The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 886

Zhang Youyi thought the convoy was about to leave, but stopped after a dozen meters.This team is so aggressive, it's not easy at first glance.Then a car retreated in front of him.Three or four men in suits and sunglasses came down and looked around vigilantly. One of them walked towards him. Zhang Youyi was immediately taken aback. If this group of people robbed— —

"Madam, our husband will let you pass." A bodyguard said to Zhang Youyi.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" The man in the robe hurriedly stopped in front of Zhang Youyi, watching the uninvited guest in front of him vigilantly.

"We are not malicious, but the boss knows Miss Zhang, please ask Miss Zhang to come over." The bodyguard said lightly.Basically ignoring the old man who jumped out beside him, he reached out to ask Zhang Youyi.

The man in the robe wanted to follow, but he was rotten by the bodyguard before he took a step. He was secretly worried as he watched Zhang Youyi walk towards the car a few steps away.

Mr. Xu looked towards Situ Nan, but did not see clearly. Perhaps there was a man sitting in the car. Seeing Zhang Youyi getting in the car, he was secretly worried: What a wonderful daughter-in-law, Zhang Luo did not come out without her, Xu’s electric light factory was in Baoshan Industrial The new district cannot be run.It will not be connected to orders from several engineering companies.

Zhang Youyi was a little nervous, opened the car door and saw that it was Situ Nan's smiling face, and immediately relaxed.

"It turned out to be Mr. Situ! Almost scared me, I thought I met a gangster?" Zhang Youyi complained a little.With a smile on his face.I didn't meet much with this Mr. Situ, but I had a good impression of him. I was overjoyed when I met Situ Nan.

"Yeah. I just returned to Shanghai and came from the Xingang Industrial Zone. I didn't expect to see Miss Zhang. What a coincidence."

Situ Nan smiled."Your car has broken down, why don't I give you a ride!"

"Okay." Zhang Youyi readily agreed, and looked out of the car again, "Then, I will talk to my father-in-law."

"Father-in-law?" Situ Nan wondered.

"My son's grandfather, you know." Zhang Youyi explained, with a calm expression on her face.

Situ Nan understood right away, it turned out to be the master Xu family!He nodded, but didn't mean to get out of the car and meet the Xu family master.

Zhang Youyi is very smart and didn't break Situ Nan's thoughts. It's no wonder that this nobleman has never liked meeting strangers, she knew it.Moreover, he held the injustice for himself and felt that the Xu family was blind, so it is not surprising that the attitude towards the Xu family was cold.

"Is it all right?"

Master Xu asked Zhang Youyi nervously when he saw Zhang Youyi got in the car and got off the car again soon.

He had never seen this group of people before, and they looked so arrogant that they weren't good people.Not enthusiastic at all, Master Xu felt that his self-esteem was hurt.

Zhang Youyi shook her head and smiled comfortingly: "I met a friend. It is not convenient for him to get off the car, but he promised to take us a ride. Master, you can take the back car. I will go back and talk to that friend."


He stomped his foot and had to get into another car.

The space in the car was small, and it was the first time for Zhang Youyi to sit within reach of Situ Nan. She felt a little cramped, but she quickly calmed down.

She is just an abandoned woman, with a good appearance, not yet ready to attract bees and butterflies.It didn't mean anything else, except that Mr. Situ Nan was very friendly to him.

He supported and helped him found a women's bank, opened a clothing company in Yunshang, and became the most famous businesswoman in Shanghai. He was grateful.

However, Situ Nan’s next words made a ripple in her heart. Situ Nan said: "There is a story about blocking a car on the highway. A man and a woman stopped a car on the highway. The man thought he was very experienced. He said he was prepared. Write a book that tells people 108 ways to ride a ride.

Before that, he had to practice in front of his female partner, so he gave a thumbs-up gesture to the passing car several times, and even the most sincere expression on his face was in place without stopping a car. Is discouraged.His book publishing plan is going to end.

The female partner couldn't stand it anymore and decided to go on her own."

Having said this, Situ Nan paused for a while and looked at Zhang Youyi.

"He's just bad luck." Zhang Youyi smiled.The story is not too funny, but close to what happened to her today, she naturally became interested and expected the following plot, so she asked cooperatively."What did the woman do, did she succeed?"

Situ Nan smiled and said with a serious expression: "The woman was standing on the side of the road, with her left hand akimbo, her right foot leaned a little, and her right hand raised the corner of the skirt to reveal her beautiful thighs! Not only did she succeed in stopping the car, but also The driver almost hit the road ditch!"

"Ah!" Zhang Youyi opened his mouth slightly, and a moving picture immediately appeared in his mind, a little stunned.This was beyond her expectation. She couldn't think of this result.

"It's not ashamed! The driver deserves it too!" Zhang Youyi whispered, feeling a little hot on her face. Is this teasing herself?I heard Situ Nan smile again: "This shows that the thumb is not as good as the thigh. Haha."

Looking at Zhang Youyi, seeing that her cheeks were a little red, and glaring at herself, Situ Nan realized that the joke just now might have been a bit too much for a lady like her.

Of course, he didn't mean to molest, he was purely sentimental, because this story is from a movie.

So he explained: "I think the story just now was used to make a movie. In terms of the domestic atmosphere, can people accept such a scale?"

It turns out he wanted to make a movie!

Hearing Situ Nan's serious questioning tone, Zhang Youyi felt a little sensitive, if not in this small space.When the two are alone, facing the jokes of such a good man, I will not be so sensitive.

I have been abroad, got married, gave birth to children, and divorced.I started a business in Shanghai, what the world has never seen before!

Zhang Youyi calmed down, thought about it for a while, and nodded: "It should be funny." The style of dressing up in the movie is nothing compared to the Shanghai male thieves and female prostitutes.

"Mr. Situ is going to make a movie? I will definitely buy a ticket to watch it." Zhang Youyi smiled and added, "The clothes of our Yunshang Clothing Company are most loved by women. We can provide clothes for movies, free of charge. ."

"What a savvy advertisement!" Situ Nan praised. Among the women she knew, Soong Meiling ranked first in terms of wearing clothes, but in terms of making clothes and selling clothes, the woman in front of her was the first.She has the shrewdness of a businessman and a convincing character, and she can talk to herself, so she will appreciate her so much!

It's not difficult to write a Chinese version of a romantic night. Situ Nan believes that he can also make a qualified movie, but without the energy, time is too late.

Situ Nan shook his head: "It's not. It's just that there is a little sister in the family who has recently become obsessed with movies. I want to help her."

"I know that Miss Ruan came to my shop to make clothes. She became a big star and became a fanatic." Zhang Youyi smiled.

The so-called Miss Ruan, formerly known as Ruan Fenggen, changed her name to Ruan Lingyu before filming, and her mother was a maid from Kadoorie Garden.The owner of Kadoorie Garden does not often live in Shanghai. The mother and daughter have been dazzled by the Guangdong fellow owners. They have been living well in Kadoorie Garden. Ruan Fenggen was sent to the Shanghai Santa Maria Girls’ School to study, and there is a private car shuttle every day. , This is a lucky girl, others thought she was a lady from Kadoorie Garden.

Situ Nan was also a few years ago. She accidentally discovered that the future movie queen appeared in the Kadoorie Garden after several twists and turns. The girl was very sensible, and she was very attractive. He Xiangu liked her very much, so she became Half a lady in Kadoorie Gardens.

Little Kadoorie, the original owner of the Kadoorie Gardens, once teased Situ Nan for playing nurturing. Otherwise, how could he care so much about a servant's daughter?

Situ Nan never gave an explanation, but he disdains it. If he wants to play and cultivate, let alone the movie queen of the Republic of China, the four beauties of the Republic of China, the four beauties of the golden age of Hollywood, and Vivien, Ingrid Bergman, etc. You can keep it up!

But what's the point of this?

Just use glass to install some of the electronic components inside. The crystal radio is simpler and doesn't even use batteries.

"Really? Radios sell better than light bulbs and are much more expensive." Zhang Youyi asked in surprise.A woman may not be interested in the boring principles of creation. As a businesswoman, she has to be interested in product manufacturing and be sensitive to new products.

"Listen to you. I really opened my eyes, and I feel that things that are very complicated are actually very simple! If I say that even if I can't make a radio, I can make a tube. Wouldn't it be too arrogant?"

Zhang Youyi stared at Situ Nan with bright eyes.She felt that Situ Nan was joking, as if she was not joking.

By the way, Sister Song seems to have said, Mr. Situ, the most important thing is to run businesses.Therefore, Meihua Company will help those capable industrialists in China."That girl still chose the path of acting. Since ancient times, the beauty has been so lifeless, I hope the Kadoorie Garden can protect her safe and smooth." Situ Nan said with emotion.

Zhang Youyi was puzzled by Situ Nan's feelings. With the shelter of Kadoorie Garden, who would dare to bully Miss Ruan?

Zhang Youyi didn't know that there was something that Situ Nan would also taboo, and that was fate.

Just like Zhang Youyi's career development with the help of Situ Nan was far more successful than the original "she", but she could not save her failed marriage, nor could it prevent the most bloody youthful love polygamy in the history of the Republic of China. Staged.While his ex-husband comforted another woman who had missed his feet, he did not forget that he often flew to Wuhan, cared about the Yangtze River Bridge, and paid more attention to Ms. Lin's architecture lectures.

If one day the plane falls, the tragedy will repeat itself!

"I didn't have time to ask just now, what are you doing here? Could it be that the clothing company has opened here?" Situ Nan asked with a smile and changed the topic.

"This is not the case. The Xu family opened an electric light factory in the industrial zone, and I also participated in a share. I have never had a chance to come and see the factory. I came to have a look today. I didn't expect the car to break down."

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