Going to Luotian Dajiao

“Really, there is a sudden visitor. Leaving him alone makes him very bored…”

Xia He’s lips moved slightly, and he looked at Hu Lin lazily.

Not far from the bed, Hu Lin’s son, Hu Jie, was trying to approach Xia He with an expression on his face.

Sitting next to Xia He, no one noticed, a trace of disgust flashed deep in Xia He’s eyes.

But it was well hidden by her.

“Father, go do your work first, I’ll just stay here with Xia He.” Hu Jie said weakly.

And the closer he got to Xia He, the more lustful Hu Jie’s eyes became.

Along with Xia He’s breathing, a tiny pink breath permeated the entire room.

Of course, very few people can see it.

This is Xia He’s unique ability.

Hu Lin came to the bed with a grim expression, grabbed Hu Jie’s collar with one hand, waved the other hand, and slapped him on the ground.

He stomped on Hu Jie fiercely with his feet, and said through gritted teeth, “You little bastard, you dare to touch your father’s woman, you must be tired of life.”

Hu Jie put his head in his hands and shouted: “Father, I love her, please help us!”

“How dare you say that!” Hu Lin punched and kicked Hu Jie on the ground.

It seemed that the earth was not his son, but an enemy with deep hatred.

The corners of Xia He’s mouth raised slightly, and he said, “Your woman? When did I become your woman? Hu Lin?”

“Xia…Xia He! Don’t be angry, am I confused by anger?” Hu Lin’s eyes were already filled with lust.

Suddenly knelt down in front of Xia He, wanting to touch her jade feet with a trembling hand, but Xia He dodged it in one fell swoop.

Just hearing Hu Lin’s voice sound a little crazy: “I’m willing to do anything for you! Even if you let me die, I won’t even blink.”

“It should be said that I belong to you!” After speaking, tears flowed from Hu Lin’s eyes.

Xia He narrowed his eyes and thought, “No way, these two people’s wills are so unstable, it’s true that not everyone is called Wang Yu.”

Thinking of Wang Yu, Xia He felt a little uncomfortable. Thinking about the night two days ago, I took the initiative to deliver it to my door.

This guy is good. He rolled the quilt into a ball and placed it in the middle of the bed.

He also said that no crossing the line is allowed.

The angry Xia He almost exploded on the spot.

Isn’t she ugly?

Touching his delicate and fair face, there must be something wrong with that guy’s orientation, yes, he can’t be wrong.

Xia He thought fiercely.

“Forget it, who came just now?” Xia He asked.

Hu Lin hurriedly said, “It’s Zhang Lingyu from Tianshi Mansion.”

Xia He: “…”

Worriedly covering his forehead, a figure appeared in his mind and shook his head quickly.

Secretly said: “Xia He, what are you thinking, he is the future celestial master…”

“That is to say, Hu Jie’s participation in the selection of Tianshi Mansion has been finalized?”


“In this case…” Xia He stood up, with an idea in his mind. Staring at Hu Jie, he said, “Go ahead, take down the Heavenly Master’s successor.”successor qualifications. ”

“for me.”

Hu Jie raised his head excitedly, showing a face as if he was taking drugs: “I will, I will definitely do my best, even if it is my life. It’s just that there are so many masters selected this time, I’m afraid that I…”

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Hu Jie.

“It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“What?” Hu Jie was suspicious and wanted to turn his head to look behind him, but no matter how much he wanted to turn his head to look back, his neck seemed to be frozen.

completely disobedient.

A hand suddenly patted on his shoulder, and someone said, “Xia He can give you the courage to make up your mind, and I, Shen Chong, can help you have the strength you need to achieve your goal.”

A handsome guy in gray clothes, with a pair of glasses, looked at him with a smile.

Xia He said without any surprise: “Morning, trouble seedling.”

Shen Chong put his hands in his pockets and walked outside.

“Xia He, come here…”

With his words, Hu Lin and Hu Jie immediately lost their composure.

“Xia He, don’t go!”

“You kid, don’t make Xia He’s idea!”

Xia He cast a helpless glance at Hu Lin and his son, and said seductively, “Be good! Don’t make trouble, I will reward you when you come back.”

“Ah! Xia He~”

Hu Lin and Hu Jie’s cheeks flushed, and they cried out in surprise.

“Sister Xia He!”

As soon as the two came to the courtyard, they saw Liu Yanyan in a white dress, trotting over.

Xia He was taken aback, why did she come here?

But she still asked, “It’s Yanyan! Why, did you make sense of that guy?”

“Yeah.” Liu Yanyan nodded with pride on her face and said, “Ms. Ben is going out, how dare he not come!”

“Then… what about people?”

Xia He looked behind Liu Yanyan, but did not find Wang Yu.

“Not long after we separated, he said that he had something to do. Let me tell Sister Xia He that we will meet at Longhu Mountain.” Liu Yanyan said.

Shen Chong found that Liu Yanyan didn’t notice him at all, so he had to cough lightly.

Liu Yanyan’s attention was indeed attracted by him.

A few seconds later, Liu Yanyan said, “Uncle, who are you?”

“Pfft! Hahaha, uncle? That’s a good call, I laughed so hard, Shen Chong, you also have today.” Xia He held his stomach and laughed for a while.

Shen Chong: “…” Am I that old?

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Liu Yanyan looked at Shen Chong with a weird face and Xia He with a constant smile, with a dazed look on her face.

“Successful! I have extracted Zhang Xilin’s memory.”

In a room, Lu Liang’s voice came.

Immediately afterwards, another person’s voice came.

“It’s only interesting if it’s interesting!”

Shen Chong looked at the room: “I didn’t expect the head to be here? Come on, let’s go in.”

After speaking, he walked over.

On the other hand, Xia He patted Liu Yanyan on the shoulder, and put his mouth next to her ear: “Aren’t you curious about who our Quanxing leader is, if you have the chance.”

“Really! I guess it must be an old man.”


Xia He secretly said: Hold on, don’t laugh.

On the other side, in a forest not far from Longhu Mountain.

Wang Ye, who was wearing a dark blue Wudang Taoist robe, leaned against a tree to enjoy the shade.

She looked decadent, with big dark circles around her eyes.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to be asleep.

Not long after, a figure came in front of him, blocking his sight.

Wang Yu said thoughtfully, “You don’t seem to be surprised at all.”

“Before coming here, I did a fortune-telling calculation and signed on it.”

Wang also opened his eyes and stretched himself.

She didn’t care and said, “Your Excellency also want to enjoy the shade under this tree?”

Wang Yu looked down at Wang Ye and frowned.

Could it be that he felt wrong, why does he feel that this Taoist priest is more salty than him.

“This Taoist priest, have you figured out what I’m going to do?”

“Come on, be gentle with your hands later.” Wang also stood up slowly, looking very unmotivated.

Wang Yu’s eyelids twitched, and he said with a chuckle, “You Taoist priest, you’re a little bit interesting.”

“I think so too, Wudang Mountain King, please enlighten me!”

Wang Ye cupped his hands to Wang Yu, and put on a Taijiquan hug.

“Come on, Your Excellency, don’t forget to shoot gently later.”

“You Taoist priest…” The corners of Wang Yu’s mouth twitched. This Taoist priest is very strange!

In this case……

“Look at the palm!”

Wang Yu shook his body, raised his palm and quickly patted his chest.

“So fast!”

Even though he had already calculated that there would be a tough battle before coming, Wang did not expect the opponent to be so fast.

He just blinked, and Wang Yu’s palm had already reached his chest.

“Tai Chi cloud hand.”

With his hands drawn across his chest in a Tai Chi circle, Wang Ye lifted his body into the air with the help of Wang Yu’s strength.

He tapped the big tree behind him, rolled forward, and landed firmly on the ground.

“What an exquisite palm technique!”

Wang Yu had to sigh in admiration, although he didn’t use much force in that palm just now. But with one palm, even a bite of iron can leave marks.

I didn’t expect to be easily resolved by the other party.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending some of the Tai Chi cloud hands.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of Tai Chi.”

Hearing the system’s voice, Wang Yu showed a gleam of joy on his face.

Sure enough, the system can even replicate the acquired abilities.

Awesome my brother system.

“Come again!”

Wang Yu only used brute force to attack him, but his strength was a little weaker.Dots increase.

At the beginning, Wang could handle it with ease. Just when the two had fought for thirty strokes, Wang was also surprised by the strength displayed by the opponent.

There was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

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