The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 883

In addition to refrigerators, Meihua Electric's electrical appliances businesses such as lamps, fans, radios, and electric irons are all concentrated in Baoshan Xingang Industrial Zone, which also attracts other home appliance manufacturers at home and abroad.There are a few ethnic electric light factories that are doing well, so we let them help OEM."

Xu Zhouyang pointed outside in the car, while introducing to Situ Nan that he was like a treasure, and this industrial area had put his hard work.

After running hard, he is much more familiar with this place than the colorful places on the Bund.

In China in the 1920s, infrastructure was also an important factor limiting the enthusiasm of factory owners to invest. They often had to provide their own power plants and water plants.

This is not the first time in China that the industrial zone has realized the design and planning of three connections and one leveling. As early as in Guangdong, the Meihua consortium cooperated with the local government to develop a modern industrial zone, but it changed the backward industrial situation in Shanghai. The Shanghai Industrial Center also It quickly moved from the Bund area of ​​the Huangpu River to the Baoshan New Port area, forming an industrial sector dominated by steel, shipbuilding, home appliance production, and electrical equipment.

The magic city finally has a more industrial magic atmosphere, which somewhat dilutes the atmosphere of the rampant pornography, gambling, and drugs in the central concession.

Situ Nan was very happy when he saw it, with a sense of sight of future generations in an industrial area.Such a big industry is what he yearns for.

"Xingang Industrial Zone has all kinds of conveniences to reduce production costs for factory owners. Although it is a bit remote, it is much more convenient to set up factories in the urban area in terms of production. Shanghai manufacturers are more and more willing to move factories here. "

Liu Hongsheng smiled.

The influence of Baoshan Port, Baoshan Iron and Steel Plant, and Baoshan Xingang Industrial Zone on Shanghai is even more impressed by him as a Shanghai businessman.Even the Jiangnan Shipyard has moved out of the city, close to the steel plant and port.A larger shipyard was built near Baoshan Port, and the vacant site was cheaper for real estate developers in the city.

At first sight is the factory building wall made of red bricks. The factory building similar to the barracks seems to be a bit dull. This again allows Situ Nan to see the simple and practical style of Soviet architecture.

Got out of the car.He nodded.

In front of Situ Nan’s eyes was a machine with a metallic luster that was slightly larger than Cestbon’s barreled water. Just after it came off the production line, it still had residual temperature. It looked a little stupid and thick from the outside, just a big iron ball with three copper pipes inserted. .

Turning over the nameplate above, I found that the power is not only 100 watts.

A few years ago, it is a very distant memory. Situ Nan once visited Foshan with a classmate who was a senior executive of Meizhi Company. It is said to be the world’s largest air compressor production base. The size of a volleyball is half the size and twice the power of the iron.

Two lives passed.This memory also plays a role.

Situ Nan is no stranger to the principle of compressor structure.Isn't the Compressor now appearing in Shanghai in the Republic of China a manifestation of his will?Because the original organization drawing was designed by Situ Nan.

"This is the most advanced air compressor in the world." Xu Zhouyang said without hesitation, and did not hesitate to put the "world's most advanced" label on Meihua Electric's air-conditioning compressor.

Situ Nan smiled, and it didn't come in vain. I felt that this air compressor, which is known as the world's most advanced air compressor, looked like an exaggeration.

It can be seen that the factory has taken care of it. After all, with the industrial level of the 1920s and the worker base of the Republic of China, it is not easy to achieve this step.

The key is.This is much more advanced than the old refrigerators produced by General Electric today.Without Freon, the refrigerant in old-fashioned refrigerators will run out from time to time and easily kill a large group of people. Similar accidents are not uncommon.

"The power is a bit low. It's okay to use it in a refrigerator, but it's okay to install it on an air conditioner, just like a puppy pulling a carriage.

Situ Nan nodded and shook again, a little regrettable.

The civil air-conditioning market is not expected to mature in ten or eight years.Therefore, fans produced by Meihua Electric are very popular. Fans are the main force in the civilian refrigeration market, so there is no need to rush to sell air conditioners to consumers.

"Especially in China, ordinary families are happy if they can use electricity." Xu Zhouyang smiled and said, don't forget that Meihua Electric's main business is power generation and transmission, and electrical transformation of cities.

He thought: One link after another, not only to provide electricity, but also to manufacture a large number of electrical appliances, the road to electrification is so complicated and difficult.

The sentence is okay, it seems that the evaluation is not high, but it is not, because Situ Nan has always been picky. No matter how amazing in the eyes of others, there are not many products that can be recognized by him.


Xu Zhouyang can judge Situ Nan, that kind of thing is easy to sell, no one has a sharper market sense than Situ Nan.

He added, "Nevertheless, in the refrigeration market, air-conditioning is still promising, not worse than refrigerators. We can provide central air-conditioning for public places, such as cinemas, shopping malls, casinos, hotels and other places. I believe those bosses will not be stingy with tens of thousands of dollars Just buy the coolest temperature."

Seeing Xu Zhouyang so optimistic, Situ Nan smiled slightly and asked: "Since it is technically feasible, are there any successful cases?"

"Not yet!" Xu Zhouyang was slightly stagnant, regretful, but still convinced, "It may be difficult to convince the theater owner in Shanghai to install air conditioners. After all, the cost is tens of thousands. But we can work in our own industry. As an experiment, I am going to cooperate with the night club in Paris."

When it comes to Ye Paris, Situ Nan's eyes have a little more interest. In the gold caves like Ye Paris, the best things invented by mankind are not first used in places like'Heaven on Earth'?

Nodded, thinking Xu Zhouyang's idea was feasible.

“I’m not worried about the sale of air conditioners at all. Even if people are reluctant to use them, some important production workshop machinery and equipment are still needed. Our own compressor cylinder processing workshop uses the air conditioners developed by ourselves for temperature and humidity control.

In Nanhua and Guangdong, there are so many industrial factories and many machines that need to be carefully maintained. They will all be our customers.Ha ha."

Xu Zhouyang said proudly.

"It seems that you have planned, so I can rest assured." Situ Nan said.

I thought: Today’s party has gained a lot.The development of Meihua Electric Company is much faster than I thought.

In fact, neither refrigerators nor air conditioners are new inventions. They have already been on the market.It's just that the advantages of Freon, a new type of refrigerant, are too obvious, which gives Meihua Electric enough confidence and confidence to enter the refrigeration market.

Xu Zhouyang also joked that he would refit refrigerators and air conditioners for Situ Nan's cruise ship William to open the eyes of those American tyrants and start Meihua Electric's reputation.

Situ Nan agreed, and at the same time, he plans to sell Meihua Electric’s refrigeration business to shipping giants such as California Shipping, Southern Star Line, and White Star Line.

A little.Xu Zhouyang has not been able to let go, because this compressor factory is a joint venture between Meihua Electric and Krupp. Meihua Electric owns 51% of the shares, and Krupp has invested in technology, equipment, and production management teams. 49% of Meihua's refrigeration technology has also gone to Krupp.

In this regard, Xu Zhouyang has different opinions, thinking that it is too much to allow Germans to obtain Freon patented technology from Meihua Laboratories, and it is even too much to allow Germans to occupy so many shares. He strongly opposes this, thinking Meihua Electric does not need outsiders to share its achievements.

Unfortunately, Situ Nan could not be convinced.Situ Nan asked Xu Zhouyang in a rhetorical question: "If we don't cooperate with the Germans, can Meihua Electric independently complete the precision machining of the compressor cylinder?

Can the mass production of compressors be achieved in the shortest possible time?"

Situ Nan didn't believe in the technical ability of the workers of the Republic of China. He believed that when the workers of the Republic of China had upgraded their skills to the average level of their counterparts in virtue, Meihua Electric had already lost the precious opportunity to race around the world.

Compared with Cummins Electric, which is also closely related, Krupp is a downfall, with a much smaller appetite, and the cost of hiring German workers is much lower.

Like Krupp, there are several German Konzern giants cooperating with Meihua, all of which are ruined.

"Yeah. Now Meihua Electric has a relatively large booth and lacks talents in all fields. Although we have achieved proud results, it is barely acceptable to cooperate with Germans in the most basic mechanical processing."

Xu Zhouyang felt a little helpless because Meihua Electric's R&D capabilities are very strong.Can develop a lot of valuable products like refrigerators.

Compressor production requires high material technology and machining capabilities.The industrial base of Shanghai is one of the best cities in China.

The longer he returned to China, the more he discovered that with the rapid expansion of Meihua Electric and its weak foundation, the quality of skilled workers has become an important factor restricting the development of Meihua Electric.

Take compressor production as an example. Under the same conditions, the qualified rate of parts produced by German workers is higher than that of Chinese workers.This made Xu Zhouyang very discouraged and indignant. He scolded the management of the electrical appliance factory. In short, he used all kinds of means and cooperated with Meihua Vocational and Technical School. In order to obtain more qualified workers, he put the refrigerator into the refrigerator as soon as possible. market.

If Cummins Electric is allowed to make refrigerators and take the lead, Cummins Electric has the ability to promote refrigerators like Model T cars.

"Now it seems that you are a savvy profiteer who traded patent licenses for Krupp equipment and technology. Not spending a penny is the only thing that makes me happy."

Xu Zhouyangdao.

"I can't just consider the interests of the Meihua family. You also came back from the United States. You should know that Cummins Electric has sent a lot of capital and technology to Meihua in recent years. Although we have the final say, there will definitely be dissatisfaction there."

Situ Nan smiled and explained.

In this transaction, Meihua Electric is not at a loss, and the effect is now coming out. The compressor factory has successfully achieved mass production and can provide 5,000 compressors for the refrigerator factory every month.

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