The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 834

Song Ziwen doesn't like this kind of wall grass, but I have to admit that Yang Yongtai is indeed talented. Under his needlework, some figures such as Zhang Yaozeng and Li Genyuan of the Department of Political Science have gradually moved closer to the Zhi Gong Dang. A large corner of the Beiyang government and the Kuomintang, which gained the favor of some people in the Zhi Gong Party.

The political science department’s loyalty made the Zhi Gong Party even more powerful. With their talents and prestige, Yang Yongtai and others seemed to give the political science department a new life in the Wuhan government, which was called the New Political Science Department.

In Song Ziwen's view, the influence of the Department of New Political Science is still very weak, and it is not enough to threaten his position. He just handed Shanghai to Yang Yongtai, and he was a little worried.

Seeing that Song Ziwen didn't speak, Yang Yongtai didn't dare to speak. He sat on the chair with half of his butt, holding his breath, trying to make his expression look more submissive.

"I really missed you, why didn't you hug Zhi Gong Dang's thigh earlier?"

Yang Yongtai thought to himself, otherwise, as his senior politician, how could he let Song Ziwen rise up so suddenly that young people would be crushed to death?I hope that after arriving in Shanghai, Emperor Shan Gao is far away and he can do something else.

Chapter 113

"Our military exercises at the Wusongkou Fortress, should you know?" After a while, Song Ziwen finally spoke, interrupting Yang Yongtai's conjecture.

"Yeah. A shot out of the momentum of the Chinese government, showing the strength of our army to defend Shanghai."

Yang Yongtai reacted quickly and nodded, slightly excited.

Before he could figure out Song Ziwen's intentions, he dared not say too much, so such an answer was quite satisfactory, which made people unable to fault.

"After you arrive in Shanghai, you will focus on building Shanghai. The environment in Shanghai is complicated, but don't undermine the reputation of our party."

Song Ziwen exhorted, and his eyes fell on Yang Yongtai again.

Yang Yongtai nodded solemnly, feeling an unprecedented pressure not only from the young prime minister in front of him, but also from the important city thousands of miles away-Shanghai.

Wuhan, the city known as the Chicago of the East, has experienced rapid industrial development and is now worthy of the name.

As for the Greater Shanghai Construction Project, the investment scale of the government and the US-China consortium is no less than that of the capital Wuhan, and the important names are self-evident.

Yang Yongtai clenched his fist, a flush was drawn across his face, and he secretly vowed in his heart.I must want it to shine brighter, this Oriental Pearl!

Song Ziwen saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart, as if he had seen himself not long ago in Yang Yongtai. When he took over the Hanyang Iron Factory, wasn't he also excited about the huge industrial plan?Now I can proudly say that this new industrial city in Wuhan has deeply imprinted his Song Ziwen.

"The Great Shanghai construction plan has already been planned, funds will gradually be in place, and safety will be guaranteed. I believe you will succeed.

However, I have to remind you, listen more to the opinions of the Policy Committee and maintain a good relationship with Shanghai's industrial and commercial circles. What I want is a prosperous industrial and commercial city, not the power and prestige of a certain politician, understand?"

Song Ziwen warned, his tone was unceremonious.

In Yang Yongtai, he smelled some old bureaucrats. Song Ziwen has seen a lot of how old bureaucrats play official positions and wantonly use power to oppress industry and commerce. For thousands of years, Chinese officials have come like this, always thinking that he is superior. .

If Yang Yongtai is also such a person, he will undoubtedly die.

Yang Yongtai's heart trembled. He is a sensible person. Although he is about to become the mayor of Shanghai, he does not have the right to dictate anything in the construction plan of Shanghai.

The biggest weight is the policy committee responsible for planning the construction of Greater Shanghai. Those members are not from the American China Bank, Bank of China and other consortia, or planners, architects, accountants and other industry experts who have returned from studying in Britain and the United States. These talents are the most powerful people. .

Today, for the Zhi Gong Party government, which is dominated by business owners, the status of businessmen has been greatly improved. If the old bureaucratic ideas of the past are still used, it will definitely be difficult to mix.

Yang Yongtai quickly promised: "Subordinates understand that they must remember the words of the Prime Minister, listen to the opinions of experts, and build Shanghai well."

"Just know it." Song Ziwen nodded. Thinking of the news from Shanghai, he seemed a little embarrassed. After being silent for a while, he said again, "There is another thing about the Sheng family. They must be cleaned up in the Steamship China Merchants Bureau and Jiangnan. Contacts with major companies such as shipyards."

"Huh?" Yang Yongtai looked at Song Ziwen in surprise. He didn't expect him to say something like this, thinking: Isn't Song Ziwen the son-in-law of the Sheng family?Why does it look like he is going to turn his face with the Sheng family?

"This matter is dominated by the Ministry of Industry, and then you will be fine. I will just say hello to you in advance. After all, building a Greater Shanghai requires not only building a new city, but more importantly, revitalizing those half-dead large enterprises. That’s the top priority."

Song Ziwen has a long way to go.

"I remembered." Yang Yongtai nodded and thought: I thought things were not that simple. There should be the Ministry of Industry and the Meihua Company behind them. Since Sheng Xuanhuai is dead, the Sheng family should return the national assets.

Although his thoughts did not completely fit the minds of Situ Nan and others, they were almost the same.Yang Yongtai didn't have any pressure to deal with the Sheng family. Who knew that Sheng Xuanhuai put national assets in his pocket back then?

After coming out of the prime minister's residence, Yang Yongtai felt calm.

He rushed to Shanghai full of hesitation and found that Shanghai was in turmoil.When leaving office, Wang Yaqiao directly warned Yang Yongtai not to approach the Japanese.

Well, the politicians of the Department of Political Science are smooth and generally soft. This is something that Wang Yaqiao's military system cannot tolerate.


Situ Nan received a telegram from Song Ziwen, which read: "You have done what you wished. It's cheaper for that guy."

"Have you seen? Ziwen complained." Song Meiling raised the telegram to Situ Nandao, looking at Situ Nan's face with a pair of beautiful eyes, "I really don't understand how you look at Yang Yongtai's wall and grass. Is it possible that he is you again? One of his staff?"

"A good suggestion, I'll think about it." Situ Nan joked, thinking that Yang Yongtai should be included. In history, didn't he become Lao Jiang's counselor?There should be some skill.

"As for Ziwen's complaint? Is there anything to complain about? He wants to plant his own person in Shanghai. I have no objection, but to do big things, we must attract more talents for my use, even if it is other party forces, as long as they agree Our policy."

Situ Nan disapproved.

Seeing Song Meiling thinking, he continued: "Take you for example! You and Ziwen have different ideas. You became the Minister of Foreign Affairs and more or less took away a piece of his power. He had some ideas in his heart. However, Since he has become the prime minister and takes over the Wuhan government, he should be able to tolerate others and open his mind. The first five-year industrial plan alone is enough for him. If he has time to care about other minor matters, even if I read it wrong. people!"

"You guy, you know everything, but you just don't say it all the time." Song Meiling gave Situ Nan a white look. The relationship between her and Song Ziwen is not as monotonous as people think, and sometimes the differences are quite big.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, and competition between relatives is inevitable."

Situ Nan faintly replied, thinking: Haven't those women of hers been fighting openly and secretly these years?If they "cross" again, maybe they will fight?After all, with such huge assets as the William Consortium and the US-China Consortium, most of the interests are involved.

Fortunately, they are divided into different countries and regions, otherwise they will get more troubles.

"By the way, the second sister is coming back, she...want to see you." After a while, Song Meiling said again.When talking about the meeting, she hesitated.

"Why?" Situ Nan asked.He couldn't think of the need to see the mother of the country. Is it just a relationship between each other?

The mother of the country has always been tough in her own mind. She is going to return to Shanghai, probably from the Soviet Union in the north. What can she say to this evil big capitalist?

Situ Nan shook his head, not quite convinced of such thoughts.

Sure enough, I heard Song Meiling say: "Second Sister came back from the Soviet Union. Her surname is relatively stern, and may not be the same as ours. If you say something nasty, don't take it to your heart."

Song Meiling's words can be regarded as vaccinating Situ Nan.

"What can I do to her?" Situ Nan smiled, waved his hand, a little disapproving, and said to himself: I am not old Jiang. I can stand on such a difficult sister-in-law. I can't kill or scold her. criticism.Now, if they want to fight, it is their Song family brothers and sisters fighting each other, hehe.

"Some curiosity, if it is for the KMT, she should go to Wuhan to talk to Ziwen, it should be more appropriate." Situ Nan said.

"Well. Speaking of it, the second sister is in an awkward situation now." Song Meiling commented.

The Kuomintang heavyweight veterans like Zhang Jingjiang have all changed their banners. The people who take Miss Song Er seriously are indeed good. There are only a few hardline leftists, very few, otherwise she would not go to the Soviet Union.

The situation in the Soviet Union is still inferior to southern China today, and the relationship between Situ Nan and the Soviet Union is more than simply hostile.

"The oil companies have cooperated with the Soviet Union. Each year they import certain crude oil from the Soviet Union’s Baku oil field and resell them to France and Italy. South China also imports more than 300,000 tons of grain from the Soviet Union each year. Of course, it is not directly imported. It has to go through other countries. Well, it's lower than the international market. We just pay some rubber and tin. The Russians are also happy to see the result. Even if they don't have enough food, it is good for them to starve some Ukrainian farmers to death." Situ Nan said casually. .

"Huh?" Song Meiling did not expect that Situ Nan would actually do business with an enemy he hated, let alone learn such an important secret from Situ Nan.

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