The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 867

She is noble. Few women can take a bath with milk as often as she does, but her skin is not good.

"It's a sin. When the weather is too hot or the pressure is too high, the disease will attack and it is extremely uncomfortable. I have to gritted my teeth and scratched the sheets when I woke up in the middle of the night. Scratch it. I really want to make a decision by myself. Ha ha, superficial scenery, low suffering, is it me?"

Soong Meiling was immersed in the milk soup, and the itch on her body was slightly relieved, and she laughed at herself.

"So you are strong, aren't you? You are the strongest woman I have ever seen." Situ Nan praised, adding in his heart, I'm afraid no one wants this strength, right?

Song Meiling's style is gorgeous, silks and satin never leave her body, how much she has to rely on her natural skin disease, how can a woman who is allergic to cotton fabrics and can only touch silk not luxurious and noble?

But who can understand the pain behind this?

Situ Nan felt distressed when he thought of this.

Fortunately, it is not contagious, otherwise I will suffer too.

He thought fortunately again, secretly admiring the toughness of this woman, because he had seen the pain of patience.Song Ziliang is even more unfortunate than Song Meiling, so he "dare" to meet people.

Seeing Situ Nan not speaking, Song Meiling thought of something, suddenly raised her head and asked Situ Nan with some worry: "Will it be passed on to the baby in the future?"

"No," Situ Nan said firmly. Although he felt a little nervous, he still believed in himself, "My genes are the best."

"Gene?" Soong Meiling looked at Situ Nan in a puzzled way, as if he had heard the word somewhere, and as if he had never heard of it. In short, it is not surprising to hear new terms from Situ Nan, this man is very knowledgeable. Know too much.

Situ Nan talked for a long time, and Song Meiling was still ignorant. He couldn't help but sigh: "As smart as your liberal arts students don't understand, it shows how necessary it is for the foundation to invest in education in science and engineering colleges. I love it. Shandong Lanxiang!"

What St. John of Tsinghua University of North China, there is a basket full of babbles, few can do practical things, even the excavator can't turn on.

Situ Nan secretly complained about the education of the Republic of China during this period, and at the same time insisted on introducing German vocational education for himself.

Despite the suddenness, Situ Nan accepted this new life calmly.

Chapter 138

"Father, what is fleeing from famine?"

When Wang Goudan saw his father Wang Tieniu packing up, he asked his father curiously.He was only five years old, at the age of innocence and ignorance, and he still couldn't understand the heavy meaning of the word escape.

"Are you willing to starve to death?" Wang Tieniu stopped his hands, raised his head and asked with a smile.He has a plain, slightly weathered face.

"No." Goudan said, he was most afraid of being hungry.

"If you don't want to starve to death, those who go out to find food are called fleeing famine."

Wang Tieniu tied the bag and looked around to see what had fallen.This family is surrounded by walls, except for a few torn clothes, it seems that there is nothing valuable anymore.

The harvest is not good and the food is not enough. Many people ran to the south, saying that the south is good. There are construction sites and factories everywhere in the big city. As long as they have the strength, they will not starve to death.The village seemed to be empty all of a sudden, in short, the people who went out never came back, except--

Wang Tieniu took out a letter from his arms with a few lines of distorted words: "Big brother, I am a second cow, how are you? How are you? How is your sister-in-law? How is your eldest nephew? The Cuihua next door and her dog ?

I'm fine.I went to Southeast Asia and worked in a logging farm in Borneo. Although the work was very tiring, I included food and accommodation. There were fish and meat. I ate three pieces of fat per ton. Why is the landlord and father of Hua her rich?


Although he has a vulgar name and doesn't read much, Wang Tieniu is definitely not a bull. He can read and read letters from his younger brother.

The complacency that the younger brother revealed between the lines aroused Wang Tieniu's yearning.He tried to imagine how happy it was to have a meal of three pieces of meat!Cuihua doesn't eat meat every day in his family.

Wang Tieniu didn't know the taste of meat for a long time, oh no, a week.He can eat a small piece of meat a month, his heart and liver are sweet.

Looking at his thin son, Wang Tieniu could not wait to curse Er Niu's bastard for ruining meat every day, so why couldn't he share points with his nephew?My poor baby, I have never had a mother since I was young, and I have to starve with me, and I haven't had a good life for a few days.God won't let the farmers live, fortunately there are two cows.

"The boss said that I am diligent. Let me be the monitor, and there are ten people under him. The boss pays me 15 yuan a month, which is almost 15 yuan.

Nanhua doesn't need Dayang to buy things. The boss's are all banknotes.I saved it all.

I heard from the newcomer that Nanyang banknotes are as valuable as Tangshan banknotes and can be mixed, but what is called legal currency in Tangshan.

Oh, Tangshan is China, and the Cantonese and Fujianese here call their hometown Tangshan.

Everything is good in Borneo, except that it is hot, and it rains for three or two days.There are more mosquitoes. We sleep with nets, so we are not afraid of mosquito bites.The gauze tent is very beautiful, white and light, and the landlord of the village Cuihua does not have their home...

The natives of Borneo are even more annoying than mosquitoes. They are ugly and lazy. They don't like farming and waste the fertile fields here.Last year they went to the logging yard to make trouble.It never appeared again.When you come here, I'll be nagging again."

Wang Tieniu looked at a bill of exchange worth two hundred yuan in front of him.I can hardly believe that my younger brother, who was taken away by La Zhuangding a few years ago, went to Nanyang.

These years, the soldiers are in turmoil, fighting every year, thinking that the two cows are gone?

There is no war in the south. If Wang Tieniu had not received a letter from his younger brother, he would also plan to go to the south to make a living.

Unexpectedly, Er Niu could earn 15 yuan a month. What a great achievement, his father and son really depend on him.

Collect the letter, hide the draft with a small cloth, and put it in a close-fitting coat.He got to find the bank and exchanged the money order for cash.

Recently, a business from the south bought land in Henan. I really don’t understand that the land cannot be used to grow crops because the land is dry. Farmers abandon the land and flee from famine. The land has long been worthless. Why would anyone want it?

Interestingly, this company called Nanhua Grain Company took the farmers’ land and arranged for the land-lost farmers to work in the South. It is said that some people were sent to Nanyang.

The money for selling the land is enough for Wang Tieniu to take the train to Wuhan, where there are ships sailing to Nanyang.


Wang Tieniu closed the dilapidated door, as if to isolate the miserable past in the world behind the door, in the gloomy house.

With his son, he left his hometown, leaving dry land and withered villages behind him.

a week later.

Countless people like Wang Tieniu and his son escaped from famine, but they were not lucky.Because the father and son can at least sit on the train with the lowest fare, their direction is clear, and more people can only follow the railway, drag their homes, and head south in a daze, just to get to Xinyang quickly. .

Because when you get to Xinyang, you have a way to survive.Xinyang is one of the stations of the Beijing-Han Railway. It has been under the control of Wuhan Zhigong Party regime for three or four years. Once in Xinyang, the refugees can get organized by the government and social organizations (such as the Meihua Foundation, Anhui Labor Association, etc.) With help, there is a way to survive.

Along the Beijing-Hanzhou line, the China Railway Corporation rebuilt the railway from Wuhan to Xinyang, turning it into a double-track railway. Therefore, the transportation capacity from Xinyang to Wuhan was greatly increased.

All the way south, the flow of people fleeing famine is getting bigger and bigger.On the contrary, the farther north, the more desolate the northern central plains.

"Father, there are so many people outside! Are they fleeing from famine?" Wang Goudan had been very excited and curious as soon as he got on the train, and asked the people outside the car window with their heads buried in the road.

"Yes, this is fleeing from famine." Wang Tieniu said with a touch and sighed in his heart. During this southward migration, how many people fell, how many wives were scattered, and how many people who had no chance to escape were abandoned on the dry land of their hometown. .

"Xing, the people suffer. Death, the people suffer."

Suddenly, Wang Tieniu remembered a few poems he read in school when he was a child, and now it seems to have a deeper feeling.

"Well said! The warlord ruled brutally and unscrupulously, the northern sky is about to change."

Xu Xiangqian walked south from Tongguan, where the mountains and rivers are in the outer world, and he nodded when he heard such touching words.What surprised him was that these words came from an old farmer-like man. He took a child, dressed in plain clothes, and the simple taste made Xu Xiangqian feel kind.

"You are?" Wang Tieniu looked at the twenty-something young man sitting opposite.Although his clothes are plain and old-fashioned, he is full of vigor.He looks like a learned person, well, he should be more knowledgeable than himself.

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