The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 872

"It just so happens that I am also preparing to build a car, let's cooperate!" Wang Wudou said simply.


After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, there will be a celebration reception.

At the reception, Situ Nan suggested that Mao Yisheng set up his own architectural office and develop his architectural talents with a business model.

Mao Yisheng was a little surprised at Situ Nan’s suggestion. He modestly believed that although he had some achievements, he still had a lot to learn, and he was not a master. If he established a firm under his own name, would it be too much? Swagger?

However, I generally accepted this suggestion in my heart, because Situ Nan’s suggestion did no harm to him. On the contrary, the establishment of the firm in the name of the firm cooperated with related companies of the American Chinese Consortium, which is more in line with the modern business model respected by Situ Nan and the American Chinese Consortium. So as to get more opportunities.

"Why do you have such an idea?"

Song Meiling came, Mao Yisheng walked away wittily, and Song Meiling asked Situ Nan curiously, "I know you admire the engineer, but Mr. Mao is too young after all..."

"No, Mao Yisheng is not as thin as you think. Behind him is the support of teachers and classmates from the Department of Architecture of William University and Meihua University. These two said that there are many fans of the Chicago School of Architecture at the university."

Situ Nan shook his head and explained with a smile, "I hope Mao Yisheng can be as famous as Bauhaus. Since he has the potential, he might as well push him forward. What can be more fulfilling than cultivating a brand? "

"Who is the Bauhaus?" Soong Meiling was a little confused, muttered in her heart, wondering if she had been back to China for too long, a little out of date?However, the construction industry is not familiar to her, and it is no wonder she does not understand.

"Bauhaus and Chicago architecture school are all good things, but unfortunately there are too few talents in this field in China at present, um, the whole Asia is like this.

I am a very practical person. The tall buildings in Wuhan are not as high as Chicago, and they are not as high, but they are all made of reinforced concrete, like boxes, square and square, as if they were produced in a factory.I like this pragmatic style very much, and it will look like this after the new Shanghai is built."

Situ Nan simply said a few words. To his heart, he thinks he is a demolitionist. If the young people in the future will argue about "What kind of architectural talent does Lin Huiyin have, is she considered a master architect?" This kind of question is very sad. .

Seeing Situ Nan suddenly stopped speaking, Song Meiling seemed to be attracted by a certain direction. Following his gaze, she saw an old acquaintance—Lin Changmin of the Ministry of Justice, and his daughter Lin Huiyin.

Is this okay?Based on a woman's instinct, Song Meiling saw his appreciation for the talented woman from Situ Nan's eyes.

"I didn't expect to see the April Heaven in the world! The girl is really good!"

Situ Nan praised Song Meiling's heart immediately.

"Would you like me to introduce you to her?" Song Meiling asked with a smile.

"No, they are here!" Situ Nan smiled.

Song Meiling...

"Mr. Lin, we have met again. Haven't we quarreled with Junmai recently?" Situ Nan saw that Lin Changmin was still the same, dressed in a suit, goatee, thin body, and divine eyes.

"The more the truth is debated, the clearer it is. Mr. Situ is still so funny." Lin Changmin laughed. Because of the constitutional issue, Lin Changmin, a legal scholar, often argued with Zhang Junmai.

At the same time, Lin Changmin knew that Situ Nan had a close relationship with the Zhang family. Although Situ Nan was not in politics and there were not many people who knew Situ Nan, Lin Changmin knew that his prestigious high-ranking official was not qualified to play in front of Situ Nan and did not see Song Yujie. One of China's most powerful women stood beside Situ Nan, smiling, is there any kind of virtuousness that can't be said?

So Lin Changmin immediately greeted Song Meiling again.

"This is the little female emblem, the emblem, this is the Mr. Situ I mentioned to you. In Paris, you almost didn't know him. Mr. Situ is not only a patriotic industrialist, but he is also very knowledgeable. The masterpiece was created jointly by him and Ms. Lu Bicheng."

Lin Changmin introduced.

Lin Changmin and Situ Nan knew each other as early as the Paris peace meeting, but it was the first time that Lin Huiyin saw Situ Nan a real person.

"Ah, so you are Mr. Situ? I have always wanted to know you, but I didn't expect to finally meet today!"

Lin Huiyin stood in awe, and looked at Situ Nan for a time. There was a trace of worship in her eyes, and her heart beat so fast. She thought to herself: So it was him!He is so young and handsome. This handsome man is different from the handsome men she has ever seen. No wonder his father said he was a mixed race.

Situ Nan's gaze fell on Lin Huiyin's face, and she looked at her. She was beautiful, not vulgar and beautiful, but had a fresh and refined intellectual temperament, worthy of the April of the world!

How can such a fairy-like little dragon girl make Xu Zhimo and other romantic talents obsessed and crazy?

Chapter 142

Xu Zhimo's obsession with Lin Huiyin is about the same as Jin Yong's obsession with Xia Meng, right?

In a short moment, Situ Nan felt that the woman in front of him had a kind of magical power that people liked.Of course this kind of magic will make other women feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, sister Lin! I have always wanted to know you, a talented woman Lin."

Situ Nan smiled, feeling excited, Sister Lin blurted out me.He thought to himself: Is it possible that my charm has shocked Goddess Lin?Well, I would also like to thank Egypt for the rise of great powers."

"Mr. Situ is really funny!" Lin Huiyin was molested by Situ Nan, his face was slightly red, and he lowered his head slightly, a little shy.

However, she had a strong heart adjustment ability and quickly recovered her calmness and kindness. She raised her head and glanced at Situ Nan, and found that although the man in front of her molested herself as soon as they met, his eyes were clear and he did not have the desire to worry about.

She said again: "In front of Sister Song, I dare not call it a talented woman! Sister Song is the real heroine!"

"I think so too, haha. I'm not as knowledgeable as your father exaggerated, so I have never dared to show my face. Yesterday, your sister Meiling made fun of me too much!"

Situ Nan smiled and echoed and praised Song Meiling. Compared with the fresh and fresh talented girl, Yu Jie is his favorite.

"You, your mouth is sweet." Song Meiling did not hesitate to show her close relationship with Situ Nan, and gave Situ Nan a gentle glance.Hearing Situ Nan praising herself, the jealousy she had just accidentally disappeared immediately.

"I don't know you yet. You like keyboards far more than pens, whether you are typing or playing piano. There are few better than you!"

Song Meiling also praised Situ Nan for getting up.

Lin Huiyin only paid attention to Situ Nan's fingers.Slender and healthy.It seems to be really different from those friends she knew. Through Song Meiling's words, she judged that Situ Nan was a very modern person, and very intelligent, not just some talents.

Being able to stand with Song Meiling also shows that he is very powerful, but he is not well-known to him.

This is a mysterious man, unlike Xu Zhimo.Unlike Liang Sicheng or even Hu Shi, he could see it through himself.Well, more mysterious than his own father.

Lin Huiyin secretly made a comparison.

Soong Meiling didn't know Lin Huiyin's thoughts, she cordially took Lin Huiyin's hand and immediately grasped the initiative in the conversation.

In terms of communication, Sister Song Yu is much better than Sister Lin.Although Sister Lin may have always been a star in her circle of friends.

Situ Nan secretly concluded.

"Sister Lin, I heard that you went to study architecture in the United States together and returned home together. Why didn't you see your Young Master Liang today?" Song Meiling asked.

"He's here, and I just ran into Mr. Mao Yisheng. He went after Mr. Mao Yisheng. This nerd." Lin Huiyin replied with a smile.Had it not been for her father to pull her over to see Situ Nan, she would also go to chat with Mao Yisheng now.

"Nerdy? Duke Liang knows that you are evaluating his son like this. Be careful he is not happy!" Song Meiling teased, turning the topic to Lin Changmin next to him, "but don't be afraid of Duke Liang, Mr. Lin is not a vegetarian, is he? If Mr. Lin doesn't make the decision for you, my sister will help you!"

"How can my sister say so seriously! But I still have to thank Sister Song for giving me insurance." Lin Huiyin gradually talked more about his fiance Liang Sicheng.

During the conversation, several people also talked about their experiences in the United States. Although the time was not long, the conversation was still pleasant and both left a deep impression on each other. Until Lin Yimin came to find Situ Nan, Situ Nan politely walked away, leaving Song Meiling and Lin Jiafu behind. The female continued to chat.

"Speaking of architecture, you may not know that sister Lin, the University of William where you and Young Master Liang studied was donated by Mr. Situ just now."

"Huh?" Lin Huiyin opened her mouth wide, and Song Meiling's words shocked Lin Huiyin. She never thought of how the University of William and Mr. Situ Nan were connected.

There are many Chinese students at William University. This American university is the most friendly to Chinese students. Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng originally chose the University of Pennsylvania to study abroad. Unfortunately, the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania did not admit girls, so they transferred to the University of William's Department of Architecture.

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