The strongest auxiliary system is online

The scorching sun is in the sky, scorching the earth.

At noon, there was a scorching heat in the air. The breeze blew by, but it didn’t bring a trace of coolness, but gave people a feeling of stuffiness.

Dragging his exhausted body, Wang Yu returned to his home.

It is said to be a home, but it is actually a simple rental house. A dilapidated sofa occupies one-sixth of the room, and several barrels of leftover instant noodles are placed on the wooden table.

Except for the whole house, everything else here is his property.

After closing the door, Wang Yu took off his dirty coat and hung it on the wall. Put on a pair of colorful pants, the same style of half sleeves, and flip-flops, a proper three-piece suit that comes standard in movies.

If it is paired with tattoos, the feeling will be even more perfect.

Wang Yu walked slowly to the sofa and sat down.

The sofa creaked unbearably.

Leaning back on the sofa, Wang Yu stared blankly at the ceiling. Hearing the sound of construction on the construction site not far away made him feel a little restless.

All this is because he lost his job…

Wang Yu never expected that, as a traverser, he would encounter such a thing at the beginning.

Two days ago, the company had no choice but to lay off one person due to the pressure of corporate competition.

Since they all did well in the company, the boss didn’t know how to choose them, so he finally decided to resign himself to fate and draw lots to decide who would go and who would stay.

It’s a great honor that Wang Yu won the lottery, the only first prize. At the end of this day, I finally received my salary and became completely unemployed.

Wang Yu closed his eyes and cleared his mind.

First of all, he transmigrated to this unlucky bastard two hours ago.

One second he was squatting in the toilet, and the next second he appeared here.

Secondly, there are not many memories left for him, some scattered, Wang Yu summarized them into the following points.

First, this world is unusual, there seems to be monsters.

Second, the technological level of this world far surpasses his world in many ways.

The third and most critical point.

Orphaned, poor, unemployed.

These three points are cleverly connected together.

The (money) road ahead is bumpy!

Wang Yu can only use these four words to describe his current mood.

Just when he was extremely worried, a mosquito buzzed around his ear incessantly.

In the end, it fell steadily onto his arm.


He slapped it to death without mercy, and Wang Yu sat on the sofa and continued to think hard.

Just then, a mutation occurred.

“Ding, kill a blood-sucking mosquito, the initial mission is completed.”

“The strongest auxiliary system can be activated. Please choose the development route as soon as possible.”

“Option 1: King of Glory Li Bai Enhancement Card.”

“Option 2: King Glory Cai Wenji Strengthening Card.”

“Option 3: King’s Glory Baili Promise Keeping Strengthening Card.”

Before Wang Yu understood what happened, the system appeared again.

The information was sent to his mind at once, allowing him to understand the function of this system almost instantly.

Very interesting start, choose three different growth paths, assassin, support, shooter.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Yu chose Li Bai.

For no other reason, whoever has played the game of king doesn’t like Li Bai as a hero.

Wang Yu loves Li Bai only when he plays the king. Not only is his skill cool, he has always occupied the first place in the assassin list. More importantly, he was handsome, with the temperament of a sword fairy, which almost fascinated thousands of boys and girls at that time.

Drunk in wine for the rest of his life, and embarked on a journey with a sword and a broken shadow…

“Ding, Li Bai’s strengthening card is being bound…”

“Character template initialization…”

“Automatically start the system template…”

The strongest auxiliary system is at your service:

[Host: Wang Yu]

[System Level: Lv.0]


[Task point: 0]

【Personal template】

At this time, some black characters appeared in Wang Yu’s sight. No matter where his gaze shifted, Wenzi seemed to be engraved on the net of his eye mask.

Since he already knew how to use the system, Wang Yu was not surprised.

The system will release tasks from time to time.

You can get mission points and special rewards by completing missions. Every time missions are completed, there will be evaluations. The higher the evaluation, the more rewards you will get.

Mission points can not only upgrade the system, but also unlock more functions. You can also buy things in the store opened after the system upgrade.

Clenching his fists tightly, Wang Yu felt a force in his body that kept moving through his body.

With the flow of this force, Wang Yu clearly felt that some kind of change was taking place in his body.

“Is this mana?”

Wang Yu walked to the mirror, only to see him in the mirror with fair complexion and delicate features. A trace of self-confidence was inadvertently revealed in the piercing pupils.

After opening the character template, the text in front of Wang Yu’s eyes suddenly changed.

Personal template:

Name: Wang Yu (Li Bai Peak Immortal)

Cultivation: early stage of Qi training (1%)

Spells: Knight’s Walk, General Wine, Magical Brush (unlocked), Qinglian Sword Song (unlocked), Millennium Fox (not unlocked)

Magic weapon: none

“Friendly reminder: Completing the final score of the task will indirectly lead to the speed of the improvement of the host’s cultivation base.”

While Wang Yu was researching the system, three gangsters had already arrived at his door with steel pipes.

The leader was a blond man, walking in a figure of eight, with a cigar in his mouth.

“The fat sheep you mentioned lives here?”

“That’s right! Brother Jin Mao, everyone in our area knows that kid. He’s an orphan with a cowardly character.”

“I’ve been here before. That kid is such a bear. He handed over all the money with just one threat. He didn’t dare to call the police afterwards.”

The little gangster said a little proudly.

“In that case, let’s kick the door.” The golden-haired man nodded. It’s getting harder and harder to collect protection fees these days. It’s rare to meet such a fat sheep, and he must be slaughtered severely today.

After receiving the order from his elder brother, the little bastard kicked on the wooden door. I wanted to say something harsh, but because Wang Yu’s wooden door was not very strong, the wooden door was kicked down directly, making a “bang”.

The gangster who kicked the door was instantly dumbfounded. Could it be that the door is just paper? Or is it that I have gained strength recently?

No, I can’t even afford meat these days.

After Wang Yu heard the movement, he turned his head to look at the three people holding the steel pipe, and his body tightened.

“Ding, release the novice task: teach the little bastard a lesson.”

“Mission requirements: At least convince the two punks.”

“Task rewards: 3~6 quest points, 1%~3% increase in cultivation base, big gift pack for beginners.”


Hearing the mission prompt, Wang Yu stared at the three people at the door, wondering when he had offended them.

And one of them gave him a very familiar feeling.

But no matter what, these three people broke his door, and today they can’t let them go lightly.

The golden-haired man standing at the door looked at the house with disgust on his face, and said to the little gangster with disbelief, “With this poor house, are you sure he’s a fat sheep?”

The little gangster nodded repeatedly and said, “I saw him come back with a lot of money today. My little brother has at least 2,000 by visual inspection.”

“Visual inspection?” The corners of Wang Yu’s eyes twitched, visual inspection is so accurate, it’s a pity that this little bastard is not an accountant.

Three gangsters walked in carrying steel pipes. The golden-haired man at the head looked at Wang Yu with a vicious look: “Do you know who we are?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Yu shook his head honestly.

The golden-haired man was very satisfied with Wang Yu’s attitude. It was just like what his younger brother said, since it was like this, it would be easy.

Immediately, he instructed a younger brother, “Ah Hua, tell him, who are we?”


Wang Yu quickly interrupted them. He didn’t want to hear these gangsters introduce themselves, so he said, “I don’t want to know who you are, you just need to answer me, are you here looking for trouble?”

Ah Hua originally prepared a lot of domineering opening remarks, but Wang Yu stopped her in an instant. His face was flushed, and he gave him a hard look: “Boy, what are you pretending to be like? Last time I was so scared by my uncle that I obediently took out the money. Did you forget that I haven’t come for a long time, sir?”

As he spoke, the steel pipe in his hand slammed on the table fiercely, smashing the table to pieces in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yu also understood that these guys were clearly here to grab money.

And judging by his tone, this is not the first time. Wang Yu’s face was so gloomy that he could drip water, and he stared at him with killing intent.

The little gangster Ah Hua was stared at a little by him, and his body couldn’t help shaking. But after reacting, I felt a little annoyed.

I was actually frightened by a bear bag, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Immediately, he roared loudly, waved the steel pipe in his hand, and pretended to hit him.

But he didn’t lose his mind, he just put on an appearance to frighten Wang Yu. He really didn’t dare to smash it down this time.

A’hua thought happily in her heart that he should be trembling with fright like last time.

He would never have thought that the Wang Yu at this time was no longer the original Wang Yu, and he hadn’t waited for him to be proud.

The right eye suddenly went black, and a huge fist kept enlarging in front of his eyes. Then her eyes hurt, Ah Hua screamed, fell to the ground and kept rolling.

Another gangster saw Ah Hua being beaten, and said furiously, “You dare to hit Ah Hua, I will fight you!”

Picking up the steel pipe in his hand, he threw it at Wang Yu. He is merciless, if it is hit, it will not die or be disabled.

Wang Yu sneered, turned sideways and kicked the gangster’s chest with a whip. When it made him fly upside down, he unfortunately fell on Ah Hua’s body.

Straightening the flip-flops under his feet, Wang Yu turned his gaze to the stunned golden-haired man.

“You…don’t come here! Otherwise…or I will call the police.”

After the golden-haired man came to his senses, he backed away again and again in fright, and accidentally stepped on Ah Hua’s palm on the ground, and Ah Hua screamed again.

I burst into tears in my heart, why is it always me who gets hurt.

After two minutes,

The gangster trio knelt in front of Wang Yu tremblingly.

“Do you know you’re wrong?”

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Yu asked casually with his legs crossed.

The three of them were no longer as arrogant as they were at the beginning, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice. I was afraid that if I reacted slowly, I would be beaten again.

Looking at the three people whose noses and faces were bruised and swollen by him, Wang Yu was also puzzled.

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