The Gaze from Xia He’s Resentment

“It seems that this is really the case!” Liu Yanyan exclaimed for a while.

Xia He patted his forehead speechlessly: “My silly sister, you don’t really intend to call him grandpa, do you?”

Liu Yanyan looked blank: “Is what he said wrong?”

“This…no…” Lu Liang was about to speak when he suddenly noticed Wang Yu’s strong breath of death, and immediately changed his words: “Yes, what he said is correct. Generally speaking, we really want to call…”

“Xiao Liangzi, before you say it, you have to think it over carefully. Think it over, or you might regret it.” Xia He held a cloud of pink mist in his hand, and said in a threatening tone.

Lu Liang completely collapsed at this time, and now he, who is known as the all-natured little military adviser, has nothing to do.

This really means that there were wolves before and tigers behind. Lu Liang is now standing on a small bridge, in a dilemma.

Sweat drenched his back for a moment, and Lu Liang saw that once he chose one side, he would definitely offend the other side.

In the end, Lu Liang decided after careful consideration and threw himself into Xia He’s arms.

Wang Yu didn’t care much about Lu Liang who fell for Xia He. If he fell for him, Wang Yu would have to consider his character.

Now it’s three against one, and the three of Xia He are fighting against Wang Yu.

The atmosphere in the scene was tense, as if a disagreement would strike.

At this moment when everyone was watching, Wang Yu slowly stretched out a finger. Under the nervous eyes of Xia He and the others, he said: “Make a bet, I will stand still, if you can defeat me, I won’t let you call me grandpa.”

“It’s so arrogant.Xia He and the others looked at each other, seeing anger in each other’s eyes, and Xia He immediately agreed.

Afterwards, Xia He rushed up first. Knowing that his qi doesn’t work for him, it’s time to show high-end operations.

Get up and push your knees towards Wang Yu.

Wang Yu’s face darkened. He didn’t expect this chick to be so ruthless. If ordinary people were to be visited by her, they would probably say goodbye to bicycles from now on.

“Hmph, look down on me, Mr. Wang.” Wang Yu has already attached his whole body to the surface of his body with his unique strength. Now that a missile comes down, he can guarantee that nothing will happen.

Of course, even so, Wang Yu didn’t intend to let her succeed. It is about the dignity of a man, Wang Yu has to be cautious.

Just when Xia He’s knee was about to touch her, Wang Yu’s thighs suddenly merged, pinching her thigh.

He stretched out his hand, pinched her chin, and hugged her waist with the other hand, hugging her whole body.

A trace of panic flashed in Xia He’s eyes, and he clenched his fists and hit Wang Yu’s chest fiercely. And stepped on his thigh with the other foot, pulled out the bound right foot, and jumped up with the body.

Wang Yu felt a gust of fragrant wind rushing towards his nostrils. Xia He was like a loach. He broke free from Wang Yu, performed a backflip in the air, and landed firmly on the ground.

Just when Wang Yu was in a daze, he heard Lu Liang shout: “Sister, I’ll help you!”

Then two dark blue fireballs struck, hit Wang Yu’s body, and disappeared strangely.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the power to control desire.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending all hands.”

He was very excited by the repeated reminders. He looked at a few people provocatively, and Wang Yu hooked his hands at them.

A few people rushed up again anxiously.

Liu Yanyan stood at the back and summoned a few disgusting walking corpses.

Lu Liang stood in the middle, outputting remotely.

Xia He is in charge of close combat.

Wang Yu never refused Lu Liang and Xia He’s attacks. However, Wang Yu suddenly felt sick to the few walking corpses that Liu Yanyan summoned.

Especially when he saw the other person’s face, Wang Yu was disgusted by the cyan dry skin.

Immediately, two bone soldiers were summoned. In the void, two bone soldiers with pure white skeletons and spears in their hands suddenly appeared.

The two bone soldiers are like guards, now on both sides of Wang Yu. Each of them was more than two meters tall, and their eyes were blazing with flames.

Without Wang Yu opening his mouth, the two bone soldiers rushed towards the walking corpses.

Liu Yanyan said anxiously: “You are lying.”

“No, I didn’t say anything.” Wang Yu denied, “I just said to stand still and let you beat me. You see, my feet have never moved.”

“No, you’re just cheating!” Liu Yanyan didn’t care about that, and commanded the walking corpses and bone soldiers to fight.

The pressure on Xia He who lost Liu Yanyan’s help was obviously much greater.

An hour later, the three of them sat limply on the ground, panting continuously.

And Wang Yu, who was the only one standing, had a happy expression on his face. Because after Xia He and Lu Liang’s non-stop attacks, Wang Yu has now comprehended Xia He’s desire control power and Lu Liang’s hands-on.

But the price is that his only piece of clothing has become a beggar’s outfit.

Complacently looking at the three people who had no image on the ground, Wang Yu said refreshedly, “You’re not resisting? Then obediently admit the fact that I am your wife and grandpa.”

“Don’t even think about it!”

Xia He was the worst. After all, he was facing Wang Yu’s attacker directly, and his physical strength was exhausted.

Now she is sitting on the ground without a ladylike image, her long legs are spread apart, and sweat drips down her face onto the ground.

Wang Yu, who was watching, couldn’t help but exclaimed, it turned out to be the famous duck sitting in the second dimension.

Walking quickly in front of Xia He, Wang Yu squatted down, his face full of curiosity.

“How did you do it? This action is quite reasonable.”

Xia He stared at the curious Wang Yu with resentful eyes. If she hadn’t really run out of strength, she promised that this matter would never end.

“If you move, you lose!”

Sitting behind Xia He, Liu Yanyan suddenly pointed at Wang Yu and shouted happily.

Lu Liang also came back to his senses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Yu “…”

Seeing that he was close to victory, he ended in failure because of his own carelessness.

This farce ended like this.

In one day, Wang Yu got acquainted with a world.

It turns out that this world is really not a simple world, and there are a group of people with special abilities.

Both Xia He and Lu Liang are members of this group, and they have a special name, Yiren.

From Lu Liang’s mouth, I learned that aliens are divided into inborn aliens and acquired aliens.

Congenital aliens refer to supernatural abilities that are present at birth, while acquired abilities are simple. They refer to supernatural abilities cultivated through hard work the day after tomorrow.

Moreover, they called that ability, collectively referred to as “Qi”.

Qi is equal to energy, no matter what kind of strange ability, it is inseparable from Qi.

The red energy in Wang Yu’s body is a special kind of Qi.

This statement gave him some insight. This so-called qi can also be called internal force, true qi, and mana.

It is all through the operation of exercises to transform the aura of heaven and earth into its own energy.

Just when Wang Yu was in a trance, a message came out of his mind, which made Wang Yu think that Xia He was a little weird.

Xia He was very upset at being stared at by him, and said, “Little brother, with this look, do you like your sister?”

“You think too much, my lovely granddaughter.” Wang Yu said.

“You…huh! “Xia He was so angry that he didn’t know what to say for a while, so he turned his head away from him when he was angry.

One person began to sulk.

Wang Yu proudly said: “Don’t say I don’t take care of you, this village has already been surrounded by many people, and there are a few who are as strong as you. If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to get out in a while.”

“Xiao Yanyan, let’s go.”

Wang Yu beckoned and walked out first.

Liu Yanyan glanced at Xia He and the others, without any doubt about Wang Yu’s words, she turned around and followed them out.

Lu Liang said: “Sister, what he said should be true, right?”

Xia He lay down on the bed angrily, “Who knows if it’s true, it’s probably fake. Your sister and I are one of the four masters of all sexes. What are you afraid of?”

Lu Liang hesitated and said, “But sister, my anger hasn’t recovered yet, so let’s retreat first.”

Xia He heard that he sat up, walked quickly to the door, turned his head and said, “Then what are you waiting for, run!”

Lu Liang stayed where he was, feeling ashamed. Glancing at Zhang Xilin’s body on the ground, he ignored him and ran out.

Zhang Xilin’s corpse also told Lu Liang that it had no use value, so of course he would not take care of it.

After a few minutes, several men in gray courier suits jumped out from every corner.

“Baby, it seems we are late.”

The tall and thin Xu San adjusted his glasses and looked at the corpse on the ground with an inexplicable expression.

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