The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 819

In short, these women don't have a simple role. What if there may be women who have not yet been exposed?The little girl followed him, where did she rank in number?

Song Ailing suddenly became angry with Situ Nan. The bastard was not satisfied with the Sixth Court of San Gong, and she came to provoke her sister-she really regarded herself as an emperor!

Song Ailing could not wait to go upstairs to pull Situ Nan down, and at the same time she thought that only a US-China consortium controls South China and China, so it is hidden behind the US-China consortium, the more powerful William consortium. ?

In contrast, the combined strength of the Kong and Song families is less than one-tenth of his, right?

Moreover, Ziwen has always been arrogant and doesn’t really value Lao Shuner’s brother-in-law. With the support of Situ Nan, after he became the prime minister of the Wuhan government, there was a serious gap in the status of the two. Take the relationship between Ziwen and Situ Nan. , If Meimei wants to get together with Situ Nan, Ziwen will not object.

If the Confucian family offends Situ Nan, the consequences will be extremely serious in both South China and China. Can you expect Ziwen to come forward and help the Confucian family?

Song Ailing was a little dissatisfied with Song Ziwen’s “hiding” in Wuhan and not returning to Shanghai, but for a while, thinking of the interest entanglement behind her, she took a deep breath and said earnestly: "I have no objection. Since Meimei is unwilling to line up behind Ziwen, she is uneasy. To be a Miss Song family by land, and refuse to be the wife of ordinary husband and child, then there are only two ways: Either find the most powerful man, or be powerful yourself.

Now that the Song and Confucian families can have today's power, they are completely inseparable from the US-China Foundation and the Zhi Gong Dang. They have been tied to the US-China Foundation and the Zhi Gong Dang. Situ Nan is the soul of the US-Chinese Foundation and the Zhi Gong Dang.If you fall out with him, the fate of the Song and Kong family will also change unpredictably.

Of course, the premise is Meimei's personal choice, she is voluntary, otherwise, no matter who it is, I will not let him harm my family!"

Speaking of this, Song Ailing's face became stern, her words may be a bit alarmist, but the final guarantee was genuine.

Chapter 101

In fact, Song Ailing has wronged Song Ziwen. Song Ziwen is not willing to confuse Soong Meiling and Situ Nan. However, Song Meiling, who has a strong surname and is not inferior to others, becomes the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the support of Situ Nan. Sometimes the two brothers and sisters have opinions. Different, in the long run, it is also a threat to Song Ziwen's status. It's just the daughter of the Song family and his sister. Which one can let him decide?

If you don't see the heart, you just won't come back.Mrs. Song is not an ignorant person. As Song Ailing said, the fate of the Song family has been tied to that person.

"If Meimei was not there, I should have pulled her face down and scolded that guy severely! That guy has a look of embarrassment." The old lady Song annoyed. She remembered the scene of Situ Nan yawning and rudely just now.

The old lady seemed to be gritted her teeth and stomped with anger, but her attitude softened and she sighed, "I don't care, but you, the elder sister, do what you say, and you can't let others bully your sister."

"Mother, don't worry! I will." Song Ailing nodded, secretly relieved.

Among the six sisters, her eldest sister has been playing the role of the Song family's parent. She speaks the most weight. It is also the bond between the Song and Kong family and maintains their interests.In history, the marriage of Jiang and Song was the arm of the Song family eldest sister. Nowadays, Situ Nan is here, and Song Ailing still plays a role in pushing the relationship between the Song and Kong family and Situ Nan even further, although the result is not perfect and cannot be made public.

Kong Xiangxi couldn't intervene when Song's mother and daughter spoke. He sat quietly and listened. He always admired his wife's vision and was used to his wife's strength.It's rare to see an old lady who has always been good-tempered and low-spirited, but he thought to himself: The old lady said that she was going to scold Situ Nan at this time, which was to some extent acquiescing to the relationship between Situ Nan and Song Meiling.Will this bring opportunities for your own development?It would be great if I could get his support like Ziwen.

"I'm going to pray." The old lady Song got up and prayed.

Huhu——Song Ailing breathed a sigh of relief, licked her dry lips, turned her head to look at her husband, and saw him thinking on the side, thinking about what he was absorbing, but she didn't respond when she called.

"Oh! Meimei is true. There are so many men in the world, so why can't it happen..." Song Ailing sighed to herself. The daughter of the Song family is really stubborn. Isn't this moths fighting the fire?She couldn't help but think of the second sister who hadn't returned home after being "abducted".


"Huh?" Song Ailing turned her head in surprise and watched Song Meiling come downstairs.

"Just... Did you hear that?" Song Ailing asked.

"Yeah." Song Meiling nodded, watching the eldest sister's eyes a little moist, her heart was touched, she was quite clear just now.

"Thank you, sister."

"Mimi, I'm serious. If that bastard dares to bully you, I won't let him go." Song Ailing said seriously, thinking that Situ Nan was awake upstairs, her voice deliberately yelled upstairs, as if to warn someone People, it's a pity that someone can't hear.

"I know you will." Song Meiling hugged her elder sister tightly.It's been a long time since I hugged my eldest sister like this, and her embrace is still warm and powerful.The memory seems to go back to when I was a child, back to the days when the three sisters were at Wesley School for Girls in the United States. The eldest sister flew across the sea to the United States alone at the age of fourteen. Later, she brought the following two younger sisters to school. , Sheltered them from wind and rain.And the surname of a person with such experience will never be weak.

"Okay, don't be coquettish." Seeing her sister rely on her, Song Ailing was a little funny. She patted Song Meiling's back gently with her hand," she said after releasing her arms, "Mother is in a bad mood, go and talk to her."

"Yeah." Song Meiling said obediently and walked to the back hall.

"Cheap Situ Nannan bastard." Seeing Song Meiling's slender figure, Song Ailing cursed in a low voice.

"Left and right embrace, and enjoy the blessings of all people, which man doesn't envy?" Kong Xiangxi nodded in agreement, with unconcealable yearning in his eyes.

"Yeah! If you have some talent, can I still object to it?" Song Ailing sarcastically glared at Kong Xiangxi, and the blade-like eyes instantly smashed the illusion that came out of Kong Xiangxi's heart.

"How can I be that kind of person? You know I am a human being, I am a serious person." Kong Xiangxi smiled, the originally round face smiled so beautifully, it is hard to make people angry.

Song Ailing smiled: "What kind of a decent person are you? You have a guilty heart but no guts." Kong Xiangxi's attitude made her satisfied, indicating that her imperial husband was skilled.

Kong Xiangxi was not annoyed by Song Ailing's mind. It was the greatest happiness of his life to marry Song Ailing, a strong and capable wife. He smiled again: "I went to see the car. When they first opened the door, they only glanced at the car. Look clearly and see what the world’s most luxurious RV is like."

When the couple came to the garage, Kong Xiangxi was immediately attracted by the noble appearance of the Lincoln RV, and surrounded the car to watch.

The driver knew the identity of Kong Xiangxi and his wife, and knew that they were relatives of the boss, so he let them watch the car freely.Kong Xiangxi stroked the smooth and smooth car body, his movements were soft and nostalgic, as if he was stroking the body of his first love girlfriend, uttering admiration from time to time.

"What's the ultimate dream? Look at what you said! Isn't it just a car? As for what? Look at your promise!" Song Ailing snatched Kong Xiangxi's words, but did not move away from the Lincoln motorhome. She had never seen such a luxurious one. The car, one in the car, the six-seater space in the car is much more spacious than the usual car, not to mention the luxurious decoration, there is also a radio, air conditioning and a...small refrigerator?Sitting in such a luxurious car is a pleasure.

"Oh my God, how did this car install the air conditioner and refrigerator? It's incredible!" When Song Ailing opened the refrigerator and looked at the air-conditioned box with a bottle of Changyu wine in the box, she couldn't help but marvel.

"Changyu Wine is the best domestically produced wine. It has also won awards at the Panama Expo. It's just in this car. It's almost of a grade." Kong Xiangxi got into the car and took a sip of the wine in the car. Meimei sighed. I was afraid that there was a sofa under my buttocks and pointed to the Cummins Electric logo on the refrigerator. Seeing that Song Ailing didn’t understand, she explained, “This car is the crystallization of the technical cooperation between Cummins Electric and Chrysler Automobiles. It went on the market three months ago. More than 20 vehicles, the cost is not less than 100,000 South China Yuan!"

"One hundred thousand yuan? It's 50,000 dollars! The best-selling Chrysler Airstream in the United States is only $800. Even if the GM Cadillac premium sedan sells for only $5,000, the Lincoln car in front of you is too expensive. Right?" Song Ailing felt a little unbelievable. She was very sensitive to numbers, and quickly calculated the price of this new Lincoln luxury car. The high price seemed to give her a sense of robbery.

"You’re right! Lincoln is specifically aimed at GM’s Cadillac, competing for the high-end market. Meihua Petroleum is going to buy several Lincoln cars from the United States. I can also get one at that time, but I will definitely follow this one. The limited and extended version is incomparable." Kong Xiangxi said.

"Oh?" Song Ailing asked.

"The U.S. sent a car to South China. I saw this car at Prime Minister Situ Meiden and had the honor to ride it once. I didn't expect to get in the Premier Car No. 1 again in Shanghai. Hehe, this is the ultimate man. Dreams!” Kong Xiangxi’s words were filled with envy that could not be concealed, and he was very excited. He paused for a moment and his expression was a little low. “To be honest, I am a little jealous of Ziwen. Two vehicles were sent to Wuhan, and he also has one. This is a car like this. He has completely compared us over the past two years!"

"Look at what you said, what are you talking about?" Song Ailing gave her husband a white look. How could she not understand her husband's thoughts?He was eating his younger brother's jealousy. She was proud of her younger brother being the prime minister of the Wuhan government. Seeing that her husband was a little disappointed, she smiled and comforted, "Aren't you sitting in this car now?"

Kong Xiangxi feels that Song Ziwen is not lucky enough to meet a noble person to have today's achievements. If it weren't for his nerd spirit to rise in politics and not offend people everywhere?But it happened that Song Ziwen, a bookish nerd who didn't know how to be flexible, abiding by the rules, and admitting death, got the favor of the Meihua Consortium with the same modern style!If he were replaced by Kong Xiangxi, he would definitely not be so sharp, and he would be smoother if something happened.It's unfair to think about it, can't you see my talent?

Kong Xiangxi raised his head, looked at the direction of Song Meiling's room through the car window, and complained secretly in his heart, for some reason, compared with the brother-in-law in Wuhan, he felt aggrieved by aspirations.

Song Ailing understands her husband’s thoughts and knows that he has always had a political mindset. Although his business in Nanhua has been bigger in the past few years, he has not given up his ambition to develop in the political arena. She shook Kong Xiangxi’s hand and said: "Some If it’s hard for you to speak up, then let me say, I don’t believe he can continue to pretend to be confused? Are you worse than Meimei?"

"Yes, even Meimei has become the Minister of Foreign Affairs!" Kong Xiangxi sighed softly. Although the Wuhan government is not strong and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is often labeled as weak and incompetent, Soong Meiling is the most powerful woman in China. The limelight has long compared the two older sisters.

"I also scratched a few words firmly. To be honest, Anan is also a help to the Confucian family." Kong Xiangxi said again, persuading his wife. Now is not the time to find Situ Nan for a showdown. They disagree with the development of the Confucian family in the domestic political arena. This relationship is broken, and the biggest loss is still themselves.

"It's fine if you know!" Song Ailing sighed with regret, "It's no wonder people look at us differently. Back then, Mr. Sun and Chen Jiongming fell out, and Ziwen stood with the people from Meihua Company Zhigongdang. And we... I advise you not to listen. You are optimistic about Mr. Sun and think he has a better future. Indeed, Mr. Sun has made a lot of achievements later, but it is a pity that he is jealous of talents, Mr. Sun died young, and Ziwenhe Those in the Zhi Gong Party took the opportunity to rise and picked up good fruits for nothing, and only then can they have today's achievements.

"I don't think so!" Kong Xiangxi shook his head, seeming to disagree with Song Ailing's views, "I was watching Mr. Sun's reputation at the beginning, but I didn't know the rich financial resources of the Meihua Consortium. The key was them. Every step of the strategy has been very stable. I have seen it clearly in the past few years. Perhaps from the beginning, he did not pay attention to the various domestic forces..." Kong Xiangxi looked at Song Meiling’s room upstairs again , What he said naturally refers to Situ Nan.

Song Ailing was silent for a moment, she didn't know what she was thinking. In the past, the Song family was divided into two factions because of the different forces she supported. She, the eldest sister, also felt awkward.Now the situation is different. The Confucian family has actively moved closer to the US-China Consortium and the Zhi Gong Party and has gained a lot of benefits.If there are any victims...

"It's a pity that second sister!" For a long time, Song Ailing sighed and made up her mind to say, "No, I have to let her go home!"...

Chapter 102: The Kong Family's Opportunity

"Eldest sister, brother-in-law, do you like it? Give it to you."

Situ Nan came down from upstairs and after resting upstairs, he looked good.Seeing Kong Xiangxi and his wife sitting in the Lincoln RV, they smiled and said to Kong Xiangxi and his wife.

"It's too expensive, I can't stand it!" Song Ailing was delighted, but declined.

"It's all my own, it's not expensive or not."

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