

Situ is a minority surname. The most famous active in the political arena is Situ Meiden, the founder of the Zhi Gong Party, and Situ Yong, the military general of the Wuhan government.

The old and the young, taken out individually, are all admirable existences.Most of the people who do good things don't know the inside story. The folks often place the Situ family alongside the now powerful Song family, even more so than others, thinking that Situ Meiden is more powerful than the less experienced Song Ziwen.

"That's amazing! It is said that the Situ clan, the Song clan and the Chen clan are also known as the three major families in the Zhigong Party. I have heard a lot about the Chen Jiongming and Song Ziwen families, but I rarely hear of the Situ clan walking outside."

Yu Qiaqing curiously put her face in front of Liu Hongsheng.Liu Hongsheng is an alumnus of Song Ziwen and an important member of the US-China Consortium. The secrets he speaks are far more credible than folk rumors.

"The Ding of the Situ family is not prosperous, and most of the children of the clan develop overseas, but not many stay in the country. There is also a close relationship between the Song family and the Situ family." Liu Hongsheng deliberately said, speaking of this, he couldn't help but think of the big boss and that. It’s a pity that the boss’s romantic skills could not be learned by the Song family.

Situ Meideng's lofty status is true. In fact, the new generation of politicians such as Song Ziwen and Lin Yimin are the objects of support from the Zhi Gong Party and the US China Foundation.

As for Situ Nan, he is too low-key, his reputation is not very loud, only spread among a few people, Liu Hongsheng is fortunate to be one of the few.

Zhang Jingjiang didn't know Situ Nan. Hearing Liu Hongsheng said that the Situ family and the Song family are closely related, she said in her heart: It is true.

Taking into account the relationship between the Situ family and the US-China Consortium, I have already recognized Liu Hongsheng's identity as a VIP and look forward to meeting with each other.

Zhang Jingjiang has studied the rise of Song Ziwen. Song Ziwen has outstanding talents, a wide range of contacts, and a stubborn surname. To become a king, he lacks the cunning and forbearance of politicians.

However, Song Ziwen made his way to become the prime minister of the Wuhan government and became the most powerful person in the country.

To this day, Zhang Jingjiang has to admit that he has taken a blind eye. The strong financial resources of the US-China Consortium, the unswerving development of domestic industry, and the development strategy of the Communist Party have formed a strong trend.

Chapter 93

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