The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 94

This trip is really unnecessary!

Compared with Morgan, Situ Nan and Robles' contacts are too thin.And this thing takes time to accumulate, and you can't buy it with money.

When a person's career reaches a certain height, to some extent, his connections are more important than his wisdom.

Unlike Paul Vogber, who had a pair of Jewish conspirators standing behind him, Bernard Baruch started entirely from scratch and made money by speculating in stocks.

In the short span of three years from 1897 to 1900, Baruch's personal assets rose to $1 million, and when he first entered the business in 1989, he was a poor boy with nothing!

In such a short period of time, he has earned millions of dollars in assets, which is really a miracle.Related to this is that in order to obtain these wealth, Baruch demonstrated his inclusive and eclectic investment methods.

Nowadays, almost everyone who works hard on Wall Street is a master in a certain field, or a brokerage expert, or a venture capitalist, or a floor trader, an investment banker, but Baruch is able to In a short period of time, all these roles are integrated into one and become the "all-rounder" of investment.

Baru, who started by speculation, merged six major American tobacco companies in 1896 to form Consolidated Tobpany. Later, he helped the Guggenheim family merge the American copper mining industry.He also worked with Harriman under Schiff to control New York's transportation system.

In 1901, he and his brother founded Baru Brothers.

This is also a big shot on Wall Street.Although his influence is not as deep-rooted as Morgan, Rockefeller, Schiff and other old big families, it is also a force that Situ Nan and Robles want to applaud.

If it’s just investment talents, Stuart still has Bernard Baruch. Robes Securities already has two financial geniuses, analyst Graham and super marketer Jesse. In finance, Luo Perth Securities is full of talents. In addition to the two super brothers just mentioned, the company’s bosses Robes and Situ Nan are also geniuses in financial speculation.

Of course, Situ Nan is a bit different from Robles. His talent lies in the golden finger given to him by God. He remembers several financial events in American history. He only needs to give instructions to the following geniuses to help him operate.

Returning to the topic of Bernard Baruch, history has rated him as an American financier, stock market speculator, politician and political adviser.

The latter two identities are the key points!

After achieving commercial success, Bernard Baruch was actively involved in politics.He is now an economic adviser to US President Rowwood Wilson.

"Mr. Baruch, I really didn't expect to see you! I'm Stoneny William, and this is my partner and good friend Robes Mellon." Situ Nan hurriedly greeted Robes over.

"The two are new rising stars on Wall Street. I've heard others mention them, but I didn't expect them to be so young." Bernard Baruch exclaimed.

Fortunately, he didn't know about the Yangtze River or the Yellow River, otherwise he would say something that was pushed by waves.

Situ Nan didn't know that Bernard Baruch was really deceived by this gentleman's hat, golden glasses and a smiling man?Don't look at Bernard Baruch as 47 years old, but he doesn't look old at all. He was only in his 30s. Bernard Baruch lived to be 95 years old and died in the 1960s.

Situ Nan couldn't guarantee that he could live longer than this guy!Barnard Baruch is simply a living fossil of the American economy.

"Mr. Barnard is President Woold's economic adviser. Is there anything to give some advice to our juniors?" Situ Nan asked with a low profile.

"Haha. Stonney, you are so funny. Didn't they talk about it just now?" Barnard Baruch said.

Tonight is also a briefing on the war by the heads of Wall Street banks, or else I don’t have to come from Washington.

However, Bernard Baruch had a good impression of Situ Nan and Robles, and he said a lot to them.

Robles was a little excited when he saw his idol, but as a superior, he knew how to adjust his mentality. The two discussed some of their experiences in financial speculation.

The reason why Situ Nan valued the Bernard Baruch in front of him was because he knew that when this guy was about to become the chairman of the U.S. Wartime Industry Council, he immediately possessed the power of life and death for all industrial companies in the United States.His annual purchases are as high as 10 billion U.S. dollars, and almost one person determines the price of US government war materials procurement.

Situ Nan has so many industries, steel, food, petroleum, shipbuilding, automobiles, mortar factories... which is not a golden doll?

Now although they are desperately making a lot of money from the British and French, no one is too rich.

If it can be included in the list of government procurement, then post it.

This is a big benefactor. After taking care of him, the big orders will not fly over like snowflakes?

Situ Nan had impure motives in his heart, but with a sincere expression on his face. From time to time, a few small ass took Bernard Baruch to take pictures of Bernard Baruch. In the end, Baruch and Robles Securities A cooperative relationship has been reached.

Looking at Barnard Baruch's satisfied smile, Situ Nan knew that the cold stove was burning.

"Everyone is gone, you are still watching!" Robles stretched out his hand and shook in front of Situ Nan's eyes. "I have never seen how enthusiastic about that person just now? Even if Mr. Baruch’s investment talent I admire very much. , But it seems that you, a wild speculative lunatic, seem to make more money than Baruch."

Robles had heard of the legend of Bernard Baruch before, so he always admired him, but just after talking with Baruch, his mentality changed slightly. He realized that he could also interact with him. People who are on an equal footing.

"What I like is his connections in the White House! Once the United States enters the war, his relationship with the president may be reused, and it is hard to say if we have to ask him at that time." Situ Nan said.

Both of them speak very loudly, so don't worry about someone hearing it.

Tonight is the night that Situ Nan has seen the most big people in the world, more than he has seen on the Titanic. Representatives of Rockefeller, Mellon, Boston, Cleveland and other consortia are here.

What a grand event!The essence of the rich Americans is concentrated on this ugly Viking ship.

Situ Nan didn't expect that he could become one of them. Life was really ups and downs too fast.

The luxurious decorations, sparkling crystal chandeliers, and the feasting and green lights in the blur made Situ Nan feel a little shaken.

Chapter 69-Kuzdova (Part 1)

After a group of well-dressed gentlemen discussed some very reactionary resolutions in the conference room, the tone of Wall Street's promotion of the White House's declaration of war on Germany was set.

There is still a period of time before implementation, but the preparatory work has been prepared.

After the consensus reached by these large monopoly capitalists, the US industrial mobilization has accelerated amidst the turmoil of Pirate 3.

Countless young people will travel across the ocean under the call of the banner raised in the noble name, turning countless fresh lives into a touch of ground meat on the battlefield.

In the end, profit is not the predators who contribute money behind the scenes. They can not only sell war materials and seek profit, but they can also buy state bonds and step by step the country’s finances into their hands. They have achieved ulterior goals. Do several things in one fell swoop.

Situ Nan didn't feel guilty about participating in this kind of fertilizer sharing action. Even if he didn't do it, the world would do it better than this.This is the inevitable result of capital accumulation to a certain extent. Small temples cannot accommodate great gods, and American capital has expanded to the point that America’s capital cannot accommodate large temples. Expansion to Europe is inevitable.

In fact, once the war in Europe happened, it was the same reason in the final analysis. If the strong German capital wanted to expand, it had to remove the British capital as a barrier. But of course, the two-century strong British capital would not allow German capital to succeed. Naturally want to suppress him.

At first glance, the outbreak of the European war was the impulse of two young angry young men in Serbia. They killed the Crown Prince Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, detonating the powder barrel of the Balkans, and finally dragging down the great powers such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Australia and Italy.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the two camps have fought for so long in Europe and even the world. The military has been continuously expanding. It has reached the limit of government finances. If it continues, it will go bankrupt.

Ferdinand’s assassination was just an excuse, an excuse for both sides. Over the years, the two camps have been expanding their military strength while restraining patience. Everyone was not prepared, so no one dared to start first. The gun is just holding back painfully, uncomfortable!

The angry youths in Serbia finally gave the uncomfortable two sides an excuse to start a war. Since they endure so uncomfortable and can't bear it, then there is no need to endure it anymore. Everyone will give it a go and see who has the last laugh.

It may take a long time to brew something, one month, two months, or ten or eight years, but it may only take one week, one day, or even one second to make up your mind!

When you make up your mind, you may be very bold and determined, but the result is unbelievable. Both sides did not expect that this war will last so long, with its scope and destructive power, and it will fight the whole of Europe. It's so bad that I haven't seen the effect I imagined, so I have to bite the bullet and hold on.

Europeans fighting to live or die had nothing to do with the Americans, but because of the relationship between war debts and commercial trade, American businessmen were also tied up by Europeans and had to participate.

Now that the war in Europe has reached a critical juncture, American power has become very important.For Americans, European capital has been hit hard. It is a godsend opportunity for American capital to counterattack.

The night is long and lonely, especially in this restless night.

Although it was very cold outside, it did not affect the warmth of the room like summer.

Wine, cigar, coffee, it seems there should be something more.

The cigars on the boat were good. Even a non-smoker like Situ Nan couldn't help but smoked half of it, comfortably highlighting the last puff. Situ Nan pinched the cigar. He looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was half past nine in the evening. , It's early!

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