The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 892

Situ Nan glanced at Hans lightly, taking the pressure of Hans's eyes as air, and did not give any promise.

In recent years, BASF's life has been getting better and better. Doesn't it also hide its technology and cooperate with Meihua with two minds?Therefore, Meihua would rather find Siemens, a company that is not a chemical company, than BASF.

Hans ate a soft nail in Situ Nan, and his heart sank. Situ Nan's attitude was cold, which shows that BASF is not optimistic about getting Freon technology from Meihua Chemical.

In addition to Freon technology, Hans came to Shanghai this time, and there is a more important reason related to the fate of BASF.

Hans decided to reorganize BASF and make it the Konzern of the German chemical industry.He must first raise the company's shares to raise funds.Introduce other heavyweight investors to dilute Stuart’s shares, and then merge with German chemical companies to dilute foreign investors.

Before coming to Shanghai, Hans was ready.It was settled with a large international company.The other party has a deep background and can bear Situ Nan's anger for himself and BASF.

Although a little hard to tell, Hans still bit the bullet and said: "The board of directors plans to expand stock financing, introduce capital technology from the world, and enhance the company's competitiveness in the world."

"Stock expansion financing? Good! I support. I will increase the capital proportionally." Situ Nan smiled and looked at the expression on Hans's face quite meaningfully.

Who said the German stupid head?Hearing that he increased his capital proportionally, Hans looked unnatural, this guy clearly didn't want to increase his own capital?

"No, no, actually we don't want you to continue to increase capital. If we can, we want to buy your shares. After all, BASF is a German company and we don't want outsiders to hold too many shares."

Hans frowned, shook his head, gritted his teeth.

Stretch out one's head and shrink one's head.Hans was very bachelor and showed that the German is now tough, Situ Nan, you outsider can get out.

Listening to his tone, the arrangements were almost done, and it was so polite to run all the way to inform myself!

"Unexpectedly, a mere 30% of the shares, I, a shareholder who hardly sets foot in Germany, can actually harm the national dignity of the Germans?"

Situ Nan sarcastically said, his face straightened, his squinted eyes scanned Hans's face back and forth, his eyes were as cold as a knife-"What if I don't?"

Hans felt very uncomfortable.He had tried to be equal to Situ Nan before, but at this moment, under the pressure of Situ Nan, he was suddenly broken.He once again deeply realized the existence of a low-key and peaceful man in front of him!

In the last world war.He dared to annex the merchant fleet of the German Empire in North America, and sold arms in the two major warring camps. The German Empire was defeated by a few American warmongers like him!

After the war, the large-scale acquisition of German companies, while stirring up the situation in Asia, challenged the Asian order, and established a super consortium in Asia that monopolized the two Chinese countries.Such a person is terrible!

Use Stuart to relax control of BASF.Hans wooed most shareholders to stand on his side and was confident that he would compete with Situ Nan for the BASF company.At the same time, Hans had to admit the gap between himself and Situ Nan!

To Situ Nan's irony, Hans was silent to show resistance.

"The international chemical companies that dare to reach out to my site are Morgan, Rockefeller, and DuPont. Think of it as Rockefeller’s Mobil last possible. Mobil originally acquired many industries in Germany, and it liked international expansion the most. , I also like to compete with my consortium. In the United States, Southeast Asia, and Europe, many of our two businesses overlap and compete, especially in the petrochemical industry. So you and Mobil hit it off right away?"

Situ Nan said to himself, while analyzing, he rhythmically tapped the edge of the table with his fingers.The gentle rhythm of percussion hit Hans's heart one after another, causing him to press invisible pressure layer by layer.

"So you know everything!" Hans nodded, admitting that BASF and Mobil were cooperating.

"I will not give up my determination to integrate the German chemical industry, and I have reached consensus with Bayer and Akfa, etc., and they are interested in joining the alliance."

Hans insisted, saying that his confidence has recovered a lot.

He was not afraid that Situ Nan knew his ambitions. As early as a few years ago, when he returned to Germany, he revealed his plan to reorganize the German chemical industry with Situ Nan, but Situ Nan didn't agree with him, but he also agreed with BASF. The company is out of trouble.

Now, the time may have come.

Since Stuart focuses on the United States and Asia, why not just give up BASF shares and let a more suitable person take over?

Situ Nan's face gradually eased, but he didn't mean too much anger. Didn't Hans and BASF's actions be as early as Situ Nan's expectations?

BASF, Bayer, Akfa, and Hearst, these German chemical companies will inevitably form an alliance to give birth to the notorious IG Farben company in the future.

"Haha. Fa is a demon, the devil is walking on the road and has become a frequent visitor to the beer hall."

Situ Nan laughed suddenly and said something that made Hans inexplicable.Hans looked at Situ Nan suspiciously. Situ Nan did not explain. His smile dilutes the tension between the two parties in the negotiation.

Hans realized that he might be successful, and Situ Nan's thoughts changed and he no longer obstructed his plan.

The fact is also true.

Of course, Situ Nan's mind had not changed at all, he just beat and beat Hans, Hans didn't know it.

"Let’s exchange shares in BASF’s joint venture projects in South China and China! This is not enough to exchange the shares of BASF that I hold. Tell Rockefeller that I am willing to transfer the remaining shares to them."

Situ Nan didn't need to question.

Hans did not object. Despite losing the fast-growing Asian market, BASF won independence. This is considered the best result.

When leaving Kadoorie Gardens, Hans was in a happy mood.

Even if he came to Kadoorie Garden again the next day, trying to persuade Wu Yunchu to transfer the Freon technology without success, it did not affect his good mood.

"It's a pity that Mr. makes such a decision. The lack of influence on BASF will make it more expensive for Meihua Chemical to import technology and equipment from Germany."

Wu Yunchu asked Situ Nan.Before the newly appointed president could be surprised by Situ Nan's extensive influence, he was caught off guard by the agreement reached between Situ Nan and Hans.

"In the past few years, the industrial foundation laid by Meihua has grown to a considerable scale. The hundreds of thousands of skilled workers imported from Germany and other countries have been digested. We don't have to rely on outsiders for everything. Take the chemical industry as an example. There is a gap between Hua Chemical and BASF on the whole, but the gap is not insurmountable. To put it bluntly, the scientific and technological level of Meihua Laboratories is much better than that of the Germans."

Situ Nanhao air said.

Seeing that Wu Yunchu was puzzled, Situ Nan took him to the piano room, pulled out a guitar string, and removed the copper wire circled on the surface to reveal a white silk-like line inside, but it was extremely strong and tough.

"The high-molecular polymers developed by the American Giants Laboratory and the Meihua Laboratory for several years have not yet been named, but the guitar strings I have been waiting for for many years have finally come out."

Situ Nan pretended to be mysterious.He certainly knows that this thing is called nylon, which will become popular in the future and become a widely used material.Meihua Lab did not disclose this result immediately, but kept it secret and continued to improve the research.

In the mere hands of Situ Nan, the guitar strings are made of nylon, and the cost is more expensive than the sky-high price of the piano!

Chapter 156

In the inspection of the Shanghai printing and dyeing dyes market, especially the widely used indigo, he found that Meihua Chemical Company monopolized this market valued at tens of millions of yuan, which shows that the Asian printing and dyeing market has a bright future.

However, BASF's withdrawal from the joint venture is equivalent to giving up the Asian printing and dyeing market. It will be too difficult to enter this market in the future.

As if a piece of flesh had been dug out, Hans appeared at the banquet in Kadoorie Garden with a gloomy expression on his face.As for the large-scale fertilizer and gunpowder markets, without the support of the US-China consortium, BASF is unlikely to have achieved success in Asia.

He didn’t know that Meihua Lab was developing a highly effective broad-spectrum insecticide——

Hans is not the protagonist today, so his emotions are cheap and no one cares about him.

At this moment, there are waves of sad music in the ears, and the rhythm of flamenco sweeps through, bringing the sad love story of the Iberian Peninsula, like weeping, soothing the trauma of the soul.

This is Situ Nan’s showtime, an acoustic guitar, a chair, a microphone in front of him, a white shirt loosen the two buttons on it, light blue jeans, Converse sneakers, eyes slightly closed, as if immersed in a certain past. I saw the clean and slender fingers plucking strings like a magician's hand, and the wonderful and unique ripples of notes spread across the empty hall made of marble in Kadoorie Garden, fascinating.

Even the band behind Situ Nan sat quietly aside, quietly enjoying this very personal performance.

He should be an artist more than what he does in business.Hans commented to himself.

Many people feel the same way.

For example, Lu Xiaoman, who entered the Kadoorie Garden for the first time, was curious about this magnificent and artistic building at first, and she was deeply attracted when she heard the song.

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