The duel between Liang Bing and Hua Ye (5)

“Where will Qiangwei be locked up?”

Wang Yu looked at the interior of the Tiangong, the corridors interspersed everywhere, and the rooms one after another were arranged in an orderly manner.

How does this make him find it?

It seems that I need to find someone to ask for directions.

After drifting for a while, Wang Yu found that the door of a room was not closed.

directly floated in.

There is only one male angel inside. Looking at his outfit, he doesn’t look like a soldier. With a helmet, he looks more like a commander.

It was decided to be him.

It’s too late to say it’s too late. While the other party was still in a daze, Wang Yu directly showed his real body.

Instead of looking at each other, a pair of kaleidoscope sharing sharing eyes activated.

Although Wang Yu is not good at using illusion.

However, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan comes with illusion bonuses. With Wang Yu’s will, although it is not very easy to use against masters, it can deal with this kind of soldier-level guy with a huge difference in strength.

Isn’t that easy to catch? !

A few minutes later, Wang Yu asked what he wanted to know.

As for the other party’s ending, he sticks his head into the toilet based on the principle that he can’t make a killing or not. As for whether he lives or dies, it depends on his fate.


Soon, after turning left and right, Wang Yu successfully found the room where Qiangwei was held.

I don’t know if Hua Ye did it on purpose.

Hua Ye is still very confident, and his subordinates will never betray him.

So, the location where Qiangwei was imprisoned was basically known to any Tianzha soldier.

After casually knocking out the two male angels standing guard in front of the door, Wang Yu opened the door and walked in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by a stool!

In the next second, Wang Yu’s figure disappeared in place.

Qiangwei’s plan for a sneak attack came to nothing.

She originally wanted to knock on the door, but she used some reason to make the two gatekeepers open it from the outside, and then used the chair in her hand, not hoping to kill someone.

But please create a chance for her, a chance to go out.

In this room, she can’t use the micro-wormhole at all, and naturally she can’t summon the flying knife. You must know that her flying knife has been stored in her micro-wormhole space.

That is the space that Liang Bing created for her. Although the interior of the micro-wormhole space is not large and cannot allow living organisms to survive, it can accommodate some supplies and equipment.

Helpless, I could only find a relatively sturdy chair to act as a weapon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the door, before she knocked on the door, the door was opened from the outside.

Although she didn’t know what happened, Qiangwei seized this opportunity, and the moment the other party opened the door, a stool came over.

I didn’t expect to miss it.

“Hey, hey… is this how you repay your savior?”

Wang Yu appeared behind her dissatisfied.

If he hadn’t reacted quickly just now, he would have hit his head right now, although with his physical fitness, even if he got hit, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

But this kind of behavior is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Naturally, he doesn’t have that kind of masochistic tendencies, even if he won’t get hurt, it won’t do.

“Who are you?” Qiangwei asked vigilantly.

Wang Yu looked unpredictable: “It doesn’t matter who I am, the important thing is that I’m here to save you.”


Qiangwei will not trust a stranger so easily unless there are sufficient reasons.

Wang Yu said silently: “If I have to find a reason, it is that I used to be an Earthling…”

Qiangwei frowned slightly, apparently not expecting Wang Yu to say that.

“Aren’t you leaving?”

“The duel between Liang Bing and Hua Ye seems to have begun…”

“What!” Qiangwei’s complexion changed.

Kunsa planet, Kunsa ruins.

Liang Bing and Hua Ye were already fighting.

Liang Bing is good at micro-wormhole ability, and there is a powerful arsenal behind it.

Although it’s not as good as the holy Kaisa’s arsenal, it still contains a lot of weapons and equipment collected by Liang Bing.

And Hua Ye is good at dealing with it head-on.

When not considering using the black hole engine, it seems very difficult for Hua Ye to beat the cold ice.

Time is king, space is king.

Micro-wormhole technology involves space.

In theory, micro-wormhole technology is the so-called space jump.

From one point in space to another in an instant.

Therefore, unless Hua Ye can know in advance where Liangbing will end up next, it is not realistic to deal with Liangbing who can come and go freely.

Just as the sword in Hua Ye’s hand was about to cutWhen she arrived at Liang Bing, Liang Bing used her terrifying micro-wormhole ability again to disappear in her original position.

She reappeared, not far away.

Liang Bing didn’t rush to launch an attack, but instead said sarcastically: “Hua Ye, if you only have this kind of means, trying to win against me is nothing short of wishful thinking.”

“Use all your strength, you’ve already started fighting, and you’re still hiding like this.”

“I know Karl made you a black hole engine, take it out and let me see, can that thing destroy me?!”

“Hmph, Liang Bing, don’t you rely on the ability of micro-wormholes to scurry around. If you really want to fight head-on, it’s not certain whether you can beat me.”

Both of them were using words to try to provoke each other.

However, the effect does not seem to be very obvious.

Hua Ye was not in a hurry. He was waiting quietly. As for what he was waiting for and who he was waiting for, no one knew except himself.

Don’t worry about Liang Bing.

Devil One has already scanned the Kunsa planet in all directions.

Other than them, no other signs of life were found.

Of course, if it was Carl, the investigation of Devil One would indeed be in vain.

Liang Bing once again summoned her giant claws and patted Hua Ye.

Hua Ye did not confront him head-on, but chose to fly into the air to avoid it.

This giant black claw is bigger than his whole body. When it falls from a high altitude, the impact must be very strong. He doesn’t need to catch it hard.

Constantly circling with it in the air.

After a while…

When Hua Ye saw Karl, he didn’t seem to want to make a move yet, so he couldn’t help but frowned.

Since he didn’t know where Karl was hiding, and he couldn’t contact him, he could only worry in his heart.

There is no way, the original agreement, Hua Ye and Carl made an agreement, Carl will attack Liang Bing once at a critical moment, giving him a chance to kill the other party.

Of course, it’s not really intended to kill Liang Bing, at least not right now.

He just offended the angel, and now if he offends Lengbing again, the loss will not be worth the gain.

What’s more, among Liang Bing’s subordinates, there are also many demons.

Even if he can kill Liang Bing now, he will still suffer crazy revenge from those demons.

Maybe he doesn’t care, but it will definitely cause great losses to his subordinates.

After going through the quiet period of the past few days, Hua Ye gradually came out of the loss of Ruoning.

After all, he himself is a sea king.

Maybe Ruoning is the only woman who has been with him sincerely in the past few thousand years, but it is absolutely impossible for him to give up the entire forest for a woman.

It’s just that the hatred couldn’t be appeased.

He has already decided to destroy Meiluo Heavenly Court, kill Angel Yan and others, and avenge Ruoning.

There are only so many things he can do.

This is Hua Ye’s condition, and Karl’s condition is to assist Karl in capturing an earth god named Wang Yu.

Karl became very interested in his body and wanted to study it very much.

As for the Earth God, Hua Ye will naturally not forget that the last time he went to Earth to look for Liang Bing, he was almost killed by that Earth God.

New and old grudges, if he can get revenge on the other party, Hua Ye is more than happy to help.

Just like that, they reached an agreement.

Otherwise, why would Karl help him?

Just because he is handsome? !

During the battle, Hua Ye’s eyes drifted around indistinctly.

I wondered in my heart, why didn’t Karl make a move yet!

If this continues, it will be impossible for him to defeat Liang Bing.

If he continues to procrastinate, he may be defeated by Liang Bing.

Karl only has one chance to make a move, so he will definitely not make a move at will.

Are you asking him to create opportunities?

Hua Ye gritted his teeth and took the initiative to get close.

And Liang Bing’s idea is not to get close to Hua Ye.

Use remote means to consume Hua Ye.

After all, she still has a little understanding of things like black hole engines, so she can’t be glued to them.

Otherwise, even if it is a fourth-generation divine body, Liang Bing may be swallowed by the black hole and completely cool.

Although her body can be defined at will, it is very difficult to kill.

But the black hole is indeed the only way to kill her.

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