The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 856

Although it is a Shanghai tycoon.I am familiar with all the fashions in Shanghai, and I have learned to deal with foreigners, but this kind of knowledge is a bit narrow after all.

"Wuhan is not the same as Shanghai. The prosperity of the Bund is intoxicating, and the large factories and large projects here are easily shocking. You will soon realize it. Brother!"

Yu Qiaqing patted Du Yuesheng's hand and said with deep emotion.Du Yuesheng secretly remembered it in her heart, with some expectation: "Then I will wait for my brother to show me the Hanyang Iron Factory!"

"Easy to say, easy to say." Yu Qiaqing assured.Compared with Hanyang Iron Factory, he looks forward to visiting Wuhan Shipyard and Yang Machinery Factory. Needless to say, the shipyard is here to buy ships for China Merchants Shipbuilding Corporation, and the locomotive factory under Yang Machinery Factory produces various types for the National Railway Company. For locomotives, most of Siming Bank's investment is on railways. It is natural for Yu Qiaqing to visit Wuhan to inspect the production of locomotives.

Du Yuesheng raised his head and looked at the unfinished Yangtze River Bridge in front of him. The scale and majesty is extraordinary, and the Baidu Bridge cannot be compared.

The bridge has become a symbol of Wuhan. On the south side of the bridge is the Wuchang Snake Mountain, where the central government is located on the shore, and on the north side is Hanyang Guishan, which is connected with the famous Hanyang Iron Works by rail and road.

For Yu Qiaqing and Du Yuesheng, seeing the bridge is like European tourists seeing the Statue of Liberty—New York is right in front of them.Wuhan is here!How can you not be excited?

"After this bridge is successful, Nanjing on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River will build another bridge." Yu Qiaqing said again.

"In this way, the Guangdong-Han Railway and the Beijing-Han Railway, the Jinpu Line and the Shanghai-Nanjing Line, and the two major arteries of the north and south of the country are connected. It is of great significance!" Du Yuesheng was moved by his mind and praised, then added, "Lao Zhang What a courage!"

The old Zhang referred to Zhang Jingjiang. Zhang Jingjiang took charge of the National Railway Corporation, and Siming Bank became one of the minority shareholders of this railway trust. Yu Qiaqing thought: The importance of the Yangtze River Bridge should never be elevated. Over.

Listening to Du Yuesheng’s words, Yu Qiaqing’s face was faintly proud of "Rong Yan". This pride quickly disappeared, and her face became calm. He explained: “Before Zhang Lao took office, the bridge project was under the supervision of Premier Song. It has already started under the auspices. After two years of construction, the progress of the project has been half completed. After the completion of the bridge pier project, in fact, the most difficult stage of the bridge project has passed, and the rest of the bridge deck project will be easier. Of course, Because of the importance of the Yangtze River Bridge to the National Railway Corporation, Zhang Lao also attaches great importance to it."

"So that's the case." Du Yuesheng nodded, as if he had been taught, and said to his heart: Build a bridge on the mighty Yangtze River, I am afraid that foreigners may not be able to do it!Song's second child is so courageous!

Du Yuesheng certainly didn't know that a project like the Yangtze River Bridge is not too difficult in the United States. New Yorkers built the Brooklyn Bridge as early as 1883-known as one of the seven epoch-making architectural miracles in the world during the Industrial Revolution.

Although the Yangtze River Bridge cannot be separated from the country's talented bridge designer Mao Yushi, the behind-the-scenes investor Situ Nan actually trusts an engineering team dominated by virtue engineers.

What is gratifying is that in this process, not only the designer Mao Yushi's reputation, but also a group of national engineering technicians behind foreign projects have also grown up, laying the foundation for the second and third Yangtze River bridges in the future.

It's a pity that Situ Nan didn't appear on Du Yuesheng's boat, and couldn't point to Du Yuesheng's nose and say-you can only play fruit knives on the Baidu Bridge, you can't see the old army firing cannons on the Yangtze River!


Soong Ching Ling and Liao Zhongkai were also shocked.

"The Wuhan government is willing to invest tens of millions of funds to build the Yangtze River Bridge. It can be seen that their interest in the northern region is not as cold as outsiders know."

Soong Ching Ling commented.

After listening to all his thoughts, Liao Zhongkai thought of the Wuhan government vigorously constructing a railway network in the south. It is obvious that this Yangtze River bridge is actually part of the railway plan. With a slight jaw, he exclaimed: "After the bridge is completed, through the railway network, the southern forces will Materials can be delivered to the north along the Beijing-Hanzhou line at any time, and it is difficult for the northern warlords to resist them. At least the area south of the Yellow River is the scope of the revolutionary army."

Thinking of this, Liao Zhongkai was secretly frightened, and the two looked at each other, their expressions becoming serious.Because there is basically no room for the Kuomintang troops to survive in the southern region, their biggest cooperation partner-Feng Yuxiang's subordinates, is actually not optimistic. Once the northern expedition in Wuhan again, the northern warlord will definitely face a thunderous blow!

"Well, don't think about it too much. I think the Zhi Gong Dang will not be able to withdraw from the south within three to five years. The railway project is enough for them."

Soong Ching Ling said in a relaxed tone.

"That's right! We still have time, at least we can do a lot!" Liao Zhongkai cheered.

"It is said that when the Yangtze River Bridge was built, many people said that the Wuhan government would not be able to build the bridge within ten years, but the progress of the project was faster than people most optimistic estimates."

Soong Ching Ling said indifferently, then she was silent, feeling a little conflicted.

For the investment in construction of the Chi Gong Party and the US-China Consortium, their courage is sometimes not what ordinary people can appreciate. I hope that the railway plan will not go too smoothly, so as to leave more time for the northern forces."

Suddenly, I felt that it would be good for the country to complete the railway project earlier. I hope that the Southern Railway will be completed soon.

Hey, it would be great if the Zhi Gong Dang was replaced by the Kuomintang—thinking too much!How is this possible?

She laughed at herself in her heart, with some conflicts about gains and losses.In fact, she really thinks too much. This woman is far more famous than her strength. In front of the huge capital of the US-China Consortium and millions of related workers, without her, the railway will be completed and the bridge will be completed.

Thinking of seeing Mei Ling soon, her younger brother and sister, Soong Ching Ling's mood became excited again.

The ship did not pass under the bridge, to be precise, did not pass between the piers. Instead, it turned a turn and turned and sailed downstream.


Yu Qiaqing smiled slightly. Seeing Du Yuesheng's confusion, he explained that in fact, the ship had passed Hankou long ago, but Minsheng Shipping Company deliberately walked forward for a short distance in order to let passengers see the Yangtze River Bridge without delaying the trip.

Wuchang, on the south side of the bridge, has planned to build a new wharf close to the bridge, across the bank from the wharf of Hanyang Iron Works on the north bank.However, the docks of the Hanyang Iron Works are used to transport bulk goods, such as iron ore, coal, steel plates, railroad tracks, machinery, and even weapons, and are generally not open to the outside world, including the Minsheng Shipping Company.

The base camp of Minsheng Shipping Company is at Hankou Wharf. Hankou Wharf is more open and free. There are many ships of various sizes, including domestic passenger merchant ships and foreign merchant ships, and there is a grand view of the Soochow Wanli ship.

Landing in Hankou, Yu Qiaqing was a little bit curious, because the well-planned, one-water reinforced concrete wharf is about a kilometer long. Except for Meihua's cargo wharf, nearly one-third of the passenger wharf is actually owned by Minsheng Shipping Company. Without the shadow of China Merchants, when can China Merchants also lay a foothold here?

"There are a lot of people, and the Hankou Wharf is even wider than Shipu!" Du Yuesheng smacked, and got off the boat with his feet to observe the new city curiously.

Chapter 130 First Impression of Wuhan

"Minsheng Shipping Company was only established in the past one or two years. Now it seems that Wuhan's small and half passenger transport market is occupied by them. On the Yangtze River route, it must be said that it will be the main competitor of China Merchants Shipping."

After all, with the support of the Meihua Consortium, the Minsheng Company has been put on a semi-official color from the beginning of its birth, which allows the Minsheng Shipping Company to gain a certain advantage in the competition with Swire, Jardine and Nissin.

Yu Qiaqing shook his head. He didn’t talk about freight, because the freight market is dominated by Meihua and Meihua-based companies. The import and export of commodities such as coal, steel, machinery, and petroleum are all operated by Meihua itself, such as Pingxiang Coal Company, Meihua Steel, Meihua Petroleum, Meihua Chemical, etc., have their own fleets, and even Minsheng Shipping Company cannot enter this market, let alone other people.

People and goods flow in and out in an orderly manner, busy and not chaotic. Yu Qiaqing nodded while watching, thinking that the developed Hankou shipping market provides development opportunities for Minsheng Shipping Company. As for the upstream Chongqing, which is also important to Minsheng Shipping Company, It was automatically ignored by Yu Qiaqing.

China Shipping Merchants still needs to be based in Shanghai, and it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with Minsheng Shipping Company.Yu Qiaqing secretly decided.

Du Yuesheng stood beside Yu Qiaqing, looking at the busy dock, but he had another extravagant thought in his mind. The opium in the southwest is going down the river, and Hankou is the largest node in the opium trade. Controlling this place will not even have money...

Unfortunately, this is just a wish!Thinking of the plight of the Qinggang, Sanxin Company was repeatedly "scoured" by the tax police, Du Yuesheng had a headache and had to put away his inappropriate thoughts.Consider how to get through the joints above.


Yu Qiaqing smiled and walked towards Lu Zuofu who was walking towards him.Clutching hand."I didn't expect you to pick me up in person, thank you so much."

"Although Minsheng Company and China Shipping China Merchants are competitors, but also partners! Welcome to Wuhan, God of Wealth!"

Lu Zuofu smiled and said, they met and met when they were in Shanghai Kadoorie Garden.Then he greeted Du Yuesheng.

As soon as she walked out of the dock, Yu Qiaqing's heart was shocked by a low whistle behind her.It was the sound of the train, and it was as loud as it was at hand.

"Why is there a train at the terminal?" Du Yuesheng asked strangely.

"Recently, we started a sea-land joint operation with the railway company. After Hankou wharf is the Hankou Railway Station, the wharf is also connected to the Guangdong-Hankou Railway to achieve a sea-land joint operation. If you get off the boat and get on the train, you can run after two or three days. Go to Guangdong."

Lu Zuofu explained with a smile.

Du Yuesheng and Yu Qiaqing saw that, just as Lu Zuofu said, there was a wide square not far in front of them. Opposite the square was a five- or six-story building with a few large characters written on it.The building looks new and has a concrete structure.There are many glass windows, the style is simple, clear and practical.

Yu Qiaqing nodded, agreeing with Lu Zuofu's point of view that sea-way joint operation is convenient and efficient, and it saves transportation costs. That is to say, only Meihua Company has the ability to host this plan.

Nowadays, public utilities such as railways and shipping in southern China are controlled by Meihua Company. The term Meihua wins the respect of businessmen more than the government.

"The railway station was completed a week ago. At that time, Mr. Zhang came to cut and even Prime Minister Song came!" Lu Zuofu briefly said about the costumes on the day the railway station was completed. Yu Qiaqing was looking forward to it, but unfortunately he was busy in Shanghai at that time. China Merchants Steamship.

"It really made Zhang Laogan into this matter!" Yu Qiaqing said excitedly. If Hailun's joint venture is promoted to Shanghai, as an affiliate of Meihua Company, China Merchants Shipping will receive a large number of transportation orders from Meihua companies. I dare not say that the China Merchants Bureau of Dasheng Company’s textile transportation order is very hopeful.

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