Zhang Lingyu’s fans are gone

Zhuge Qing looked at the pen handed to him with a silent expression, always feeling that something happened that he didn’t know.

“Brother Wang Yu, why does he suddenly want my autograph?”

“Aren’t you a big star? After you become popular, an autograph must be very valuable.” Wang Yu said with a flat expression.

Zhuge Qing: “…”

He thought of many reasons, such as a certain habit. It never occurred to him how he knew that he had been a star before.

“Did I tell you for nothing?”

Zhuge Qing’s tone was low, and he stared fiercely at Zhuge Bai who was about to slip away.

Zhuge Bai waved his hands in fright, “Qing, listen to my explanation.”

Seeing this scene, Wang Yu said, “Okay, don’t scare the kid. He just told me that you were a star for a while.”

“Didn’t you say anything else?” Zhuge Qing looked puzzled and suspicious.

Wang Yu patted him on the shoulder righteously, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, your brother never told you about being harassed by the male director.”


Eyes opened slightly, and the corners of Zhuge Qing’s mouth slightly raised, “That’s fine, just ask Brother Wang Yu not to tell others.”

After swiping twice, the name was signed on it.

“Let’s go, brother.” Zhuge Qing put one hand on Zhuge Bai’s back, looking like a good big brother.

Zhuge Bai was about to cry right now, and regretted trusting him so much. He regretted that he couldn’t hold back his appetite. He really regretted it now.

Others don’t know, but he knows that once Zhuge Qing looks like a big brother, it means he’s about to die.

Don’t think that the hand on the back is to show the image of a good big brother, but it is actually to prevent him from sneaking away.

Zhuge Bai looked at Wang Yu with resentful eyes. This scoundrel is simply worse than that Liaodong gorilla.

Watching the two brothers leave, Wang Yu muttered in satisfaction, “Hey! I did a good thing, I’m so damn kind.”

I believe that from now on, Zhuge Bai will never betray his eldest brother’s secrets for food again.

This story tells us how important principles are.

Candies are so tempting…

His gaze returned to the playing field.

Lu Linglong looked happy and said, “I can finally compete with Daoist Lingyu. I feel super happy.”


“Idol, I’m your fan. Let’s take a photo first.” Lu Linglong took out her phone, came to Zhang Lingyu’s side, and quickly pressed the photo button.

Zhang Lingyu’s complexion was as usual, neither happy nor sad.

“It’s done? Zhang Lingyu said: “Let’s start after shooting.” ”

“Wait, I’ll post to Moments first.” Lu Linglong turned her back, licked the corner of her mouth, and started typing excitedly.

[A super handsome photo of me and one of the male gods, come and envy me. 】

Lu Linglong: “(**)*.”

“Thirty-six K, pure handsome!”

“Uh…” Zhang Lingyu endured it.

After waiting patiently for a while, he said again: “…Is it all right?”

“Wait a minute, we can record a short video.” Lu Linglong kept shooting Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu: “…”

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Lingyu held her breath again.

Finally, just when he could bear it no longer, Lu Linglong’s side finally came to an end.

“Alright! We can start now.” Lu Linglong said.

“Okay.” Zhang Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly spread out her right hand, looking very aggressive.


Lu Linglong suddenly thought of something and hurriedly stopped.

Zhang Lingyu choked violently.

Don’t come, big sister, do you want to call…

Of course, he wouldn’t say that. As a handsome guy with a cold face, he doesn’t want to lose face.

But big sister, can you give me some help?

Didn’t you see that those masters ended the battle very quickly? It’s been a long time now.

“What do you want to do again?” Zhang Lingyu’s face was black, her tone was a little cold, but she was very depressed.

Lu Linglong didn’t seem to notice Zhang Lingyu’s attitude. In her opinion, Zhang Lingyu had always spoken in this way.

His face was full of confidence, “Reverend Lingyu, I’m here to prove my strength. I hope you don’t take into account that I’m a woman, and hold back from me. I usually practice so hard, and I shouldn’t lose to you.”

Zhang Lingyu fell silent, and nodded seriously, “Miss Lu, I am a Taoist priest, and I have long been indifferent to the difference between men and women. Since Miss Lu sincerely asks for advice, then the poor will naturally go all out.”

“Well, let’s start then.”

Lu Linglong clenched her fists with both hands, stared at Zhang Lingyu vigilantly, and slowly mobilized the Qi in her body.


Zhang Lingyu uttered two words lightly, and then…

Lu Linglong was carried out.

Lying on the stretcher, Lu Linglong grabbed Wang Yu’s hand and said pitifully, “Brother Heima, you must avenge me.”

Zhang Lingyu: “…”

Didn’t you make me go all out?

You capricious scum…

Wang Yu didn’t know what to say, and watched her being carried away.

Near noon, with Zhang Chulan’s victory in the fourth game, the morning game was completely over.

In the woods, on a trail.

A fierce chase is being staged.

“Stop! Damn bull-nosed!”

“Fisheye, don’t run away!”

“So that we won’t be able to see Ah Qing’s heroic appearance next, you are finished, stinky Taoist priest!”

Three strange-looking middle-aged women, with weapons in their hands, frantically chased after Wang Ye in front.

Wang also yelled: “I mean big sisters! You have to go all out in the competition, and you can’t blame me!”

One of the women holding an ax had a ferocious expression, “You actually caused our husband to vomit blood, do you still have humanity?”

“You still dare to quibble, sisters, cut him off!”

Wang also wanted to cry at this time but had no tears.

He obviously won the game through normal channels, why did he keep chasing him down?

Besides, what does Zhuge Qing’s vomiting of blood have to do with him?

This pot can never be carried…

While running, Wang Ye turned his face halfway, revealing a swollen eye, and said, “He vomits blood and has nothing to do with me. You have to be reasonable!”

The red-haired woman holding a sickle said, “What reason are you talking about! Ah Qing is the way, and Ah Qing is the truth!”

“That’s right, the winner of this conference must be us, Ah Qing.”

“That’s right, except for Ayu, no one can compete with my husband.” The little woman said it as a matter of course.

“I’ll go! What do you mean? What Ah Yu? You’re so unscrupulous, and you’re still eyeing Zhang Lingyu when you have Ah Qing.”

“Fuck! These lunatics.” Wang also complained, and now he has no time to pay attention to his swearing.

Run, keep running, you must get rid of them.

With this thought in mind, Wang frantically walked through the woods.

Behind them, Feng Baobao, who was carrying a shovel, was unhurriedly jumping up and down the trees behind him.

She had been following her for almost half an hour, and she muttered impatiently, “Why don’t you…buy them all?”

In the afternoon, the first match was between Zhang Chulan and Wang Ye.

Now the only remaining contestants are Wang Yu, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu and Wang Ye.

Originally, there were still two contestants, but for unknown reasons, they withdrew from the competition.

“Master Tian, ​​Mr. Lu, Mr. Tian!” Zhang Chulan greeted.

Looking at the bruised and swollen face of the old Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Chulan couldn’t help laughing even though he already knew that the old Tianshi was beaten by Mr. Lu.

Because Feng Zhenghao, who didn’t know beforehand, asked very strangely: “Old Heavenly Master, what’s wrong with your face?”

“Oh, I’ve been creating a very interesting kung fu recently. It can be regarded as leaving something for future generations…”

Zhang Zhiwei said calmly without blushing, “I don’t want something to go wrong when I was breathing at noon today. The Yangming meridian of the hand was blocked, and my face was swollen, making everyone laugh.”

Feng Zhenghao: “That won’t make the eye circles turn blue?”

“Tsk! Old manAfter all, no matter how old you are, there are naturally some mysteries in this body that you cannot understand. ”

Listening to Zhang Zhiwei’s serious words, Zhang Chulan and Feng Xingtong secretly laughed not far away.

Wang Yu had a strange expression on these two people.

Of course, the weirder one is the old celestial master.

But he wasn’t very curious about it, and he understood everything after a reverse reasoning.

The old master with a swollen face, Lu Jin who was holding hands solemnly, and Zhang Chulan and Feng Xingtong who were secretly laughing.

It’s not difficult to infer that Zhang Chulan and Feng Xingtong must know the truth about the old Tianshi’s swollen face.

And they didn’t expose the old heavenly master, so it must not be the enemy who did it.

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