The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 864

As the veteran of Meihua Company, he established the world-famous Cummins Power Research Institute, which has a far-reaching influence on Cummins Electric. Xu Zhouyang has more long-term research in the electrical industry than the Chinese, and has won the trust of Stuart.

Leaving aside electrical manufacturing, the major thermal and hydroelectric power plants and power equipment manufacturing plants along the Yangtze River are Xu Zhouyang’s goals.

He will also participate in the shipbuilding industry if he has the opportunity.Steam turbine technology is not only used for electricity, but also widely used in ship power. Cummins Power, a subsidiary of Cummins Electric, is one of Bethlehem Steel’s equipment suppliers in the shipbuilding business. It has developed steam turbines for the US Navy, but the US Navy "Holiday", there is no profit without orders. Therefore, American power suppliers are not very enthusiastic and only guarantee the most basic technical input.

Cummins Power has always performed well in the direction of civilian power. He returned to China with the Cummins Power technical team, and Xu Zhouyang is full of confidence in China's future power industry.

"At present, the world's most advanced steam turbine unit has a single unit power of 60 MW. Westinghouse Electric and Cummins Electric can reach this level. However, the U.S. City Expo has a growing demand for electricity, and 60 MW steam turbines still cannot meet the demand. Therefore, the electric company is studying a 100-megawatt steam turbine. I have delayed returning home for a while because of this project."

Xu Zhouyangdao.Knowing that Situ Nan is concerned about the U.S. Electricity Market Exhibition, he told Situ Nan about some of the progress made by Cummins Electric.

Although Situ Nan is keen on judging technology prospects, he is not doing research after all, and there are too many things. Hearing this, Xu Zhouyang became interested.

Chapter 136

"What about the result?" Seeing Xu Zhou Yang's eyebrows could not be hidden, Situ Nan didn't understand him yet, so he waited for Situ Nan to ask him, and then said proudly.

"The result is of course that we are one step ahead and have built the world's first 100-megawatt steam turbine."

Xu Zhouyang proudly said that for an engineer who is passionate about power research, there is nothing more satisfying than such an achievement in the field of steam turbines.

"It's a pity that its performance is not stable enough, and it's still a long way from commercial use, at least two or three years!" Xu Zhouyang said in a slightly regretful tone.

"It will even take longer." Xu Zhouyang added in his heart.

"Well, it's also good news. Cummins Power has established a leading position in the power field and gained more shares in the power equipment market. This is really the envy of General Electric and Westinghouse."

Situ Nan smiled and said, affirming the achievements of Xu Zhouyang and Cummins Dynamics. After seeing Xu Zhouyang's expressions of pity, he thought it was a pity that this guy could not continue his experiments in the United States in China!

"Although 100-megawatt steam turbines cannot keep up with domestic thermal power projects for the time being, 60-megawatt steam turbines are enough." Situ Nan smiled again.

Xu Zhouyang nodded, and with his own leadership of a group of engineers, he is confident that he will fully realize the localization of 60 MW steam turbines within 5 years.

In recent years, domestic machinery manufacturing has made considerable progress, and some large-scale equipment has been made domestically.Public and private, Xu Zhouyang is the most suitable candidate for this project.

"Hey, I dug a lot of the backbone of the Cummins Power Laboratory. It will not take long. We can continue our research in the United States. I believe that the localization of 100 MW steam turbines is not a dream."

Xu Zhouyang believes himself.Added another sentence, "Of course, the premise is sufficient funds."

Having said that, Xu Zhouyang looked at Situ Nan expectantly.

"Now Meihua Electric invests most of its funds in the construction of power plants, and it has not even digested the 60 MW steam turbines. How can there be resources for larger steam turbine research? Everyone is waiting for real power plants-so don't look at me. The funding problem of the China Railway Corporation is enough for me to bleed. Going north to open Henan or Shanxi coal mines. It also needs a lot of money."

Situ Nan reminded him instead, "You should install the two 60-megawatt steam turbines you bought from the United States as soon as possible!"

Five years later, the Shanghai power plant will have 500 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, not to mention the 3 billion kilowatt-hours.

In a few days, the factory in the Baoshan Industrial Zone will be completed. If the Baoshan Power Plant has not been completed, the factory's motors will not be able to start, and the loss will be very large.At that time, you are also embarrassed to ask for more resources from the inside of the consortium."

Xu Zhouyang nodded, his expression more serious, although he was confident that he would build Asia's largest power station at Baoshan Power Plant.The design power reaches 500 megawatts, which is equivalent to half of New York's electricity consumption.That is also the future plan.

What Xu Zhouyang has to do first is to install the two 60 MW steam turbines of the first phase to meet the electricity demand of Baoshan Industrial Zone, and then expand step by step to the whole of Shanghai.

This is not an easy task. Fortunately, the main construction of the power station has been completed. Xu Zhouyang will command the technical team to install the steam turbine.

"The first one, it will be installed within one month," Xu Zhouyang promised.

Situ Nan believed that Xu Zhouyang did what he said. The first steam turbine of Pacific Watt Electric Company was successfully installed and debugged under Xu Zhouyang's guidance. As a designer and manufacturer, Xu Zhouyang's experience and technology did not make Situ Nan doubt The place.

"It is a pity that I failed to light the first fire in the power plant." Situ Nan said regretfully.He should not be in Shanghai in a month, I am afraid that he will miss this event.

"By the way, there is a question to talk about. In order to realize the localization of steam turbines, in addition to manufacturing technology, the source of materials cannot be ignored.

The performance of steam turbine blades requires high-strength, high-temperature corrosion resistance, and nickel-chromium alloy is the best material. However, I read the company's report and there are almost no domestic reports on nickel-chromium minerals.On the contrary, there are more tungsten ore."

Xu Zhouyang frowned.



Situ Nan is more familiar with tungsten. Because of the rich tungsten deposits in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Meihua has mastered certain tungsten alloy technology in cooperation with German companies, and he does not know much about other materials. After all, he is not a metallurgical engineer.

After thinking about it for a while, he said to Xu Zhouyang: "I remember that there are many nickel mines in Nanhua, and the iron and steel plant over there produces nickel alloys. As for chromium, it seems to be very scarce, so the specifics are not clear. You and Meihua Steel Communication should have results."

"That's good!" Xu Zhouyang smiled.As soon as Situ Nan reminded him, he knew what to do. China has a vast land and abundant resources and Nanhua has abundant resources. Meihua Steel must have what Xu Zhouyang is looking forward to.

In the cooperation with the industrial giants of the United States and Germany, the metallurgical and mechanical technology of Meihua Iron and Steel Company has been unusually developed. Xu Zhouyang is the founder and core figure of Cummins Power Laboratory, regardless of technical research or company management. He is a world-class figure.

The two talked while walking, and came to the new site of Jiangnan Shipyard.

Situ Nan pointed to the construction site in front of Xu Zhouyang and said, "Jiangnan Shipyard, if you have energy, why don't you leave it to you?"

After speaking, he looked at Xu Zhouyang with expectant eyes.

"Okay!" Xu Zhouyang said readily, thinking: Although Jiangnan Shipyard's name is so loud, it has long been ruined, and it has long been passed by Guangzhou Longxue Shipyard and Wuhan Shipyard.

Situ Nan has the intention to revitalize the Shanghai shipbuilding industry by moving the Jiangnan Shipyard from Gaochangmiao to Baoshan Xingang Industrial Zone. He has set aside a large piece of land by the sea, but he has no time to stare at Shanghai, so he needs a strong and trustworthy person to sit in town. Shanghai.

Xu Zhouyang's ability to manage Cummins Power, a subsidiary of Cummins Electric, is to make it the largest power equipment supplier in the United States. Cummins Aircraft, Bethlehem Shipbuilding, and Chrysler have many engines from Cummins Power.Situ Nan believed that Xu Zhouyang was able to manage Jiangnan Shipyard.

"Shipbuilding is more troublesome, almost all industrial fields are involved, and my next focus is on power plant construction projects. So don't expect too much. The lack of skilled workers alone is a headache!"

Xu Zhouyang complained.

This is a problem.Situ Nan did not have a good solution.Talents are not paper money. They come out as soon as the machine is turned on. The entire US-China consortium and even the entire China and South China lack technical talents. The Chinese civilization has taught a lot of scholars but not a few craftsmen. Therefore, the Zhi Gong Party government and the US-China Consortium had to tilt the science and engineering majors as much as possible in the direction of education. Even so, without the accumulation of ten or eight years, they would not be able to train a solid number of skilled workers.

In both China and South China, the industrialization construction is less than ten years, so the harvest season for talent training has not yet arrived.

"It seems that it is the Germans and the Chinese middle school students who are following their ass again!" Xu Zhouyang sighed lightly.Throughout the 1920s, no region in the world has introduced as many cheap and practical German technical engineers as China and South China. Fortunately, the Germans lost all their pants in the last world gambling!

"I don't count on you. The main work of Fuxing Jiangnan Shipyard depends on Wuhan Industrial Group. I hope Meihua Electric and Wuhan Industrial Group will cooperate happily."

Situ Nan smiled.

"Meihua Electric (including Meihua Electric), Meihua Chemical (including Meihua Pharmaceutical), Meihua Iron and Steel (including Wuhan Industrial Group), Meihua Mining (including Pingxiang Coal Mine), Meihua Rubber, Meihua Trading, Meihua Real estate, as well as American China Petroleum and American China Bank, I won’t talk about it. Going back to the United States, I think you’re going to explain it to Ms. Laura, right?"

Xu Zhouyang made fun of Situ Nandao, his actions were exaggerated, and he imitated Laura's tone, "Oh, my God, billions of dollars of assets have been transferred to the east by you. Handed over to China's Song (Song Meiling) and Nanhua's Wu (Wu Manli), He (He Xiangu)?"

"Explain? What can I explain! My will has been written in the safe of William Financial Holdings on William Street in Manhattan. The biggest beneficiary is the William Foundation. The other is the Meihua Foundation."

Situ Nan shrugged, his expression relaxed.

The most powerful people in the world, he believed to be Stalin, and Hitler, the mustache a few years later, (and Mao who appeared in a certain position).

The richest person is himself and Rockefeller Morgan as half, because he personally holds a small proportion of the shares of Morgan Bank, but his appeal on Wall Street is amazing. With one dollar, he can raise a hundred dollars for his own use. , This kind of talent is terrible.

"Today's Romance of the Three Kingdoms on Wall Street, the Morgan family, the Rockefeller family, me and the Mellon family are on the whole equal, and the fight is fierce.

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